A/N: This is a double length chapter. I must say, it was pretty fun to write this chapter to me.

With that, Huang Yu left everyone speechless. As he turned around to leave, Gu Yue suddenly spoke to him.

"You're really not joining?"

Huang Yu gave a wry smile. "Not at this rate."

A sigh emerged from her lips before she suddenly moved to stand next to him. "If you won't join, I won't join as well. "

Surprise marred Huang Yu's face when he heard this. "What? Gu Yue, are you sure? You don't have to ȧssociate my troubles with you."

"I'm sure. Besides, if this is how an elder of Shrek Academy treats its potential students, then I don't really want to have any part in it."

As Huang Yu was about to speak up once more, Elder Cai had decided that she had heard enough.

"You two! Do you think that you can walk in and out of this academy as you please?!!"

Huang Yu shifted his gaze from Gu Yue to Elder Cai. "I can. Just watch." He turned back to Gu Yue before speaking to her in a soft tone. "Let's go then Gu Yue."


An incredible pressure burst out of Elder Cai's body as all her rings suddenly showed up behind her. She disappeared from her original spot before putting herself Huang Yu and the exit.

"If you want to leave, then you must each take a blow of me. If you can survive, I'll let you both go."

Huang Yu raised an eyebrow hearing this. 'She even acts like one of those people…" he couldn't help to say to himself in his head.

Gu Yue's eyes narrowed. Silver scales began forming on her arms but then disappeared when she saw that Huang Yu was completely unperturbed by this during a quick glance.

"So we'll have to take a blow each if we want to leave?" Huang Yu asked.

An arrogant smile appeared on Elder Cai's face. "Yes."

'Do they think they can disrespect Shrek and I like this? Forcing them to stay here will just be a little punishment for them.' Elder Cai schemed.

"What if I say no?" Huang Yu's voice suddenly sounded out behind her.

Elder Cai stiffened up. A feeling of astonishment welled up behind her when she had realised that Huang Yu and Gu Yue had already disappeared from her field of vision.

'Teleportation?' she thought? 'No, I feel hints of sword intent in the atmosphere. Did he cut through space?'

A frown appeared on Elder Cai's face. "What did you do?" she demanded.

Huang Yu turned his head back. "Magic." With that, he continued walking out with Gu Yue in tow.

At the side, Gu Yue felt a little astonished, herself. Unlike Elder Cai who was confused with what Huang Yu had done, with her understanding over spatial laws as the Silver Dragon King and being teleported herself, she knew what Huang Yu had done.

'He summoned a bit of sword intent to make it seem as if he was cutting through space like what the old scriptures said, but in actuality, he had just teleported us there. Strange thing was, that there were no spatial energy disturbances while he was doing it.'

Elder Cai who had gone quiet for a while suddenly spoke up again. "You two. Stop. Huang Yu, I won't deem you responsible for the destruction of the black dragon mural. Is that enough for you to join Shrek Academy?"

The two elders who had been sitting next to Elder Cai had looks of surprise entering their face. They were surprised to see her actually give in for once. One should know that in the past, she had gone on a rampage throughout the continent. Only when Shrek Academy sent people to get her did she finally stop.

Since Elder Cai had given the two children so much face, they ȧssumed that the two of them would give in. But who could have known that Gu Yue would suddenly speak up at this time.

"It's not enough. You have to compensate us for emotional damages."


Huang Yu hearing Gu Yue's words had a look of shock on his face. Her words were what he was about to say. Did she read his mind or something?

If he had chosen to give in now, wouldn't that prove to Shrek that he was a complete pushover? He had to show that he had other choices other than Shrek Academy so that Shrek Academy would know their own limits.

Although Gu Yue wasn't as powerful as Huang Yu, she had vast potential herself. The two of them leaving and joining another school would be devastating.

They could just attempt to ȧssassinate the two children of course, but not only would they ruin their reputation as an upright and just school, the Sun and Moon Federation, the Spirit Pagoda, and all the other schools that had enmities with Shrek would have as casus belli to attack them.

This wasn't mentioning the fact that Huang Yu could easily escape them with Gu Yue in tow even with Yun Ming here and that Gu Yue had Di Tian behind her back.

Elder Cai knew this. Hence, she couldn't go up and kill them no matter how wild she was. However, she could beat them up under the guise of 'teaching them respect to their elders'.

"Very good… very good. You kids nowadays don't show respect to your elders…"

"Isn't respect only given to those who deserve it though?"

A trail of blood suddenly came out of Elder Cai's mouth. She had been angered so much that the energies in the body had gone chaotic and caused her internal damage.

No more words were spoken after that as she suddenly exploded with a power equivalent to a Spirit Sage. She couldn't use full power in fear of killing them but this was enough for her to relieve her anger on them.

Huang Yu's expression became serious seeing this before he shielded Gu Yue with his body.

The two of them were blown out of the building. However, Huang Yu, with his tyrannical body, didn't even get hurt from it.

Landing on both feet with Gu Yue in his arms, he put her down before he summoned his martial spirit.

Elder Cai instantly burst out of the building herself with seven rings floating behind her. She believed that this would be enough power to teach the two kids a lesson.

With a shout, a massive bright moon appeared behind her before shooting beams of light towards the two of them.

Huang Yu let out a smirk as an overbearingly sharp aura burst out from him as well. He swung his sword before multiple beams of sword intent burst out.

As the sword intent collided with spirit energy, Elder Cai quickly became aware of why sword intent was so terrifying. No matter how much Huang Yu shot out sword intent, it didn't drain his stamina at all. Not only that, sword intent was far more powerful than spirit energy as well.

Tsking, Elder Cai sneered as the multiple strands of white lights coalesced to form a large beam. This amount of energy was enough to destroy a city but she seemed to have lost reason as she fired it, the surrounding buildings rumbling as she did so.

Huang Yu's eyes narrowed. He raised his hands as he began invoking the new powers he had gained from the King's Wisdom.

'A domain!' Elder Cai's eyes widened. She had been planning on stopping the attack before it hit Huang Yu just to scare him. However, she didn't expect that he would have a card like this under his sleeve.

It had appeared together with a spike of Huang Yu's sword intent, so she naturally thought that it was one of its abilities as well.

Elder Cai's bright beam of light was abruptly subjected to over 10 years of time in an instant. Under the unstoppable corrosion of time, her attack dispersed before it could even near Huang Yu.

'What a powerful domain' she thought in awe. She really couldn't allow Huang Yu to leave Shrek Academy.

Huang Yu's face was slightly pale. This was the first time he had done something like this and with such intensity as well. However, he quickly recovered by drawing upon carbon atoms in the surroundings.

With a step, he crossed through space, instantly arriving next to Elder Cai with a black ring glowing behind him as he poked the side of his head.

[Jeahbongchim X 50] + [Inertia] + [Lowered Frictional Force] + [Saliva of the World Eater] + [Sword Intent] + [Velocity Increase] + [Gravity]

He swung downwards with tremendous force, the world seemed to roar with him as he did so.

Seeing this, Elder Cai tried to move out of the way. Huang Yu's attack contained insane killing power. If it hits, even she may not survive.

Elder Cai instantly turned her head to Gu Yue. As she had expected, Gu Yue had used a spatial retreat on Huang Yu to get him out of the way.

Giving her a quick thanks, another black ring appeared behind Huang Yu as he pointed his sword at Elder Cai.

[Sword Extend] + [Opposing Forces] + [Sword Intent]

Elder Cai felt her instincts screaming at her before she quickly tilted her head to the right. As she did so, she felt a slight bit of pain on her cheek.

Her eyes widened for the nth time today. Huang Yu's attack… had actually evaded her senses?

Yes, she was suppressing herself heavily. However, not only did she have her senses trained but countless battles, she also had her body tempered by her Titled Douluo cultivation. When she realised that it was merely a 13 year old child who did this to her, she trembled at the implications.

'This boy… he might have a chance to become a god in the future…'

At that, she began laughing hysterically.


Huang Yu tsked at seeing this. It was at this moment as well that the recoil of fȯrċɨbŀƴ boosting his own body to fifty times of its original level appeared.

A sharp pain ȧssaulted his body forcing him nearly to his knees, but it was quickly healed by his powerful healing factor. Any remaining sequelae was swiftly eliminated with vital energy as well.

Gu Yue felt a sting in her heart seeing him like this. She gritted her teeth, preparing to reveal her true powers, however a different idea suddenly popped up in her head.

"Huang Yu…" she spoke softly. Despite being in a battle, she was feeling a bit hesitant at what she was about to do.

"Yes?" He didn't turn back to face her. He had to prepare himself if Elder Cai came again.

Before he could react, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his body. He stiffened up before he felt a very strange feeling enter his body.

At this moment, Elder Cai had already been planning to stop attacking. Yun Ming only hadn't intervened throughout all of this yet because he wanted to see Huang Yu's prowess. Now that he had, Yun Ming had sent a message to Elder Cai for her to stop.

However, when she saw Gu Yue going up to Huang Yu before hugging him, she couldn't help but think that there might be something more.

This was a horrible mistake.

Gu Yue seemed to turn into strands of light, entering Huang Yu's body. At that, his eyes seemed to lose all emotion before he looked up at Elder Cai.

Before she could react, the world seemed to break apart around her. A sense of primal fear seemed to fill her body.

She instantly summoned all nine of her spirit rings and unleashed her true power. However, her actions didn't hold meaning as all the power she released seemed to disappear the moment it left her body.

It was then that a humanoid illusory figure suddenly appeared in front of her. Looking at it, she felt as if it was indescribable and completely out of her reach.

The illusory figure placed both its hands in a praying position before raising one of its palms.

On top of her, the palm was an endless sky. There seemed to be no limits to its heights as it seemed to contain the boundless universe in it.

As she was left awestruck by it, the palm finally began descending. When it did, all the fear in her body seemed to fade away. She didn't know why, she felt as if she was in peace and that it was pointless to defend herself.

Her spirit energy quickly scattered, leaving her body completely defenceless. She could hear an echo of several words before she closed her eyes.

"Dreams of Ancient Times"

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