"What's going on?"

All the senior officials here were shocked by the news.

Just now, they were saying that only the provincial TV station stood up and beat its own face could the knot be broken. I didn't expect that now the provincial TV station really stood up and beat its own face.

Su also Han is a little surprised to slow over God.

Because Xia Jue said last night that he would solve it, then he would certainly solve it. Now it's not too unexpected.


as the dark curtain of Huolin group was uncovered by TV stations, Huolin group instantly became an enterprise that everyone in the provincial city called for. Its huge real estate empire collapsed overnight, which caused a huge shock to the provincial city.


After the decision of the provincial leading group, Huolin group was completely closed down and all its assets and land were collected. Two days later, major group enterprises were invited to bid.

Office of the president of Soxhlet real estate.

Cai Kun, another vice president of the company, came in.

"Mr. Su, should we take part in the auction of the assets of Huolin group, the provincial capital, two days later?" Cai Kun asked.

"Yes, how can we not? Now is a golden opportunity. Sooner or later, our company will also develop CNOOC. It's better to take advantage of this step earlier." Su Yihan has a deep vision.

"Understand Mr. Su, I'm going to prepare the plan." Cai Kun went out.


a luxurious residence in the city center of the province.

A black Maybach stopped.

Xiajue stepped down from the car.

"Who is it?" Several bodyguards at the door immediately stood on guard when they saw Xia Jue.

"Bang bang."

Without any effort, Xia Jue easily solved these bodyguards.

After groping on one of the bodyguards, Xia Jue came up with something similar to a button.

Xia Jue gently pressed, and then the door of the residence slowly opened.

At this time, he was in a room in the residence.

A man in shorts comfortable lying on the sofa, behind which there is a tall woman constantly help him push the back.

"Mr. Chen, it's not good. Someone broke in." A bodyguard rushed in.

Hearing this, Chen Guan turned over and stood up: "how can people break in? Do I hire you to eat dry food?" Chen Guan said angrily.

"Mr. Chen, it's really this ugly monster who can fight. Everyone of us can last three seconds in his hands." The bodyguard said in embarrassment.


After hearing this, Chen Guan immediately thought of a person.

A person he hates so much that he will never forget.

This man is Xia Jue.

Thinking of the reporter's interview with him yesterday, he understood that Xia Jue was ready to retaliate.

But what he didn't understand was that his whereabouts were hidden enough. How could he find them so soon?

Is there a spy around you?

Thinking of this, Chen Guan looked at the bodyguard in front of him with suspicious eyes.

The bodyguard was dazzled by Chen Guan's eyes: "Chen... Mr. Chen, what's the matter?"

After thinking about it, Chen Guan thinks there is no reason.

This bodyguard has been following him for many years. He is both prosperous and disadvantaged. It is impossible to betray him.

So the result is obvious.

Chen Guan directly turned his head and looked at the tall woman with murderous eyes: "bitch, do you dare to betray me?"

"I didn't, Mr. Chen. I didn't betray you." Tall women are starting to get scared.

"Pa Pa, I want you to betray me, I want you to betray me." Chen Guan is beating and kicking the tall woman.

"Mr. Chen, let's not waste our time. Let's go now. Our brothers won't last long." The bodyguard came quickly and pulled the angry Chen Guan.

Chen Guan also realized the problem and stopped immediately.

"Follow me, Mr. Chen. Let's go by the back door." After that, the bodyguard will turn around and lead the way.

Just then.

A bang.

The door broke, and a bodyguard flew in and fell at Chen Guan's feet.

"Go? Where do you want to go? " After the sound, a figure came in from the door. It was Xia Jue.

"Xia Jue, it's you!" Chen Guan spoke out.

Xia Jue ignored each other's questions, but approached Chen Guan step by step.

"Hum, if you want to move President Chen, you have to pass me first." The bodyguard in front of Chen Guan took out a dagger to stab Xia Jue.


Xia Jue kicked the bodyguard's belly, and the bodyguard's face suddenly turned to the color of pig liver and fell to the ground."Xia Jue, what do you want to do?" Only the bare rod commander was left. Chen Guan began to panic and kept leaning back.

"Mr. Chen, what are you doing? Take out the courage you showed on TV yesterday." Xia Jue sneered.

This guy, who was dancing on TV yesterday, called a Huan. Even Xia Jue had to be impressed by his acting skills.

"Xia Jue, I have already left Zhonghai and given up all my property. Why do you want to kill me and never leave me a way to live?" Chen Guan was frightened.

"Well, I won't let you live?

Why does Su Ming's real estate come out to help you live a comfortable life? " Xia Jue retorted.

"I... I was bewitched by that bastard Xu Jie. Now I've reformed. I promise I won't do anything threatening to your Su's real estate in the future.

I'm leaving the provincial capital. I'm going to other provinces. No, I'm going abroad. I promise I won't come back again. Please forgive me this time. "

Chen Guan is really scared now. He doesn't want to die. He still has a lot of money in his account, which is enough for him to live several lives.

He regretted it.

I regret that I shouldn't offend Xia Jue again for exporting evil spirit, but now it's too late to say anything. He can only ask Xia Jue to forgive him again.

"Forgive you. It's God's business. It's my duty to send you to God." Xia Jue approached Chen Guan step by step.

"Xia Jue, let me go, let me go. I still have 10 billion yuan in my account. I'll give it all to you. How about giving it all to you?" Chen Guan, who retreated to the corner, was still begging for mercy.

"Next life." It is Xia Jue who directly pinches Chen Guan's neck, and then forcefully pinches it.

There was a click.

Chen Guan's eyes were staring at the eldest, and his face was very ferocious. He was very unwilling to die.

Twenty minutes later.

In a steamer shop.

Xia Jue enters a VIP room.

"Xia Jue, it's you." Xiao Yu in the room saw that Xia Jue actually found him, and his face suddenly showed fear.

Today, he has been paying close attention to Huolin group and Xu Jie's suicide.

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