Soul Land 3: Legend Of The Jade Emperor

Chapter 82 - Golden Eyed Dark Dragon versus the World Eater

A/N: A monstrosity of a chapter. The longest one I've written so far. Roughly around 3000 words I guess.

The roars of a black dragon and the Midgard serpent filled the air as the oceans trembled.

Without waiting any further, Di Tian summoned purplish-black dragon flames as he sent them flying towards Jorm. In the depths of the ocean, water in a fifty metre radius of these horrifying flames were instantly turned to steam.

"Myriad Dragon Flames!" shouted Di Tian.

A look of disdain entered Jorm's eyes. Reddish-black devouring energies emerged from its body before they all converged into hundreds of large spears.

Everywhere these energies touched, all things in the universe were devoured. Whether they be the water in the ocean or the boundless dao of the universe, all were subjected to this devouring.

"World Devouring Spears!"

These spears charged towards the terrifying blackish-purple flames that contained a horrifying darkness within them. Despite this, they weren't exempt from Jorm's devouring prowess as they all merely became bolsters of the reddish-black spears.

In the face of Jorm's barrage, Di Tian's eyes widened in surprise as his Myriad Dragon Flames were annihilated like nothing. Nonetheless, he was the Beast God, and he wouldn't lose his composure over something like this.

As a result of this, Di Tian shrunk into his human form to reduce his exposed surface area. With swift and nimble movements, he casually dodged the tens of thousands of spears that contained a frightening power.

Jorm let out another loud roar. All at once, the reddish-black spears stopped their charge. Di Tian naturally took advantage of this as he summoned his blade.

The sword had a black hilt that resembled a black dragon that was three feet long. It's dark purple blade stretched out to eight feet long and contained the essence of Ultimate Darkness within it.

This was the Dark Dragon Sword, one of Di Tian's most powerful weapons in his arsenal. With this sword in hand, he wasn't going to hold back even against a fellow spirit beast.

The silver-scaled snake was a denizen of the oceans and had chosen to attack him. Even if he wasn't going to kill Jorm, he would still beat it until it had half a breath left.

A world-shaking sword energy emerged from the Dark Dragon Sword. Ultimate Darkness merged with Di Tian's sword energy as he charged forwards with a loud shout, fully intending on ending the battle here.

Jorm snorted. Using its own incredible mental energy, it locked all the World Devouring Spears onto Di Tian's energy signature before they all stabbed forwards.

To defend against Di Tian's powerful sword attack, Jorm's dull silver scales shined briefly as some of them shed its body, quickly replaced by more.

The scales were infused with powerful devouring energies as they formed a giant wall between Di Tian and Jorm.

"That isn't going to stop me!" shouted Di Tian in disdain. He didn't believe that such a thin wall of scales could stop him, even if they contained an energy he didn't fully understand,

With a swing, the Dark Dragon Sword collided into the scales. An incredibly powerful shockwave blasted the surroundings, causing the collapse of thousands of seamounts.

This blow definitely couldn't be underestimated. Despite the devouring energies contained in the scales and the sheer defensive power the scales contained, they were still broken under Di Tian's ferocious blow, causing Jorm's eyes to widen in surprise.

The World Devouring Spear Barrage was about to bombard Di Tian's body at this time. They had not only absorbed the energy in the oceans, but also some of the laws of the universe as well, so they were very powerful.

Noticing this, Di Tian's eyes narrowed. "What a terrifying ability." he admitted, "But unfortunately, I've already found a weakness."

The powers of Ultimate Darkness were released at this time against the spears. The spears trembled as they tried to absorb the rich amount of energy released, but began breaking down as they reached their saturation point.

Di Tian didn't idle after he did this. He swung his sword once more, releasing a powerful sword energy whilst he added the powers of the Myriad Dragon Flame within his sword.

A frown appeared on Jorm's face. It opened its mouth, releasing boundless devouring energies as they tried to counteract Di Tian's slash.

All the elements and the energies contained in Di Tian's sword slash were devoured in an instant. To Di Tian's surprise, not even kinetic energy was spared from it.

Nonetheless, he wasn't the Beast God for nothing. His reserves of energy was boundless as the skies as he continuously added more force into the swing.

Jorm's beastial instincts hurriedly screamed at it as it informed it of the horror of Di Tian's strike. It tried to dodge, but it suddenly found itself locked in space time, courtesy of Di Tian.

It released devouring energy and complimented it with pure brute strength as it tried to break free of the space time restraints. Unfortunately for Jorm, it was far too late for that.


A loud roar in pain resounded throughout the ocean as every marine spirit beast was made known of the current battle between Di Tian and Jorm.

The ocean waters were slowly dyed red as blood continuously poured out a large wound down Jorm's neck to around a kilometre of his horrendously long body.

Jorm tried to retreat to catch a breather. It knew at this moment that it had underestimated Di Tian far too much.

Even if it was the spirit soul of Huang Yu, Di Tian's bloodline wasn't inferior to Jorm's current bloodline by much. Jorm's advantage here was that he had the hax known as devouring energy that allowed him to skip levels in battles.

However, even that has its limits. Di Tian's cultivation at the moment was far higher than Jorm's and he had over eight hundred thousand years of combat experience over Jorm.

Jorm had gone into the battle too excited and ċȯċky, and now it had paid for it in blood.

Di Tian naturally wasn't going to allow Jorm any reprieve. He charged forwards once more, morphing back into his true form as a massive Golden Eyed Black Dragon gripped onto Jorm's neck.

Anger filled Jorm's head as it felt the friction of water rubbing against it. Even if it was losing, it wouldn't allow any person to disgrace itself since how well he fought was synonymous to its master's face.

Hence, Jorm decided to use a trick he had planned to give to Huang Yu as his fifth spirit ring.

"Greed!" Jorm shouted with an androgynous voice. These words naturally entered Di Tian's ears so he looked down to see what Jorm was doing.

Bad mistake.

"Tribulation Lightning!"

A powerful purple lightning bolt formed from the laws of the world was shot out of Jorm's mouth with a booming crackle.

With Di Tian looking down, the purple lightning bolt struck him in the eye, causing him to roar in pain as he released Jorm from his grip.

Di Tian writhed around in pain for a few moments as he drastically tried to filter out the energy of the lightning tribulation with his ultimate darkness.

If it was normal lightning, Di Tian would not care much about it. That was something even mid-level Spirit Masters could tank and dodge.

This was natural of course, since the Gods had been the ones to create this law so as to suppress the existence of spirit beasts on the Douluo Plane.

Luckily for Di Tian, Jorm hadn't been able to charge up much power in the tribulation lightning as a result of Di Tian himself fȯrċɨbŀƴ suppressing the spiritual energy in Jorm's body. If not, then Di Tian would probably be dead from that strike.

In the air, Jorm made use of its spiritual energy as it chose to fly back down into the oceans at breakneck speeds. Di Tian was a lot stronger in the air than in the oceans.

At the same time, it created a massive suction force that fȯrċɨbŀƴ devoured the energies of heaven and earth, healing itself very quickly with it.

As Jorm's injury had quickly faded to merely a faint scar, it heard a roar of anger from Di Tian behind it.

"You dare, junior!"

"Yes I dare!" shouted Jorm back as it shot out multiple far larger bolt of tribulation lightning at Di Tian.

Di Tian scoffed as he swiftly dodged the bolt of tribulation lightning. Then he flew up to the skies as he covered the sun with the opening of his large wings.

"Yin Yang Complement technique…" Di Tian whispered to himself.

A black sun and a purple moon appeared behind Di Tian as they overlapped and illuminated one another. Di Tian's frightening aura began to surge once more at an incredible pace, completely suppressing Jorm's aura at this time.

"Be grateful junior, for I shall show you true despair as of this moment."

Ultimate Darkness and the Spatial element began condensing in the surroundings as Di Tian let out a proud roar this time. Swinging downwards once more with his sword in his claws, Jorm felt space lock around him once more as the Ultimate Darkness fused with Di Tian's sword energy, creating a terrifying attack!

Jorm tsked. 'It seems I can't afford to hold back anymore. Even though Master told me not to use this ability that he taught me, I really can't fight Di Tian without putting my life on the line…'

'I apologise Master,' apologised Jorm to Huang Yu through the link they shared.

Opening its mouth, Jorm began mobilising the true depths of its power…

The power that could devour the world.

A black hole.

Di Tian instantly felt something was off the moment Jorm opened its mouth once more. His eyes widened in shock as he felt that Jorm's suction was quickly becoming stronger and stronger.

The space that Di Tian had solidified found itself devoured. The Ultimate Darkness that Di Tian was so proud of was being devoured. Even Di Tian's powerful god level perception was being devoured by the ball inside of Jorm's mouth that not even light could escape from.

'I have to leave! An ability like this… surely has a lot of drawbacks, but if I don't run, I'll definitely die here!' Di Tian thought in horrid alarm.

One should know that not even Gods were safe from the powers of a black hole. Case in point was the current state of the Divine Realm that had been suċkėd into a black hole themselves. Sure, the scale was different, since the one that the Divine Realm was suċkėd into was larger than most supermassive black holes, but it showed how much potential Jorm had at this time!

Of course, Huang Yu, being the one who taught Jorm how to create a black hole, proved his own heaven-shaking potential as well.

Di Tian instantly dashed away. He wanted to use space to help himself, but spatial energies were going awry at this moment from Jorm's coercion.

However, to the shock of the last Golden Eyed Black Dragon In existence, no matter how much effort he put in, he couldn't feel himself going forwards.

Instead, all he felt was that he was slowly spiralling around a disc as he was quickly losing energy.

"You're running now?" came a spiritual message from Jorm. There was a hint of madness in its voice as it mocked Di Tian. "It's too late… you're already within the point of no return…

The Event Horizon."

As those words were spoken, Di TIan felt his body being pulled by strange forces as he slowly stretched out. Shock filled his heart as he was completely clueless to what was going on.

"This, Beast God, is spaghettification. With my devouring powers, I'm capable of simulating what happens inside a true black hole. It's not a true black hole in the sense that it's not created through the powers of gravity, but it'll work completely fine."

"And while you're stretched into a spaghetti, have a taste of your own attacks."


[Myriad Dragon Flames] + [Ultimate Darkness] + [Sword Energy] + [Devouring Energy]

That was the power of Jorm's Greed! Anything it had devoured once before can be used by itself for a fight.

Not only that, if it had devoured someone completely whole, it can gain everything that belonged to that person in itself!

Di Tian screamed in pain as his own attacks fused with devouring energy bombarded his body whilst he was being stretched into a spaghetti.

Under this intense pressure, holes were blown into several parts of Di Tian's body as he was sent into a desperate situation. Even Di Tian's sword wasn't spared, as chips began forming on it under the duress of the devouring energy.

However, despite this, Jorm was facing a horrifying situation as well.

At the epicentre of such powerful devouring energy, even Jorm wasn't exempt from it's terrifying powers as its scales were ripped out of it and blood poured out of every pore.

With great power comes a great cost in return for using it. This was the cost that Jorm had to pay for using such a great force in its current level.

"Bastard! I'll fight you to the death!" shouted Di Tian. Unfortunately, under the suction of the black hole, sound couldn't travel as it was devoured so his voice went unheard.

Using the last vestiges of the energy in his body, an earthshaking power suddenly appeared on Di Tian's claw. At that, the pressure of the black hole was suddenly suppressed as the majesty of the Dragon God began emerging from that same claw.

Jorm's eyes widened in horror. Despite its best efforts, the suction of the black hole was quickly being pushed back as it felt a suppression in the depths of its bloodline.

Despite Jorm having separated itself from the bloodline of the dragons via Huang Yu's help, it was still a spirit beast nonetheless. And under the bloodline of its true progenitor, it began losing its power to fight as Di Tian felt his body returning to normal.

With another pulse of the power of the Dragon God, Jorm felt an unstoppable suppression slam into it as it lost the ability to use power as it collapsed into the ocean, much to its surprise.

Gritting its teeth, Jorm tried to devour little bits of the Dragon God's power, trying to gain a resistance to its bloodline suppression whilst he grew stronger in of itself.

However, the amounts that Jorm could devour at this moment wasn't enough to make him instantly immune! It needed time!

"I almost died, you bastard!" came a mad laughter from above.

Barely able to move, Jorm slowly tilted its head up to see Di Tian's majestic dragonic figure in the skies.

"I'll acknowledge it! I'll acknowledge your strength!" shouted Di Tian. "I, Beast God Di Tian, dub you as the strongest spirit beast other than me in the Great Beasts!!"

"However, it's exactly because of that that I must kill you today! Even though you only have the cultivation base of a hundred thousand years, you're still able to push me to this stage!"

"It's a shame, but if I don't take care of you now, who knows what you'll do to the king I serve in the future when you grow up!"

Di Tian raised his dragon claw into the air. "Hence, you must die here!"

"And who decided that?"

Di Tian instantly froze. He hadn't even felt anyone else's presence here.

"Who?!" Di Tian shouted in response as he looked around while spreading his mental powers out. Despite this, Di Tian truly couldn't find anyone else.

"You shall kill Jormungandr?"

"Who decided that?"

Instantly, Jorm felt the bloodline suppression within itself disperse instantly. Vital energies poured out from the void as Jorm's wounds swiftly regenerated, sending it into peak condition once more.

"Master!" Jorm cheered in joy. Now that its master was here, Di Tian was completely and utterly…


"The only one who gets to decide such things…"

At this moment, the skies parted as Di Tian felt his whole world trembling. A world ending power seemed to slam into his mind as all his courage and pride he had ever built up dispersed in that instant.

'I, is this… the power of a God?' Di Tian wondered in complete helplessness as he looked up into the sky.

"Is me."

A palm larger than the mountains and as vast as the sea fell upon Di Tian's world.

— — — —

"Huang Yu," Gu Yue inquired with a tilt of her head, "Why did you slam the table all of a sudden?"

A chuckle came from Huang Yu's lips as he patted her on the head. "It's nothing. Just swatting a fly."

Gu Yue raised an eyebrow but didn't choose to comment further. She returned to her position of lying on Huang Yu's ċhėst, rubbing her head on it a few times as she mewled cutely.

Seeing this, Huang Yu smiled. Wrapping his arms around her, the two of them continued to admire the falling stars in the sky before they soon returned to the suite they both shared.

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