Chapter 119 director Hu's mind

it was a huge blow to them to lose such a good job.

At present, the head of the station still has to deduct their wages. No one can stand it.

"Hum, give you a chance, then who will give me a chance?"

Chen Tai Chang is very angry.

Originally, he was having a good time with the girl in the office, but he didn't do anything else. Unexpectedly, he caused such a disaster.

This is really a response to that sentence: when people sit at home, the pot comes from the sky.

Chen Taichang's words remind Chen Ge and others.

In the final analysis, they miscalculated Xia Jue and others.

Before, they thought that Xia Jue was just a small company with no background from other places. They wanted to come to the director of the station to play Qiufeng, where they could imagine that the other party was so big.

"Mr. Xia, I'm wrong. I shouldn't look down on people. Please give me a chance." Brother Chen slapped himself crazily.

With brother Chen's tips, other security guards are naturally unwilling to be outdone, and follow brother Chen to learn.

"Mr. Xia, we are wrong, we have eyes and don't know Taishan.."

"Mr. Xia, please...

a crowd of security guards began to beg.

"What I have given you is that you don't know how to cherish it. You can't blame others." Xia Jue left this sentence and walked to the TV station building.

Hearing this, the security guards turned blue and red.

Xia Jue is right.

But at that time, none of them thought that Xia Jue would have such a big future.

"If you hear Mr. Xia's words, get out of here. I don't want to see you again." After Chen Taichang finished, he caught up with Xia Jue.

"Mr. Xia..."


the security guards are still shouting, but Xia Jue and director Chen do not pay any attention to them.

"Mr. Xia, please come to my office." Since Chen Taichang is able to take the position of Taichang, he is also an individual.

He saw that Xia Jue didn't mean to ask him a question for the time being. Instead, he had something to discuss with him. He had made up his mind.

No matter what Xia Jue asked him to do, he would do it with his heart. If he could satisfy Xia Jue, he would escape.


They came to the top floor.

"This way, Mr. Xia." At this time, Chen Taichang is like a hotel waiter to guide Xia Jue.

This is the top floor of the work of a number of high-level television stations to see the director so respectfully meet Xia Jue these people, also curious to guess who Xia Jue and others are.

"Director, who are these people?" The deputy director just came out of the office with a copy of the information, just saw the scene, and quickly asked.

"It's none of your business. Just do your job well." Chen Taichang replied impatiently.

"Yes, director." The deputy director walked away awkwardly.

The deputy director was reprimanded. Even though the senior officials were curious about the identity of Xia Jue and others, they did not dare to inquire about it any more.

"Xiao Li, make me a pot of good tea and come in. No, make two pots, and then take these brothers to the rest room for a meeting." Chen Taichang said.

"Mr. Xia, let's...

" go. " Xia Jue spits out these two words.

"Yes." Ah, the dog nodded and followed Xiao Li to the rest room.

After entering the office, Mr. Chen immediately pulled out his comfortable chair: "sit down, Mr. Xia."

Xia Jue was not polite, so he sat down directly.

"Sit down, Mr. Chen. Isn't it tiring to stand like this?"

"Yes, yes." With Xia Jue's permission, director Chen dares to sit down.

"You must be curious what I came to you for?" Xia Jue spoke.

"Mr. Xia, please say that as long as you ask me to go east, I will never go west."

Chen Taichang's words have been very clear, that is, he will fully obey Xia Jue's orders.

"I don't know if you've heard of Su's estate?"

"Su's estate?" The director read it in silence once.

It seems to be a real estate agent.

However, he knows all the real estate developers in the provincial capital, but he has never heard of this Su's real estate company.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia. I haven't heard of this company." Mr. Chen answered truthfully.

"If you haven't heard of it, just go to know about it. Do you need me to introduce it to you one by one?"

Although Xia Jue's tone was a little flat, it was no less startling than that of the flat ground. Chen immediately picked up the landline phone.

"I want to know all about a real estate company called Soxhlet."

Not long after Chen finished calling, his secretary came in with a copy.

Chen opened it and was surprised."What's the matter? When did Su's real estate come to cooperate with our TV station? Why don't I know?" Director Chen questioned the secretary.

No wonder he said that Mr. Xia came to see him.

It turned out that their own TV station had made a good deal of cooperation with Su's real estate, but later, for some unknown reason, the people in their TV station suddenly broke the contract.

I think Mr. Xia is here to seek justice for this matter.

Think of this long head of the cold line and seeped out, in the end is which not open-minded bastard do this thing?

"Director Hu is responsible for this." The Secretary had no choice but to leave the pot to others.

"Tell him to get out of here at once." Chen Taichang said angrily.

"Yes." The Secretary hurried out of the office.

"Mr. Xia, I don't know about it, but I'll give you an explanation." Chen Taichang stood up again in a panic.

"There's no need to say that. It's just that my Su's real estate has entered the real estate industry in the provincial capital. Does your TV station want to do something?" Xia Jue asked.

"Sure, sure, I'll ask them to remove all the original advertisements of the TV station and let them replace them with the advertisements of Su's real estate." Chen Tai Chang promised.



There was a knock at the office door.

"Come in." Chen Taichang said.

After Chen Taichang finished, a man came in.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

"Director Hu, what's going on?" Chen Taichang threw the copy of Su's real estate in front of him.

Director Hu picked up the copy and looked at it. It turned out that it was about Su's real estate from China shipping, but he didn't understand why the director was so angry.

After thinking about it, he explained: "director, it's just a small foreign real estate developer who wants to use the influence of our TV station to publicize. Huolin group has already paid us a penalty for breach of contract, and also paid us three times the price to rent the advertising space that Su's real estate originally needed."

Director Hu raised his mouth.

He knew that no matter what he had done to make the director so angry, as long as he said it, the director would certainly calm down and praise him for it, because he not only made friends with the local big enterprise Huolin group, but also created so much revenue for the TV station.

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