To cut short what happened inside the office, Wu Zhangkong stated that Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and I will be joining a tournament where classes fight against one another for the sake of increasing their ranks, their teacher's prestige and some rewards.

Xie Xie visibly brightened up when he heard the words rewards. Stepping up, he boasted arrogantly that he would solo the tournament himself.

Wu Zhangkong shut him down by telling him that the minimum number of participants would be a pair and that he wanted the three of us to fight in it.

Xie Xie quickly deflated at those words.

Wu Zhangkong told us that the tournament would be in a month and he would be giving special training at night after classes.

I swear that sounded gay but its actually not.

Leaving the office, Xie Xie coldly called, "Hey!"

Tang Wulin and I turned around to look at Xie Xie. I was about to say something but Tang Wulin beat me to it.

"What is it? I'll fight you once we get back. I'll also pay you back for the food."

For a moment, Xie Xie could not help but stare at Tang Wulin blankly for a moment.

"I don't want to talk about that anymore. I'm here to tell both of you not to drag me down in the tournament next month," Xie Xie proudly said.

Did this guy just forget that the teacher just said that I was holding back against him?

"Whatever you say," I had a deadpanned look on my face as I said that. Since he didn't register what Wu Zhangkong had said, I wouldn't snap him out of his delusions

Tang Wulin however, was not as courteous.

"Does your face still hurt?"

Xie Xie instantly stiffened at the provocation.

I couldn't help but laugh out when he said that, "Well said Wulin!"

I bid goodbye to the both of them before going off.

Since classes ended early today, I went out of the academy compound, making my way to Eastsea Park.

I had been waiting the whole day for this. It was time to learn more about the third eye on my forehead.

There were quite a few spots there that were quite secluded at the park so I could experiment all I wanted without getting noticed by others.

I walked deep into the park before going into a spacious clearing. It was quite a distance away from the main path. Not only that, the foliage was quite thick so no one would see me. This was absolutely perfect for my needs.

Sitting down, I began to try out several things with the eye on my forehead. After several hours, I had gotten quite a hefty amount of information on it.

I found out that if I cultivated with the eye open, instead of increasing my cultivation, the energy would undergo a transformation before permeating into every cell of my body.

Was this considered body cultivation? Probably so.

Unlike normal cultivation which was slow and boring, cultivating my body felt amazing. As the strange energy strengthened my body, I was subjected to an extremely comfortable sensation.

Not only did it feel great, the increase in my bodily strength was far greater than what I would get if I had cultivated normally for the same amount of time.

It would definitely be more efficient if I cultivated my body instead of my spirit power.

As for the strange energy, I dubbed it as Physical Energy since it, well, strengthened my physique.

In terms of combat, I didn't know how the third eye would help me since I have never used it in combat before. However, I could feel a difference in my perception of the world when my third eye was open or not.

Maybe I could try to wrap a bandana around my head to hide the eye? That could actually work, provided that the bandana won't come off during a fight.

Getting up, I make sure to control my strength so I don't send myself flying. Pop sounds rang out the clearing as I moved my body.

I was feeling far stronger than I was previously. If I fought against Xie Xie in the same scenario again right now, I would definitely beat him convincingly.

Letting out a breath, I summoned my martial spirit, the Sharp Blade, and began swinging it. Still managing to remember the sword strike from Wu Zhangkong, I realised that I could understand a little bit of it.

My eyes widened in surprise. I wasn't able to do this previously. Did opening the third eye amplify my ability to analyse Wu Zhangkong's moves?

To test my hypothesis, I closed the third eye and tried to analyse Wu Zhangkong's sword strike in my head again.

As expected, there was a significant downgrade in my analysis without the third eye.


I also noted that although I closed the third eye, my ability to analyse was still better than what it was this morning. This probably meant that the more I cultivated with Physical Energy, the better my ability to see through others' techniques.

Finding this out, I made a decision.

I would not cultivate spiritual energy other than the bȧrėbones amount required. It was simply not worth it to waste my time cultivating spirit power when cultivating Physical Energy with the third eye was better in every way other than spirit rings.

Who knows? Maybe this eye will surprise me and even make spirit rings obsolete.

I spent another few hours practising my blade and Taekwondo until the sky turned dark. Iwas very satisfied with today. I managed to find out more about the eye on my forehead and there was a noticeable improvement in my strength and techniques.

In a good mood, I closed the eye on my forehead and left the clearing. Entering the market district, the sounds of people trying to make a living entered my ears.

Looking around, I managed to find a stall selling what I wanted. On a table, there were numerous bandanas on sale. I bought an orange one from the owner before heading back to the academy.

The dorm room was empty. Cheng Yan was probably still in the infirmary from my blow. I really did a number on him.

Going to the mirror, I tied the bandana tightly around my forehead before opening my third eye under it.


Although it's sight was blocked by the bandana, I could still feel the change in my comprehension.

It didn't look spectacular, but it did its job.

With this, I didn't need to close the third eye at all. I could just keep it activated and reap the benefits without revealing the eye on my forehead to anybody.

Sitting down on the bed, I continued to cultivate with my third eye.

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