After the van stopped, several people on the bus could not wait to jump down and walk towards the taxi.

Seeing that the 10 million walking is about to fall into the hands, everyone is a little excited.

"Xia Jue, look over there." Learning that Wu Yiyi had an accident here, Su Yihan and Xia Jue immediately turned around and came back. Half the way back, they just hit the van. Those guys headed for the motionless van.

"Stop the car." Xia Jue called to the driver.

When the driver stopped the car, Xia Jue immediately got out of the car, then crossed the middle green belt and walked towards the taxi.

Sure enough, it's Wu Yiyi.

Xia Jue has seen Wu Yiyi sitting in the taxi, but because it is installed in the tree, Wu Yiyi seems to lose consciousness.

"Stop it, what do you want to do with the garbage?" Xia Jue yelled at several people coming down from the van.

several people are about to open the car door and drag Wu Yiyi down. Suddenly, they are very upset to see Xia Jue disturbing them.

"It's none of your business. You're ugly. Get away from me, or I'll break your leg." One of the men looked at Xia Jue arrogantly.

Seeing this, Xia Jue had nothing to say. He went straight to the other side.

"Oh, I want to be a hero and save beauty. Today, I want you to be a bear." Before the provocation of that man to see Xiajue toward him, also not afraid, face to face up.

"I'll give you a taste of fists." The Striped man punched Xia Jue in the face.

But before his fist came to Xia Jue's face, he was kicked on his belly by Xia Jue.

The man took back his fist and covered his stomach.


Xia Jue gave him another kick, and the man immediately fell to the ground and couldn't stand up any more.

"Damn it, you're here to find fault." At this time, brother ran finally understood. No wonder this ugly monster is so bold and fearless. He has two talents.

"Give it to me." Brother ran motioned to several people to clean up Xia Jue.

Knowing that Xia Jue obviously had two talents, the rest of them didn't dare to be careless and took out a spring knife directly from their pocket.

"You can fight, right? I want you to eat a knife." Several of brother Huo's men roared and rushed over.

"Bang bang."

The strength of these guys was too general. Xia Jue fell to the ground three or two times.

Burning elder brother saw his hand so cut melons and vegetables by the front of this ugly eight strange to put down, immediately flustered.

"Who are you..." brother burning looked at Xia Jue in horror.

"Come on, who sent you here." Xia Jue patted the dust on his hand.

"I said, will you let me go?" Burning brother is very frightened, as if to see a monster.

"Do you say it yourself or do you want me to do it?"

"I said, I said, we're here to make money."

"Making money? What's the profit? " Xia Jue is a little confused.

"Right in front of her, she's the vice president of Su's real estate. She can kill 10 million people."

"Ten million? Who gave it to you? " Xia Jue was very surprised to hear that someone offered money for Wu Yiyi's life.

He didn't know who Wu Yiyi had offended, or someone couldn't see her as the vice president of Su's real estate, and wanted to teach her a lesson.

"A reward from a man named Xingge." Brother ran replied honestly.

"Where is this brother Xing?" Xia Jue continued to ask.

"I don't know. I only have his number. I can give it to you."

"Here you are."

Burning brother when that took out the mobile phone, press out a number to Xia Jue handed over.

"Very well, for the sake of your obedience, you can break your hand and leave." After receiving the phone, Xia Jue said lightly.

"What, you didn't mean to let my mother go?" Brother burning looks very ugly.

"Do you want to do it yourself or let me do it?"

"You..." burning elder brother complexion some slightly angry looking at Xia Jue.

After thinking about it for three more times, brother ran still compromised.

It's better to do it yourself at least, because once you let this ugly monster do it, it will be very serious, and I'm afraid it will be even worse.

Want to understand this, brother directly opened the taxi door, and then put an arm into it, and then he forced a close.


A slight bone was born out, burning brother red face will arm out.

"Is it all right now?" Brother ran asked Xia Jue.

"Go away."

With Xia Jue's consent, brother ran away quickly with a broken arm.

After brother Huo left, Xia Jue came to the taxi.

"Yiyi, wake up." Xia Jue kept shaking Wu Yiyi's body.

"Where is this... Mr. Xia, why are you here?" Wu Yiyi saw Xia Jue appear in front of his eyes, some unexpected."You said you were chased, don't you remember?"

"Oh, by the way, what about those guys?" After Xia Jue's reminding, Wu Yiyi remembered what happened just now.

"I cleaned up. By the way, Yiyi, have you offended anyone recently?"

"Who did you offend? No, I've been busy with the company since I came to the provincial capital. I didn't offend anyone. "

Hearing this, Xia Jue began to think.

After thinking about it, Xia Jue still felt that he should not tell her about the reward, so as not to scare her.

Xia Jue decides to help Wu Yiyi solve this problem secretly. After all, Wu Yiyi has made great contributions to the company.

"Let's go. My car is opposite. Take my car." Xia Jue said to Wu Yiyi.

"OK, I'll call first." Wu Yiyi wants to call the ambulance first. After all, the driver is still in a coma.

After making a phone call, Wu Yiyi got on the car opposite Xiajue.

"Yiyi, are you ok?" Directly for the safety of Su Yihan, Xia Jue asked Su Yihan to stay in the car first, so when Wu Yiyi got on the bus, Su Yihan asked.

"Nothing, just a little dizzy."

"Ding Ling Ling."

At this time, Su Yihan's phone rang again.

"What's the matter? OK, I'll go over and have a look. "

"What's the matter, Mr. Su?" Wu Yiyi asked.

"Director Guan of our company was stabbed to death on the road." Su Yihan's face seemed to be at a loss.

Hearing this, Xia Jue tossed in his head.

Today, two security guards at the gate of their company were killed, followed by Wu Yiyi, and now the director of Guan was killed again, which is very abnormal.

Xia Jue thinks that these incidents are not just personal feuds. It seems that someone is targeting the employees of their company.

That's right.

Just now that bastard said that someone was offering a reward to Wu Yiyi. Did all the employees of the company be offered a reward?

Xia Jue regretted that he didn't ask that guy in detail just now, otherwise he would know what happened.

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