Soul Land 3: Legend Of The Jade Emperor

Chapter 79 - When You Don't Find Trouble But Trouble Finds You

After a long voyage and a tiresome train ride, the Shrek Academy Group had finally arrived at their destination in the dark of night. A wave of relief crashed upon them.

They immediately went to check-in to the hotel the Empire had arranged for them. They were given luxurious suites in a high-class hotel. Throughout the hotel, dazzling decorations of gold and platinum were strewn about.

As Huang Yu walked into his suite, he couldn't help but ask himself, "I wonder if anyone's ever stolen some gold from those walls before. Even the rich people I know would take a lot of the stuff given in the hotel."

Sitting on the bed, Huang Yu was about to start cultivating before he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

With a sweep of his mental detection, he found out that it was Gu Yue outside. Realisation appearing on his face as he made to open the door.

'Welp, I'm probably not going to get any sleep tonight. Dual cultivation it is.'

— — — —

The next day, Huang Yu and Gu Yue left the suite together at around 11.30 in the morning. Gu Yue wore a new grey dress as she pulled Huang Yu's arm along.

"C'mon, let's go get some breakfast!"

"Uhh, I think the buffet in the hotel is closed by now though. We woke up too late." Huang Yu said as he scratched the back of his head.

Gu Yue raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that all your fault? You just couldn't help yourself in the bath."

A laugh came from Huang Yu's mouth. "I wasn't the one screaming for more though."

The tips of Gu Yue's ears began to glow bright red. However, she didn't deign to answer Huang Yu's words.

The two of them left the hotel together after that little bit of banter. They went to the city centre, thrown into the hustle and bustle of such a hotspot, before they went and got some food from some roadside stalls.

Huang Yu accompanied Gu Yue as she dragged him around for a bit for a quick session of window-shopping. Merry laughs were shared between the two of them as they enjoyed their time together.

As the two of them were about to enter a store, Gu Yue had her shoulder brushed by a man in a group full of middle-aged men in fine clothing. They were tall with robust bodies, faces fit for a bunch of gangsters.

"The fuċk?" snarled the man who had bumped into Gu Yue. Before any more words were exchanged, that same man raised his hand and swung down in a swift motion as he tried to smack Huang Yu and Gu Yue away.

Seeing this, Huang Yu's expression darkened instantly. A snort left his lips as his hand blurred for a brief moment. Then, he quickly pulled Gu Yue behind him.

A crack was heard before as the man was stunned that his attack seemed to have been stopped. Taking a good look at his arm, he found out that not only was his attack completely neutralised, his elbow was jutting out of his arm as well.

An ear-piercing screech filled the air as the man who had attacked dropped down to his knees, cradling his broken arm.


The other men in the group instantly turned their gazes over to him.

"Hey! What happened to you?!"

"Who broke your arm?! They're besmirching the identity of the guards of the royal family!"

Meanwhile, Huang Yu didn't give a crap about them as he took a good look at Gu Yue.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Huang Yu asked with care.

A soft smile appeared on Gu Yue's lips as she shook her head. "Nah, I'm fine. Let's just go before those guys escalate this. People like them are just bastards."

With a nod of his head, Huang Yu held Gu Yue's arm as they wanted to leave the area. Huang Yu had dealt the man a heavy hand not only because of that man's actions, but also because he had been targeting Gu Yue, who he had bumped into no less!

Huang Yu wouldn't look for trouble as long as it didn't benefit him in some way, but if someone's going to start something…

You can be sure as hell that he's going to finish it.

It was at this moment that the leader of that group suddenly appeared behind Huang Yu. He grabbed his shoulder harshly.

"You! Were you the one who broke his arm?!"

There were a few moments of silence after that as the atmosphere quickly became cold. The leader frowned in the face of Huang Yu's silence.

"Did you hear me you brat?! Were you the one—"

The leader was cut off as Huang Yu's head turned to look at him with horribly cold eyes. They were like an abyss that could devour anyone as they stared down the leader of the group of middle-aged men.

"Take that hand of yours off my shoulder before you lose it."

Huang Yu's voice was as cold as the expression in his eyes. A dark aura spread from his body as a cold sweat began pouring down the leader's back.

If it was anyone else, the leader would have definitely rebuked Huang Yu and captured him immediately without asking any more questions after being ignored the first time. However, under Huang Yu's cold yet imperious aura, a pale expression appeared on his face.

The other two men who were capable of combat at this moment froze as well. Chills ran down their spine feeling this aura even though they were just feeling the little leaks of it.

It was at this moment that the high-pitched voice of a girl broke the tension in the air. Making use of this, the leader retracted his hand without making himself look too much like a full, leaving his pride mostly intact.

"Stop it! Don't stir up trouble!"

Huang Yu's cold eyes shifted towards the girl who had spoken up. The girl was rather petite. She wore an exquisite yellow robe and looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. Lustrous hair flowing down her back, she was undoubtedly a beauty.

It was at this time that Gu Yue gave Huang Yu's hand a soft squeeze causing his eyes to soften considerably. He gave Gu Yue a wry smile before he apologised to her.

"Sorry, I just hate it when random people grab my shoulder like that."

That was the truth. After all, which King could allow some random insect on the streets to touch them, and so roughly at that? Those men were already quite lucky that none of Nox's Bishops were there.

If they were…

Well, let's just say that those men would most likely have a very nice time in a nice little pool filled with highly concentrated acid and be continuously poured vital energy to revive themselves.

The petite girl took a look at Huang Yu's figure at this moment, completely ignorant to the flames in Huang Yu's heart, and oh boy, did she like what she saw.

However, a sharp glance from Gu Yue swiftly dispelled all the bad thoughts in that girl's head.

"What are you guys doing? And why is one of you so badly injured?"

"Your Highness, these brats were disrespecting you. We took action against them, but they decided to fight back."

As those words were spoken, Gu Yue sneered. "That idiot on the floor knocked into me and then tried to attack me without even a word. That sounds more like ȧssault to me."

A surprised expression appeared on the petite girl's face as she turned to look at Gu Yue. "Is that true?" she asked, looking back at her henchmen.

The silence they gave in the next few moments told all that needed to be said to the petite girl.

She sighed before she turned to Huang Yu and Gu Yue. "Even if they were wrong, you have attacked a guard from the royal family. That is, unfortunately, a crime."

"So it's our fault that we had to defend ourselves from the dogs you couldn't keep under control?" asked Gu Yue harshly. As the Silver Dragon King, she naturally had her own pride as well. She was willing to put it aside when facing Huang Yu, but that didn't mean that it was gone.

The petite girl's face turned red in anger. "How dare you speak to me like that? Do you know who I am? I am…"

It was at this moment that the petite girl found that she couldn't even let out a hint of sound. Shock marred her face as she stared in astonishment at the two people in front of her.

"I think it's better if we just stop this here for today?" Huang Yu suddenly said. "The lot of you should go back to wherever the hell you came from, and we'll let bygones be bygones, okay little princess?"

Before anyone could react, Huang Yu waved a hand, and the girl, along with her four guards found themselves unable to move at all.

This was Huang Yu's [Space Time Lock]. This ability allowed Huang Yu to lock his enemies in space and time, barring them from movement, and even thought if he so dėsɨrėd to.

Shifting his gaze to Gu Yue, Huang Yu smiled at her. "Let's go back to the hotel."

"Yeah, I don't really feel like shopping for the day anymore."

As Huang Yu and Gu Yue walked away, the girl who was revealed by Huang Yu to be a princess through some mind-reading, was stuck there with an awkward expression on her face that was unable to be changed.

It was only after a while that the petite girl found herself able to move again. Thinking about how helpless she had felt trapped in the space time lock, her grievances broke as she ran off with tears in her eyes.

"I'm going to tell daddy!!"

The four guards sighed as they chased after her. The saddest out of all of them was the man who had originally attacked Gu Yue.

'Shit… I'm probably going to lose my job now aren't I?'

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