Soul Painter

Chapter 368: new trainee investigator

This exploding arrow exploded out of control and his face turned black.

Fortunately, the black iron mask protected his face, otherwise the damage would be more than that, but it would also make him dizzy while holding his head, and issued a 'snoring! ' howling.


Gao Fan looked in the direction of the arrow.

A person just happened to jump in from the crowd with an extremely dexterous gesture.

The crowd is pouring out.

And he jumped in flat over people's heads.

The flexibility of that gesture made Gao Fan vaguely think that Lu Zhi was coming.

But it was not Lu Zhi, but a young man with a compound bow in his hand, and Gao Fan was very familiar with him.

"Wu likes to learn?!" Gao Fan was surprised, why are you?

"Teacher, are you alright, the phone can't get through at all, I have to wait for you here!" Wu Haoxue said.

Looking at the bow and arrow in Wu Haoxue's hands, Gao Fan realized that this might be the result of the STK vacation training camp in the past two years, and at the same time... the investigator who the operator said came to help him was...?

"You are the trainee investigator that the operator said?" Gao Fan asked, "When did you join STK?"

"I joined the year before last, are you still the recommender?" Wu Haoxue said, "Central Asia training camp, what happened to you?"

Wu Haoxue may think that Gao Fan is a little Alzheimer's.

But Gao Fan thinks that entering the STK training camp and joining STK mean two things?

But now that I think about it carefully, isn't that the same meaning... Co-author I spend millions of dollars every year to send members to STK. If you think about it this way, how do you think and how do you lose...

But there is no time to say much.

The out-of-control angel has gotten rid of his dizziness and looks back here.

At this time, the passengers in the subway had already evacuated by themselves, and the subway driver did not notice the abnormality in the subsequent carriages. When no one got on and off the train, the door closing alarm sounded, and the subway was about to continue moving forward.

Go down, introduce the angel into the crowd... Gao Fan frowned, he asked Wu Yixue: "Can you control this guy for a few minutes?"

"...Yes!" Wu Haoxue raised the compound bow in his hand and shot another arrow at the angel.


This time, the arrow was pushed aside by the angel and hit the wall of the carriage on the side.

But not fried.

The switch of the explosion was controlled by Wu Haoxue.

At this time, the subway has continued to move forward. Since the carriages where Gao Fan, Wu Haoxue and Angel are located are the last part of the entire subway, it means that the passengers in this part have been emptied, but the next few sections are still unclear. Therefore, the number of passengers is still quite large.

"I'm eager to learn, try to stop him, I only need three minutes." Gao Fan said, opening the sketchbook as he spoke.

"Okay!" Wu's studious tone carried the vigor of a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, and he bent his bow and directed arrows at the angel.

Won't it blow up...?

The angel holds the arrow.


As a result, the arrow exploded again.

The angel's head was blown up.


He knocked on his head, became angry, and stood up straight, his head smashed through the roof of the subway car at once, which made him even more angry. Most of the roof of the car was lifted up, and the strong wind rushed into the car. The angel held a large piece of iron on the top of the car in his hand, and rushed over like a shield.

Wu Haoxue was shocked.

Although in the STK training camp, I have learned to deal with various emergencies, learned various combat skills, and have also been taught the horror of minions and even servants, but really facing the top servants transformed by A-level investigators, this This destructive force still scares him.



Several arrows were shot out, but they were all blocked by the temporary shield in the angel's hand. In front of him, the angel was only ten steps away from Wu Haoxue and Gao Fan, who were retreating step by step.

The shield could not protect the whole body of the angel, Wu Haoxue noticed that his legs were exposed, so an arrow fell on his feet with great precision.


There was a hole in the floor of the carriage, and the angel knelt down on one foot, but his fighting skills were also very skilled. He rolled forward and his huge body instantly shortened the distance of five steps.

Only five steps left...

Wu Hao dropped out of school and did not dare to retreat desperately, because Gao Fan was behind him, and Gao Fan was drawing while drawing with his sketchbook, but there was not much space behind him, they had already retreated two or three cars, and then went back There are already a lot of passengers in the car.


The angel made a happy sound. He knew the target was in front of him. Now he huddled in a ball and protected himself with a shield, but after a few steps, he was stuck. The connection between the carriages was narrow and the shield in his hand was too wide. ,Front……?

The angel removed the shield and gave a surreptitious glance.

But Wu Haoxue seized the opportunity, and an arrow flew over.


He was blown up again, but the angel was slightly used to this kind of power, and he was only in a trance, and then he became angry. He simply put aside the shield in his hand, buckled his hands on the floor of the car, and rushed forward.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three arrows flew in a row, and the angel simply covered his face and let these explosives blow on his arms. It was fine. The explosives on the arrows were limited by size and weight, and they would definitely not reach the same power as armor-piercing bullets. It only slightly stopped the angel's progress, and now, in front of the angel, his prey is close at hand.

"Teacher!" Wu Haoxue called out, he had already dropped the compound bow in his hand, took out a dagger, and prepared to fight, but this dagger was only made of ordinary alloy, not a Command Spell, and would definitely not hurt the servant in front of him.

"It'll be fine right away!" Gao Fan also knew that the most critical moment was at the end. The carriages that had been crowded into sardines were behind them, and they couldn't get back. The angels in front had already reached the distance where they could have close contact with each other, and they were at stake.

Fortunately, Gao Fan's sketch is very fast.

With more than 200 skill points, when you don't pursue master-level expressiveness or use master-level skills, three minutes is enough to draw a sketch above the this sketch On the top, the drawing is of the carriage in front and the huge monster that is rushing. The scenery is clear from front to back, and the scenery is progressive. Although the lines are scribbled, the description is very accurate. In terms of delivery, they have reached the master level.

In the expression of the angel itself, the method of traditional Chinese freehand sketching is used. In the picture, the angel presents a dynamic fluttering state. The line organization is very interesting. At the far end, the lines are loose. The tighter the rhythm, the tighter the rhythm. When the focus of all the lines was on the angel's face, the tightness and urgency reached the extreme. It seemed that the iron-colored mask was particularly ferocious, almost taking the picture out!

When it comes to expressing objects in a short period of time, Gao Fan, who has more than 200 basic skill points, is definitely not inferior to any master in history.

But what's the use of it?

Although Wu Haoxue believed in Gao Fan, and according to Gao Fan's instructions, he entrusted the angel and monster for three minutes, but he didn't know, what's the use of it?

Of course it is useful, Gao Fan added the last stroke to this sketch, adding mysticism to this sketch.

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