Soul Land 3: Legend Of The Jade Emperor

Chapter 39 - Casually Defeating a Dragon.

A/N: Double chapter today since I had free time.

On an open plain dyed with blood, a lone figure sat on top of a mountain of corpses. Looking at him from a distance, he seemed to have his face leaning on one hand while he had a sheathed sword resting on his ŀȧp.

A frightening smile was on his handsome face as a vast torrent of energy surrounded him. The energy seemed to be pouring into his body at rates so fast that a normal Spirit Master would explode from it.

Energy was not the only thing that surrounded him. Around his body, there was also a frightening level of bloodlust. If one were to see him at this moment, they would definitely feel as if they were in the presence of a devil emperor.

Inside the intermediate spirit ascension platform, no spirit master would dare approach him although he looked to be only thirteen years of age.

This figure was naturally Huang Yu.

Suddenly, Huang Yu, who had been motionless for quite some time, stood up with his back straight. Drawing his sword from its sheath, he spoke softly, "You're finally here. You've made me wait quite a while y'know?"

In response a roar so loud that it could deafen weaker Spirit Masters abruptly filled the area.

A massive beast that was akin to a T-Rex appeared in the fields. Its skin was brown and its muscles seemed to hold unimaginable power. Each step it took sent tremors into the earth as a frightening aura surrounded its body. In its eyes, there was a look of extreme madness and hunger.

If anyone else inside the intermediate spirit ascension platform were to see this beast now, they would be pissing themselves in fear.

This was the Tyrant Dragon! A beast that had the bloodline of the Golden Dragon King inside its body and had long gone extinct on the Douluo Plane!

Despite all this, Huang Yu, with his sword unsheathed, still stood in front of the beast fearlessly as if he wasn't looking at something that even Titled Douluo had died trying to absorb. In fact, he seemed to be looking at the beast with curiosity.

"To think that the Spirit Pagoda would have something like you here. It truly shows how deep the foundations of a ten thousand year old lineage are."

As Huang Yu spoke those words, the Tyrant Dragon seemed to have lost its patience as it immediately charged at him with another roar.

Huang Yu was undaunted by this powerful charge. Three black soul rings appeared behind his back as one of them glowed especially brightly.

A multitude of swords that shared the same colour as Jorm's scales appeared around Huang Yu's body. With a soft glow of the eye under his bandana, the swords began vibrating at imaginable rates and an indomitably sharp aura surrounded those summoned swords.

He raised a single finger before pointing it towards the Tyrant Dragon, a smile never leaving his face.

[Scales of the World Eater] + [High Frequency Vibration] + [Inertia] + [Lowered Frictional Force] + [Sword Intent]

The swords blasted towards the Tyrant Dragon, space seemingly distorting under the amount of power being those strikes.

The swords quickly found themselves buried into the body of the Tyrant Dragon. However, they only managed to pierce several inches into its body before they stopped and dispersed. With its large body, the attacks had slowed it down, but it didn't do much more than that.

Huang Yu, noticing this, widened his smile. Although the attack had been extremely powerful, if it had taken out the Tyrant Dragon so easily, then he wouldn't even bother trying to subdue it right now to experiment on its bloodline.

His hair rose slightly as electricity flowed through every cell inside his body. He tensed up before suddenly disappearing from his spot.


The Tyrant Dragon widened its eyes in shock at it lost sight of Huang Yu, only to roar in pain as it felt a sharp blade slash the back of its neck.

It turned around, swiping its head as it tried to hit Huang Yu but he had long since departed there.

Before the Tyrant Dragon could react, a laceration appeared above each heel of it, severing its Achilles Tendons.

As it toppled over, Huang Yu reappeared beside its head. With a twist of his hɨps, he sent a kick aimed at the side of its head.


A loud bang resounded through the area as the Tyrant Dragon, despite its incredible mass, was sent flying for several hundred metres.

Mid flight, several afterimages of Huang Yu appeared as he repeatedly sent concentrated bursts of sword intent and severing all of its necessary muscles for movement.

Looking at the downed spirit beast, Huang Yu appeared before it and deactivated [Godspeed]. The beast still had a mad and ferocious look in its eyes as it growled at him.

"Don't worry, you won't be dying yet." Huang Yu said to it softly

Although killing this beast would definitely bring a massive boon to Jormungandr, Huang Yu wanted to experiment on this beast more. It had a very powerful bloodline worth studying for his genetic engineering project.

If he were to kill it now, it would disappear quickly enough that he wouldn't get a chance to properly study its dna. He would require several visits to the intermediate spirit ascension platform to do that.

He wasn't afraid that it would be picked off by another beast if he just left it here. It's regenerative ability was amazing and it wouldn't take more than five hours for it to fully heal from this.

Also, all the spirit beasts within a fifty kilometre radius had been slaughtered by him, so the Tyrant Dragon would have more than enough time to recover.

He put a hand on top of the head of the Tyrant Dragon, his third eye glowing as he did so. With the King's Wisdom, he scanned the Tyrant Dragon's genetic code and slowly derived more knowledge from it.

After around two hours of studying, Huang Yu's eyes suddenly widened as he instantly turned around and bent light around the area. The Spirit Pagoda was looking at this area right now!

Successfully putting an illusion around this place, Huang Yu phewed in relief. He didn't want the Spirit Pagoda to know about what he had done yet. He had gotten a lot of information about the Spirit Pagoda over the years from Nox and knew that they weren't as clean as they were from the outside.

There were members in almost every city in the Douluo Continent and their battle power…

The members of the Holy Spirit Cult had a really bad time against Nox when they tried sent people to take it over.

As for how the members of Nox got so strong? Well, all Huang Yu did was distribute some harvested vital energy and faith energy to his followers combined with improving their genetics, making for very, very powerful warriors.

Although Nox was strong, it still wasn't considered a major power. However, there were many eyes on it seeing its rate of growth.

It took a while before the prying eyes of the Spirit Pagoda disappeared. With that, Huang Yu decided that he had been here for too long. They were probably searching for the Tyrant Dragon now.

With a press of the buŧŧon behind his hand, Huang Yu left the spirit ascension platform.

– – – –

"Thanks for your help!" Tang Wulin said with a smile. Together with Xie Xie, Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, they had managed to slay a Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear. Not only that, since it was a guardian for the intermediate spirit ascension platform, he managed to obtain a spirit bone from it.

"""No problem."""

"Do you wanna go out and celebrate?"

Xie Xie who had been standing in front of Tang Wulin gave a quick reply. "Definitely!" Standing next to him, Xu Xiaoyan was nodding her head as well.

Receiving those replies, Tang Wulin turned to Gu Yue. "How about you Gu Yue? You wanna come?"

"Sorry, but I already have an appointment with someone else."

At this, Tang Wulin's face doured slightly. "Umm, can I ask–

Before Gu Yue could give her reply, another voice suddenly made their way to their ears. "Hey Gu Yue, sorry it took so long. I was preoccupied with something."

Hearing those words, Gu Yue smiled. "It's fine, Huang Yu. I haven't been waiting here for that long anyways."

"Really? In that case, wanna get something to eat after this?" Huang Yu said as he made his way over to her.

"Sure. It'll be my treat this time ok? You paid for my bill last time."

At this, while most men would be chivalrous and deny the offer, Huang Yu was quite a shameless individual.

"Nice!" he said with a thumbs up.

Seeing this, Gu Yue couldn't help but sweatdrop.

After this, she turned back to Tang Wulin. "Oh yea, what were you about to ask me Wulin?"

A wry smile appeared on his face. "Ah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it."

"If you say so…"

The entirety of class zero went to find Wu Zhangkong who debriefed them before ending classes for the day.

As Huang Yu and Gu Yue left together, Tang Wulin couldn't help but stare in the direction they left, in a trance.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

Those words snapped Tang Wulin out of the trance he had been in. He turned to face Xie Xie who had asked him the question.

"It's nothing. Let's go."

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