Soul Land 3: Legend Of The Jade Emperor

Chapter 89 - Not a Needle or a Thread

A/N: Huh, looking at yesterday's chapter, I f'ed up a lot of stuff hahaha. To clarify, this fanfiction will still stay a Douluo Dalu centric one, and hence, power levels will still follow Douluo Dalu God progression levels. Those guys I called Immortals yesterday are Gods as well and a God Star is something that's actually canon to Douluo Dalu. Also, these guys aren't OCs. If you read the actual Journey to the West, they may seem a bit familiar to you guys. If there are any characters that you guys don't recognise, it'll most likely be apart of the Chinese Myths.

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When Dai Yun'er body's dropped to the ground like a potato sack, the entire arena was stunned into silence.

Not a single person could believe their eyes as of this moment. However, reality was cruel.

The glaring red mark on the princess' face as she slowly crawled up with teary eyes reminded them that not a single thing that they were watching was fake.

At the viewing area, Dai Tianling's face was burning red as he took deep breaths to try and calm himself. He really wanted to screw all the consequences and destroy Huang Yu at this moment.

Dai Tianling suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder as a gentle current of holy light energy entered his body, slightly relieving his negative thoughts. Turning his head to the side, Dai Tianling saw En Ci shaking his head.

"Don't do it."

A deep breath was released from Dai Tianling. "Thank you En Ci. I nearly made a horrible mistake."

When Long Yue saw the state that Dai Yun'er was in, his expression turned dark as his fists crushed the railing he had been holding on.

The sheer darkness of the aura radiating from his body, caused the others to avoid him, hoping not to attract his ire. Even Dai Yueyan, who was furious in his own right, couldn't help but stand a little bit further away from Long Yue at that moment.

"I'll fuċkɨnġ kill him…" came a low growl from Long Yue.

The others from the Monster Academy, seeing this, felt that Huang Yu was as good as dead in their eyes.

At this moment, jeers came from the crowd as every person from Star Luo felt an anger rise up in their hearts at Huang Yu's actions.

He had just slapped their princess, the jewel of their country, like a common whore! Wasn't this considered slapping the face of the entire Star Luo Continent as well?I

In the viewing area where the rest of the Shrek Academy group was at, their expressions were very sour.

"This is bad…" Wu Zhangkong commented with a frown on his face. The situation was getting slightly out of hand right now.

A wry smile appeared on Tang Wulin's face. "Who would have thought that Huang Yu would have the balls to do this? Even I didn't dare to take it this far..."

At this moment, Xu Xiaoyan whispered into Gu Yue's ear. "Big Sis Yue, aren't you worried about Huang Yu? He's technically offending an entire country by himself right now…"

Gu Yue pursed her lips but kept silent. She didn't know why, she had a vague feeling that Huang Yu was up to something.

The person in question was taking in all the jeers without an expression on his face. To be honest, he was thinking of something else at the moment.

What he was thinking of, however, had yet to be seen.

"Y-you… ho-ow dare you do this to me!" Dai Yun'er's voice was wobbly as tears and snot streamed down her face. She hadn't ever been treated like this before. This was a complete affront to her!

Huang Yu cleared his throat before his face shifted into a sneer. "You've brought this upon yourself. You refused a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!"

Despite the jeers in the area, Huang Yu's voice was somehow clearly heard by everyone. These words only stoked their flames even more as their jeerings got louder.

Hearing Huang Yu's words, a strange expression appeared on Gu Yue's face before it shifted into a smile, causing Xu Xiaoyan to look at her in confusion.

"Big Sis Yue, why are you smiling? The situation is only getting worse!"

A chuckle left Gu Yue's lips. "Just keep watching. A show's starting."

Dai Yun'er's eyes were filled with madness at this moment. Summoning her spirit rings once more, she snarled as she viciously tried to gouge out Huang Yu's eyes.

Seeing this, Huang Yu laughed mockingly. He easily dodged the attack by taking a step back before he slammed a knee into Dai Yun'er's gut, knocking out all the breath in her lungs.

It wasn't over yet, as Huang Yu continued. "Superimposition."

At those words, Dai Yun'er felt another hundreds of blows in her gut as she was blasted off into the corner of the ring.

Huang Yu didn't pause as he dashed forward with full intention of continuing his attack. Arriving in front of Dai Yun'er in a burst of speed, causing the dust to disperse instantly, Huang Yu slammed his foot towards her face.

[Ground Drawer]

"That's enough junior."

Immediately, four men appeared around Huang Yu as they pointed their fingers towards his face. A earthshaking amount of spiritual energy was being released from those fingers as the seven spirit rings behind their back were made open for all to see.

Having his movements constrained, Huang Yu sneered. "Hmmph, so once you take care of the young, the old ones come out. I guess it makes sense after all. This battle clearly felt like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!"

The four men felt some strangeness at Huang Yu's use of idioms. Nevertheless, anger still rose in their hearts as they heard this junior dare to insult their imperial princess right in front of them.

"Junior, this old man thinks you need to be taught a lesson to be respectful to your elders!" declared the man standing in front of Huang Yu with extreme prejudice. He ċȯċked his fist back as he swung towards Huang Yu.

Seeing this, a smile that was quickly hidden appeared on Huang Yu's face. He allowed the fist to hit him before he was sent flying hundreds of metres away.

As he flew, Huang Yu's expression turned calm as he sent a quick look to Romario and Xiao Chen who were being low-key.

The two of them nodded their heads seeing this as they swiftly disappeared.

"Huang Yu!!"

Many shouts came from the viewing area that the Shrek Academy group was in. The windows burst open as Wu Zhangkong, along with the rest of the students from Shrek Academy jumped to Huang Yu's aid.

As the smoke cleared, Huang Yu's body laid there. His ċhėst was slightly sunken in as he spat out blood.

At this, everyone turned their heads to look at Gu Yue. There was a look of cold fury on Gu Yue's face as she seemed about to burst at any time.

Noticing this, Xu Xiaoyan turned to Gu Yue as she placated her. "Big Sis, please don't be rash right now! I know Huang Yu's in a pretty precarious position, but you really have to keep calm!"

"I am completely calm." Gu Yue replied coldly.

Suddenly, Huang Yu's badly injured figure jumped up back to his feet. "Fuck, you ȧssholes dare to hit your father like this!"

This sudden outburst stunned the people of Shrek who were ready for action, along with the rest of the arena.

Gu Yue's cold expression cracked briefly, but it remained unseen as Huang Yu drew all the attention at this moment.

"You are courting death!!! However, despite this, I, your father, shall be merciful! Break both of your legs and I shall let you off!"

Gu Yue had to put a hand on her mouth to contain herself.

The man that punched Huang Yu snorted. "Junior, you don't have the capabilities to make us do so! You truly do now know the immensity of heaven and earth!"

Huang Yu snorted in return. "You fools are just frogs in a well. Don't you know that there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons everywhere? There are people beyond people, and heavens beyond the heavens!"

Everyone looked at Huang Yu with a weird gaze now. None of the anger that had been there previously remained as they actually found this exchange… pretty entertaining to be honest.

The Shrek Academy group didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this period in time. They had come in, expecting Huang Yu to be grievously injured. However, not only did Huang Yu seem to be incredibly energetic, he was able to cuss out those people that had attacked him as well!

And also, was that ketchup he just spat out just now?

"Then prove it then! The four of us shall give you a chance to break our legs then! We shall take three blows each from you!" shouted the man.

His other three companions furrowed their brows as they shifted their gaze to the man in front. They didn't remember agreeing to anything this stupid.

Nonetheless, this was the face of Star Luo at stake. Hence, they had to have a united front.

Surely a mere Spirit Ancestor couldn't hurt them right?

It was at those words that Huang Yu broke out in a shit-eating grin, "That will be absolutely perfect."

The earth trembled as a breathtaking bright-red coloured ring appeared behind Huang Yu's back, rising to the skies as it seemed to replace the sun in its brilliance.

Everyone suċkėd in a cold breath in realisation of the sheer implications of this.

"A hundred-thousand year old spirit ring!" En Ci exclaimed in shock!

What was a hundred-thousand year old spirit ring? It was something that signified the peak experts of this world along with the presence of the mental power of the Spirit Abyss realm of mental power!

Now you're telling them that a boy had a red spirit ring?!

Gu Yue was the most shocked out of all of them as she stared at the red ring. She could vaguely sense that it came from a spirit soul, which relieved her immensely, but it was impossible to age a spirit soul to the hundred-thousand-year old level at this time wasn't it?

"Oh wait, but there's more."

A second, a third and a fourth ring rose up in quick succession, completely suppressing everyone else's aura!

"Spirit Domain realm?!" En Ci roared out with a hoarse voice. He had spent over a hundred years to get to that realm of mental power, but this boy… this junior was already in it?

And why did it feel even stronger than his Spirit Domain realm?

A laugh emerged from Huang Yu's lips at this moment, breaking everyone out of their shock. Instantly, murmurs rose as everyone seemed to be injected with chicken blood.

The man along with his three companions looked at the ring in fear. Their faces hurriedly changed to a bootlicking one as they looked at Huang Yu with pleading in their eyes.

"This one has eyes but couldn't see Mt. Tai! Please, can we talk about this?"

Huang Yu smirked in return. "Sure, but on one condition."

"You fools have to call me your father!"

An ugly expression appeared on the faces of the four men. That would be the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to them. As they were about to reject, Huang Yu suddenly spoke up again.

"Nevermind. I don't want sons like you. Just take my attack."

Huang Yu's second spirit ring glowed with its red brilliance as a hundred scales emerged from it. The scales, under the red light, shifted into flying swords as they burst towards the four men.

An explosion rocked the stadium as the barriers destabilised. Shockwaves split the clouds apart, signifying the force in that strike.

When the dust cleared, in front of the four men was En Ci with his martial spirit avatar activated. A white dragon surrounded them from the onslaught as despite Huang Yu's meagre cultivation(at least to them), a hundred-thousand year old spirit ring was not to be underestimated.

"That's enough, don't you think?"

One of Huang Yu's eyebrows rose. "But that was only one attack wasn't it?"

En Ci laughed at this. "Hundreds of swords signify one attack?"

At that, Huang Yu paused. "Fair enough then."

As soon as those words were spoken, the red rings returned to Huang Yu's body as he walked towards Gu Yue, who was rather shell-shocked.

"Hey, let's go now. The fight's over anyways."

Those words snapped the Gu Yue out of her thoughts as she hurriedly nodded her head. She had a million questions, but she knew that it was related to Huang Yu's own secret.

Hence, she wouldn't ask about it until she shared her own with him.

As the Shrek Academy group left, En Ci heard words that made him want to spit blood.

"Sigh, a Rank 98 Hyper Douluo still isn't enough to reach the apex…"

When En Ci returned to his position next to Dai Tianling, he sighed. "The students of Shrek are getting more monstrous as time passes…"

Dai Tianling's face turned ugly, but he didn't reply.

The two of them had an inkling by now that this boy should be the one that destroyed the Green Skull Renegades that day. Hence, they knew better than to pursue the matter further.

The day ended on a low note as everything soon calmed down.

Unfortunately, another uproar began on the next day from the royal palace as they found out that they had been invaded!

Dai Tianling nearly had a stroke despite his cultivation when he saw what had been pasted on his throne. On it, there was only a note that read:

"We shall not take a needle or a thread."

These people were very honest. Hence, they had just taken everything else.

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