Soul Land 3: Legend Of The Jade Emperor

Chapter 75 - When you realise all of this happened in nine seconds

A/N: Oof, this chapter was pretty hard to write. Welp, I'm going to bed. G'nite.

At those words, all the colours in the world seemed to disappear, leaving only a grayish caricature in its place.

Time came to a halting crawl as every being in the vicinity rapidly slowed down before they came to a stop.

Whether they be Titled Douluos, or hundred-thousand-year beasts, none of them were exempt from the incredible power of time.

Only one person was completely unaffected by this turn of events. This person was naturally Huang Yu, who was the one who caused this entire situation anyways.

Beside him, Gu Yue was frozen in time, unable to even move a muscle. However, she was fully capable of processing everything that was occurring at this moment.

She was only able to do this through the sheer virtue of her being the Silver Dragon King. Although she wasn't at her peak at the moment, she still had all her original comprehensions, allowing her to at least manage to think within stopped time.

Unfortunately, that was the limit of it. Even if she was completely recovered, unless she broke Huang Yu's control over time with brute force and her divine power, this would be the same situation that greeted her each and every time.

Time wasn't one of the elements that the Silver Dragon King had mastered.

However, the only reason her comprehension allowed her to bypass the time stop was also due to Huang Yu not using full power in his stopping of time. If he had gone all out with his King's Wisdom, Gu Yue would definitely have been completely frozen.

Gu Yue's heart was feeling extreme shock at this moment. The sheer implications of Huang Yu being able to stop time was terrifying.

How powerful was a person who had control over time? Rewinding any damage taken or increasing one's speed was just a few of the overpowered abilities of time control.

When taken to the limit, even sending someone into a time loop wasn't completely out of the question.

It was at this moment as well that Gu Yue suddenly thought of the battle between Huang Yu and Elder Cai.

'He had used time to corrode one of that Titled Douluo's attacks, didn't he?" Gu Yue thought in astonishment.

She had initially thought that it was a special domain that Huang Yu had, but now that he was fully flexing it, it was painfully obvious to her that it wasn't.

Domains worked off of spirit energy. Hence, cultivation played a huge factor in it. However, despite Huang Yu's lacklustre level of cultivation at the moment, everyone was stuck within this time stop. Their strength was meaningless before Huang Yu.

She really didn't understand how Huang Yu had managed to stop time. As far as her knowledge went, none of Huang Yu's spirit ring abilities nor his sword intent could stop time.

'Is this related to his third eye?' Gu Yue thought. That would make sense. Huang Yu had taken lengths to hide that third eye from everyone so there were most likely some strange abilities about it.

It was at this moment that she heard a sigh emerge from Huang Yu's lips before he moved from behind her to stand in front of her.

"I wonder what's got all these spirit beasts so into my body? I kinda feel like Tang Xuanzang. Kinda feel bad for the guy now that I'm in his situation."

Hearing this, an anxiety appeared in Gu Yue's ċhėst. His words just reminded her of Na'er's words before they left the continent.

"Now here's the dilemma… to kill or not to kill…" Huang Yu tapped his chin as he fell into a silence in contemplation.

Gu Yue didn't really care about the choice Huang Yu would make at this time. They had tried to kill him, so it was only right that Huang Yu kill them in return right?

She didn't care much about those spirit beasts anyways. They were more loyal to the Sea God than they were to her, so their life and death didn't really matter.

Meanwhile, Huang Yu was having a monologue in his head as he took multiple glances in Gu Yue's direction.

'Seeing those scales on Gu Yue's arms, I'd reckon that she's a dragon, and a very high-ranking one at that. It fits with the fact that that black dragon, who I presume to be Di Tian is following her around.'

'I can feel Gu Yue's love for me, so I know that she will never purposefully harm me. However, Di Tian seems to not like me much at all.'

'If I had to guess, Gu Yue most likely initially approached me for my body, not in the ŀėwd way of course. Down the line, one thing led to another and the two of us fell for each other, leading up to the current situation now.'

Huang Yu turned his gaze to look at the Great White Shark King who was stuck in time.

'If I'm right, that should be proof that hundred-thousand-year old beasts can control themselves when they see me unlike weaker ones. This means that the beast in front of me should be able to as well, but it just didn't give a shit.'

'Hence, I should just kill it right here and right now…'

Huang Yu's martial spirit appeared in a flash of light, floating in front of him. Four small red rings appeared in front of Huang Yu, hence stopping Gu Yue from seeing them.

The sword began to slowly emerge from its hilt as the sword intent in the area became more and more frenzy. However, before it could harm anything, Huang Yu let out another sigh, causing the sword intent and martial spirit to disappear.

'Nah. That would probably screw up the sea's ecosystem if one of their kings was suddenly eliminated. I also don't really need any spirit rings at the moment so killing it would be a waste.'

'That doesn't mean I won't take a pound of flesh though.'

Huang Yu had meant those words rather literally. He really liked eating shark fins.

'At this moment, despite all the words I've spoken inwardly, not even a second's worth of consumption has been used up in stopped time.'

'It appears that monologues truly increase the length of time stop.'

'However, enough words. Time for action.'

Huang Yu's third eye suddenly glowed as he abruptly disappeared from the area. Gu Yue wasn't surprised by this since she had seen Huang Yu use the powers of space before even though she didn't truly know how he had it as well.

However, his voice seemed to permeate the area despite the fact that he didn't think anyone could hear it.

"One second have passed."

"Two seconds have passed."

"Three seconds have passed."

For some reason, Huang Yu disappeared during the duration of the stopped time.

At this, Gu Yue's eyes would have narrowed if she had been able to. 'What's he doing?' she thought suspiciously.

"Four seconds have passed."

"Five seconds have passed."

"Six seconds have passed."

"Seven seconds have passed."

'Is he just fuċkɨnġ around again?'

It was at this moment, Gu Yue suddenly felt Huang Yu reappear in the air. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to move her eyes to look at him, but with her mental power, she could vaguely feel…

That Huang Yu had a large vehicle in his hands?



"Aw shit the road roller broke. Dammit, I want my money back. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined."


"Guess, I'll have to settle with getting the shark fin in a more boring way."

It was at this time that Huang Yu's figure reappeared in her vision. She could vaguely see a glowing light under that bandana of his, giving credence to her theory.

Unfortunately, with Huang Yu beginning to use more and more of the King's Wisdom, the power of stopped time was reinforced as Gu Yue's thoughts were frozen at that moment as well.

Huang Yu swung his hand in a random direction before two of the shark fins from the Great White Demon Shark were suddenly severed as a result of splitting space.

That was a rather anticlimactic end.

Gu Yue had already gotten shocked many times as a result of Huang Yu's actions on this day. Despite this, all it really had done was cement his figure further into her heart.

Which girl didn't want to have a lover who could truly take care of her? She would be all the more happy if Huang Yu was far stronger than her.

Huang Yu... had his quirks, but she found them really endearing. He knew when to be serious when he needed to be and he was really a good shoulder to rely on.

Seeing his power now, maybe she didn't need to give up on her race to be with Huang Yu?

Obviously she wouldn't go with the plan of the complete genocide of humanity if Huang Yu would help her, but maybe they could co-exist instead?

She would have never even entertained a thought like this in the past, but all her time with Huang Yu had slowly changed her.

The only problem with this plan was Di Tian. That guy was a ċȯċky son of a bitch and he was stupidly strong as well.

She had seen Huang Yu's spatial severing technique. However, that wasn't really enough to deal with Di Tian since his dragon body had resistance to attacks like that.

Ignorant to the fact that Gu Yue wasn't fully trapped in time at the moment, Huang Yu picked up the shark fins before he put them in his spatial ring.

"I can cook them later for Gu Yue and I to eat. Even though Gu Yue's a spirit beast as well, since she's a dragon, eating this would be normal for her right?" Huang Yu whispered to himself.

Gu Yue was able to see Huang Yu's mouth move, but under the suppression of the time stop, she wasn't able to make out what Huang Yu said since he had spoken in such a soft tone.

Huang Yu walked back at a leisurely pace before he stood in front of Gu Yue once more. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips, causing her heart to flutter, before he went back to his original position.

A snap of his fingers forcefully displaced the Great White Demon Shark from its charging position to back into the sea area.

When Huang Yu was sure that no one was in any more danger, one of his fingers rose.

Slowly closing it, he spoke the last words within the time stop.

"Nine seconds have passed."

"Time has resumed."

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