"Leader Huang, this..." Wu Yiyi thought that leader Huang would do this, so he was a little flustered for a moment.

"Come in and deal with something." Huang ignored Wu Yiyi, who was scared out of his wits, but picked up the phone.

Before long, several people came in.

"What's the matter, leader Huang?"

"Wu Yiyi, the deputy general manager of Su's real estate, actually dares to bribe me. First control her, and then ask Su's real estate for a crime." Huang said.

"So it is. Get up." Several men called in by leader Huang looked at Wu Yiyi.

Now Wu Yiyi wants to understand.

Before, Wu Yiyi thought that these departments would make things difficult for them.

That's to see that their Su's real estate is an outsider who wants to take advantage of the opportunity to blackmail.

Now it seems that these departments are not coming for money.

If it's not for money, it's for instructions.

Are they the people from Lida real estate?

Wu Yiyi is not sure.

"Get up and come with us. You are a big girl. Don't make us do it." Several men said tough.

At this point, Wu Yiyi had no choice but to listen to these people for the time being.

But she's not so scared now.

If it's Lida real estate, these people want to find fault with their Su's real estate, then Mr. Xia will have a solution.

After Wu Yiyi left, Huang excitedly picked up the phone and dialed Li Da.

"Mr. Li, I have good news."

"Oh?" It's good news. Li Da at the other end of the line is interested.

"Su's real estate has fallen into the trap..." Huang said that Wu Yiyi came to bribe.

"Ha ha ha, God gave me a good chance. I didn't expect that Su's real estate was really stupid enough to give me the handle." Being bullied by Su's real estate spirit, Li Da seems to have moved back to a city.

"Mr. Li, what do you think we should do now?" Huang asked.

"In this way, you should hold a press conference first to expose this incident. I think Su's real estate can have a drink with this incident. I'd like to see how Su's real estate conducts public relations." Li Da sneered.

"No problem. I'll hold a press conference right now." Of course, holding such a press conference can greatly enhance his incorruptible image, so leader Huang is naturally willing to do it.

Su Yihan, who is in the company here, hasn't heard from Wu Yiyi for a long time and can't sit still.

she calls Wu Yiyi in a hurry.

But after several calls, she didn't get through, which made her suspicious.

"Mr. Su, watch TV." At this time, a top management of the company broke into Su Yihan's office.

Hearing this, Su Yihan did not dare to neglect, because she felt that something might have happened, otherwise the senior manager would not be so anxious.

When Su Yihan opened the big screen, he happened to see leader Huang interviewed in front of the camera.

"Excuse me, leader Huang. You said someone came to your office today to bribe you. What's the matter?" Asked the reporter on TV.

"Yes, it's a new enterprise in the real estate industry in the provincial capital recently. It's called Su's real estate.

As a result, Wu Yiyi, the deputy general manager of Su's real estate, came to me for a long time with a box of cash and said that he wanted me to accommodate him.

As the leader of the real estate industry, I have to be responsible for the safety of people's lives and property. How can these bad enterprises pass the safety inspection? So I refused for a long time on the spot. " Huang leader on TV said justly.

"It turns out that leader Huang is really a good leader in our provincial capital. This style of work is worth learning." The reporter paid a compliment.

Hearing the reporter's compliment, leader Huang's face was ruddy: "it's just a matter of due diligence, but I still want to take this opportunity to advise these unhealthy enterprises with crooked ideas to settle down in the provincial capital, because you can't succeed with me."

After watching the news, Su Yihan looks very ugly.

In the end, it was her decision.

She had the same idea as Wu Yiyi.

I think these people just want to kill them when they see that they are foreign enterprises, but I didn't expect things to get to this point.

"What's the matter?" Xia Jue has just come back from the security department.

He just assigned some matters to ah Gou and others in the security department, and called Wu Kaifu to get familiar with the situation first.

"Something's wrong with the company..." Su Yihan looks at the screen with a gloomy face

Xia Jue looks along Su Yihan's eyes. He sees the "majestic" leader Huang on TV, and instantly he knows what's going on."You asked Yiyi to give them money?" Xia Jue helplessly looks at Su Yihan.

"Well, they just want to get some money..." I just want to get it.

"It's OK. Leave it to your husband and I'll solve it." Xia Jue comforted him and motioned him not to worry.

"Xia Jue, am I useless?"

Su Yihan feels that up to now, Xia Jue has been paving the way for her, and she doesn't play any value at all. Now she can't solve such a trivial matter, which makes her very sad.

"How can it be? You can see that in CNOOC, you have made the company's performance prosperous, and led us to open up the provincial capital market. You will do better in the future." Xia Jue said with a smile.

"But it's your credit."

"No, I just helped you solve some difficulties encountered in the development of the company. You are the one who led the development of the company. You see, I don't even know how to run the whole company. If the company had been handed over to me, it would have gone bankrupt long ago, and everyone would have cheered." Sir Xia shook his head.

Su Yihan was amused by Xia Jue's words.

But at the thought that the company is now in such a situation, her company immediately pulled down.

"Yiyi, what can I do? Can I let her come back first?" Looking at Wu Yiyi imprisoned by them over there, Su Yihan feels very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, Yiyi will be back soon." Xia Jue turns around and leaves. He wants to do something first.

After finishing the press conference, Huang immediately rushed to a place he had made an appointment with Li Da.

"Ha ha, Lao Huang, your image on the camera is OK. I'm impressed by your awe inspiring appearance." Li Da had a big laugh.

"Yes, I have to say that leader Huang, it's bad luck for Su's real estate to have your words."

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