Soul Painter

Chapter 617: door of europe

After investigation, the demon priests who hit the Wind Gate, in order to avoid being captured by the faith of the loving father, set the plane to enter the auto-navigation state before reaching the impact target.

Although the black light is great, it cannot control the electronic information system.

The Wind Gate in Paris was rebuilt after 48 hours.

Much of this time was spent on repairing the ground and supporting structures damaged by the collapse of the Wind Gate.

The construction of the real wind gate is completed, but those 'key guardians' who are wearing large black hoods and cloaks and silver clothes inside look more like members of some secret church in the Middle Ages. It took less than 6 hours to paint once.

The Wind Gate of Paris, which was once called a spectacle, has risen again, like a dragon spreading its wings again, on the central square of Paris.

All human beings who witnessed this scene realized one thing, and that is that a new era has come.

Humans have spent tens of thousands of years from slash-and-burn cultivation to industrial civilization, and now a new form of civilization has come again, or it can be called the Age of Miracles.

The rebuilt Wind Gate is also known as the Freedom Gate.

French people prefer this name.

in the next few months.

With the doors of different shapes, standing all over Europe, Germany and France, it means that cities have changed their beliefs. No matter what they believed in before, it doesn't matter.

Other than that, the lives of the residents of the various cities have not changed.

Of course, the battles between the gatekeepers and those secret demon priests, inevitably, terrorist attacks, still happen from time to time.

But just like the Somali pirates in the twentieth century could not resist the regular army of the beautiful country, when the demon sacrificial and minions of the stragglers encountered the Holy Key Legion that appeared in the establishment, it was often a one-sided slaughter.

Germany and France are the core places of Europe, and they are also the places with the most concentrated resources of demon stone carvings. In August of this year, the gatekeepers had erected iconic 'gate'-like buildings in major cities in these two countries.

Regarding the name of the gate, the gatekeeper asked the local people to vote, so various names such as 'Gate of Peace', 'Gate of Bauhinia' and 'Gate of Gentlemen' appeared.

The people of Germany and France welcome the gatekeepers to build the "gate" here, not only because it is a miraculous building, but also because all places with a "gate" will gain tranquility, peace and prosperity.

By December of that year, people from other countries began to call for the construction of their own "gates" in their countries.

When concerned about self-interest, human beings are always sharp-eyed. In the place where the gatekeepers spread their beliefs, there are no national boundaries.

And when all the nations of Europe are under one banner, the land that has never truly achieved peace will usher in real prosperity and prosperity, which is related to the well-being of every citizen of European countries.

The gatekeepers have not responded to the appeals of the people of other countries in Europe for the time being. They are trying to digest their own income, tens of millions of demon stone carvings, and of course, they have not forgotten to erect a 'gate' which is the highest ever built in France, in Provence. '.

Gu Yan

The height of this door has reached an astonishing 999 meters, and it is like a sharp sword straight into the sky.

This 'Sword Gate' consumes a full 1 million units of 'Black Light', and was designed and constructed by Ana Armas, the great priest of the gatekeeper. It is a unique miracle building in human history and a symbol of any industrial age No sexual architecture can match it, or even come close.

The giant sword is only 1 meter to kilometer away. The bottom is a square cornerstone with an area of ​​100 meters. The stone is engraved with the names of all the human beings who died in the 'doomsday wedding'. This war saved human beings from being invaded in 1920.

On top of the base is the sword, which presents a miraculous beauty beyond ergonomics. All mass is evenly distributed over a length of 999 meters, and the overall color is marble.

In the light of the rising sun, even from a hundred miles away, you can see the splendid brilliance shining on its 'blade'. The European International Aviation Federation has designated Provence as a restricted area, lest civil aviation aircraft hit this miracle.

The gatekeepers are a group of artists, when the artists master magical powers and become rulers, all kinds of architectural marvels full of astonishing imagination will appear, the sword gate is undoubtedly the greatest one so far, countless tourists Come here to visit.

Aside from the Gate of Swords, this land is also a miracle.

After the doomsday wedding, the city of lavender, once the most beautiful in the world, has only a piece of ashes left. Experts believe that the nuclear radiation on this land will not be eliminated for 100 years.

But after the Sword Gate appeared, through the mouth of the French President, the gatekeeper claimed that the radiation had been cleared from the land.

"You see the seven-colored radiance on the Gate of Swords in the sun. These are the once terrifying radiations. With the grace of the loving father, Zepi, they have changed from the killers of life to the light of angels today."

The French government's statement has attracted many curious people to visit Provence. They have seen the lavender blooming again and the highest peak erected to the sky on the lavender field.

This miracle shook the whole world, and faith rose like a tsunami. Germany and France in the center of Europe became synonymous with God's grace for a while, but God now has a new name. He is called "Father Gao Fan".

The rest of the world's governments are keeping silent about this, they want to deal with it, but don't know how to do it, just like the Inca dynasty that was raided by heavily armed Spanish soldiers 400 years ago, very at a loss, not knowing what they are facing .

A representative of a major country in the East was invited to visit the Gate of Swords in Provence. When he learned that the building was built in one day, the representative began to study the huge and protracted domestic projects. Can he use such architectural models, such as the Brahmaputra River Introducing the Yellow River, this project can be fully cooperated.

The gatekeeper welcomed this and expressed his willingness to invest in technology and engineering to investigate the possibility of cooperation between the two sides, but almost at the same time, UU read www.uukanshu. The beautiful country com listed the gatekeeper as an illegal terrorist organization, claiming that it would impose sanctions on countries that cooperate with the gatekeeper.

This is the old method of the beautiful country. If Asia and Europe are integrated, this global hegemon will become the abandoned place of world civilization, so it must show its sense of existence.

The gatekeeper regrets this, but he is already prepared. The next confrontation will be civilized. The gatekeeper will no longer act in the way of the devil. The uncompeted cause of the empire.

After digesting all the demon stone carvings, the Holy Key Legion will travel to South and North America to spread the Faith of the Father on another land.

at the same time.

The gatekeeper of Dongying also ushered in a big crisis.

That is the decisive battle with the Devourer.

The battle has been going on for almost two years, and now it's finally time.


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