However, he does not know why Su's real estate should be sold at this "lion's mouth", but if it is sold at this price, he will get a huge Commission.

Li Da can't sit here any more.

When they held a meeting before, they probably thought about everything, but they didn't think that Su's real estate would play like this.

It's going to be tens of billions. Who can stand it.

This Su's estate is not money.

Li Da has no choice but to meow to Sifang international, Matsushita real estate and others in an attempt to give them some advice.

But Fang Shao and others have no idea.

The tens of billions of games, whose money is not the wind turn, no one is willing to smash in like this.

Seeing that Fang Shao and others didn't say anything, Li Da didn't dare to play with Su's real estate any more. He could only stop playing.

Time is fast.

An hour has passed.

In the past one hour, under the tough money offensive of Su's real estate, the alliance formed by Lida's real estate was unable to resist, and finally could only watch Su's real estate bring the resources of Huolin group into its hands.

"Well, let's take a break now, and the auction will be held again in half an hour." Wu DU on the stage yelled this sentence with a red face.

Finally, we got to the middle of the break.

Li Da and others rushed into one of the lounges.

"What can we do now? Su's real estate doesn't know where to get so much capital. We can't stop him from entering the provincial real estate industry." As soon as he entered the lounge, Li Da couldn't help talking.

"It's really strange. He's a real estate company that has just been established in China shipping. According to the principle, the capital should not be so abundant." Matsushita real estate chairman said.

"Maybe there is a Buddha standing behind the Su's estate." Fang Shao thought.

"No matter where Su's real estate got so much money, now let's see how to deal with it. Su's real estate's mind now can be described as Sima Zhao's mind. Everyone knows that if it is so laissez faire, today's provincial capital will be Zhonghai in the past." Li Da began to remind.

Li Da's words awakened many people in the lounge.

In the past, the real estate industry of China shipping was in a state of flourishing.

But what about the present?

The major real estate fell, did not fall also can not eat what profit, waiting to die in the side.

It can be said that Su's real estate has basically monopolized the real estate market of CNOOC.

If we let Su's real estate gain a firm foothold in the provincial capital, maybe they will be killed by Su's real estate just like those real estate groups in CNOOC before.

This is something that people absolutely don't want to see.

So now no matter what method is used, we must block the momentum of the rapid development of Su's real estate.

"Today, we may not be able to compete for Su's real estate, but Su's real estate has just arrived, and its foundation is not stable. Our advantage is the relationship network in the provincial capital. Maybe we can use these relationship networks to hold Su's real estate first, so that it can't move." Fang Shao said.

"What do you mean, Fang Shao?" Asked the chairman of Matsushita real estate.

"I mean it doesn't matter to let them take the land and the building now. We can use the relationship to ask the relevant departments not to give them any construction permit and sales permit for the time being. At that time, it's useless for them to have the land. They can't change the house and drag them to death." Fang Shao explained.

"Well, now it's really a clever plan. What do you think?" Lida looked around.


"It's no problem."

At present, most people can't compete with Su's real estate. There's no other way but this, so they can only nod their heads.

"Very well, since we have agreed, we must work hard after the auction. Don't be afraid to owe people, don't be afraid to spend money, because now it's time to say that the key point is about the lives of our major group companies. If we can't resist Su's real estate, we'd better hurry up and run away."

Although Li Da's words are alarmist, people still have to think about the worst.

Because they all know how miserable it is for those who were driven out of Zhonghai by Su's property.

In half an hour.

The auction will continue.

However, what Wu Du didn't expect was that no one else would bid for the next bidding except Su's real estate, which made his previous excitement disappear.

The second half of the auction ended with only one Su real estate company bidding.

"Well, this auction is over. Thank you for coming over." Wu Du announced gloomily.

After hearing Wu Du's words, Li Dafang and others in the field didn't stop any more and turned to leave.

"Mr. Su, after eating Huolin group, our Su's real estate has become the top real estate developer in the provincial capital." A senior member of his estate said excitedly."Don't be happy too early. With the family background of Huolin group, we have become the top real estate developers in the provincial capital in terms of hard power. However, in terms of soft power, we still have a gap with the old real estate developers like Lida real estate Sifang international." Su Yihan is not too happy.

"In any case, it's something to be happy about." Wu Yiyi said.

"Yes, let's have a celebration party." Su Yihan said.

"OK, I'm going to contact the hotel." Wu Yiyi is ready to pick up the mobile phone.

"No need to contact. Just stay at the Baoli hotel. I'll call Xu Kai and ask him to arrange it." Xia Jue dials Xu Kai's number directly.

"No problem, Mr. Xia. I'll arrange it now." Xu Kai on the other end of the phone agreed.


just when Su Yihan and Xia Jue were preparing to hold a celebration banquet.

Fang Shao, sitting on a BMW, is on the move.

"Hello, Yang Ju, how are you doing?"

"Oh, Hello, Fang Shao, what wind has brought you here today?"

"Yang Bureau, as you said, are you free now? Come to the imperial court to steam a sauna?"

"Since Lao Yang did not invite you, how can I give you face?" The person on the other end of the line said with a smile, "OK, I'll wait for you in room 888."

"Yes, I'll be there in twenty minutes."

After hanging up with the Yang Bureau, Fang Shao dialed another number: "help me prepare 10 million cash for the imperial 888 private room."

Royal sauna club.

This is the top consumption place in the provincial capital. It takes a year's salary for ordinary people to come in and play once.

"Oh, Fang Shao, you just didn't come to our club. Our girls are very talkative about you."

Seeing Fang Shao come in, a woman in her forties who has some charm is smiling.

"It's an eventful time recently. Why don't you have time to come? Let's prepare a private room for me first, and let Xiaodie Xiaoxun come to the private room." Fang Shao said.

"No problem. I'll arrange it right away. That student, take Fang Shao to the private room." Said the woman.

After entering the private room, Fang Shao lay on a soft sofa seat.

After a while, a man came in.

"Fang Shao, here is the money you want."

"OK, put it on the ground first."

"Well, there's less of it." The man put the money on the ground and left by pushing the door.

After a while, a middle-aged man came in.

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