"Who are the people behind them? Have you found out who is issuing the reward?"

What Xia Jue has to do now is to find out the people behind him in advance and ask him to cancel the reward. Otherwise, the lives of the employees of Su's real estate will always be missed by these money hungry despots, which will seriously affect the operation of Su's real estate.

"They say it's a man called Xingge."

"Ask them if they know where brother Xing is and if they can lead him out."

"Go and ask them." Ah, the dog motioned to the first man next to him.

The man nodded under his hand and walked towards the two men tied to the chair.

"Where is brother Xing?"

"I don't know. I'll call him only after I finish the task. Then he'll ask us out to meet and pay us after confirming the facts." Hungry death tied to the chair wide brother said in horror.

"Let him make an appointment with him." Said Xia Jue.

"Call brother Xing and ask him out. Don't play tricks, you know." Ah, the dog's men found the number of Xingge in the address book and dialed it.

The call was soon put through.


"Hello, Xingge. I'm Liang Kuan. I've killed two employees of Su's real estate." Ah Kuan, who was tied to the chair, tried to make his tone seem calm.

"It's better to wait for the money to come to Tiantai before it's done well."

"OK, thank you, brother Xing."

"Where is the roof?" After the phone hung up, ah Gou's men questioned ah Kuan.

"The world business building." Ah, Kuan vomited out immediately.

After getting the location, the dog turned to Xia Jue and said, "Mr. Xia, how do you deal with these two guys?"

"Blood debt, blood pay." Xia Jue spewed out these four words without expression.

"No, let me go. Let me go. I'll give you the million. Please let us go." Ah Kuan asked for mercy after hearing Xia Jue's words.

"Spare your life, ah Kuan, you son of a bitch. I told you to take money to leave the provincial capital. They were greedy. You killed me. You killed me." Another young man tied to a chair dealer kept cursing.

Ignore these two people no longer, Xia Jue turns round to leave directly.

"Be neat." Ah, the dog said to the two men, and then he left with a group of people following Xia Jue.

The roof of Shishang building.

At this time, it was evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun was shining on Xia Jue and other people, showing their different expressions.

"You go and hide first." Ah, the dog thinks it's not good for so many people to run ahead of time in case they are found by the other party, so he orders his men to hide quickly.

More than ten minutes passed.

Xia Jue and ah Gou heard the sound of footstep.

Then a man came up with two suitcases.

"Who are you?" When the man saw Xia Jue and ah Gou, he didn't seem to be the right master, so he was on guard.

"Do it." Ah, the dog yelled.

Hearing this, the man threw away his two suitcases and tried to run away, but he was caught by ah Gou's men before he ran far away.

"Who are you? I'm just a delivery man. It's none of my business." The man was terrified to be caught.

"Are you brother Xing?" Xia Jue stared at the man coldly.

"I'm not brother Xing. I'm just a delivery man." The man explained in a hurry.

"Where is brother Xing?"

"Xinggotha..." the man hesitated.

"Let him talk." Ah, the dog beckoned his men to do it.

"I said, I said, Xingge is now in the flower Hall International sauna."

"Go." Xia Jue turned and left.


Several cars stopped at the gate of flower Hall International.

"Lead the way." Ah, the dog pushed the delivery man out of the car.

"Be honest and don't try to run, or you'll feel better." Ah, the dog threatened.

The delivery man took Xia Jue and others into the flower Hall International, then took the elevator to the tenth floor and walked towards a private room,

"thin monkey, how did you come back? Have you finished what Xingge told you?" A man standing in the compartment asked the man.

"Thin monkey, who are these things?" Several people waiting at the door of the private room suddenly saw Xia Jue and others coming towards them.

"Ah, Nong, they're looking for brother Xing to get in trouble. Deal with them quickly." A see in front of his helper, the man immediately backwater.

"What, give it to me!" Ah Nong immediately called the people around him, Ma Chaoxia Jue and others.

Ah, as soon as the dog's men saw that the other side rushed up, naturally they were not willing to be outdone, and soon the fighting started all around.

Ah, the hands on the dog's side have been trained by Xia Jue for a long time. How could they be opponents? They were soon cleaned up."Break this bony boy's leg for me." The dog is very upset that the delivery man dare to back off temporarily.

"Ah, ah."

Soon, everyone at the door was cleaned up.

Seeing that the obstacle had been cleared, Xia Jue immediately pushed open the door of the private room and went in.

"Who are you, do you know who I am, and dare to trouble me?"

When Xia Jue and others pushed the door in, a man in shorts stood up and looked at Xia Jue and others with alert eyes.

"Tell me, who instructed you to issue the reward for the employees of Soxhlet real estate." Xia Jue knows that it can't be this guy behind the scenes.

"Brother, it's just a mess. Don't make it difficult for me to do it. I'll call my men and ask them to send me five million yuan. If there's anything wrong, just let it go." Brother Xing didn't answer Xia Jue's question. He planned to use money to solve the problem.

"Pry open his mouth."

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Several men immediately went to brother Xing.


See Xia Jue here to start, a female technician immediately issued a cry of panic.

"I'm tired of getting rid of her."

After getting the order, he kicked the technician out of the door, and the room was quiet.

"I warn you, don't mess, dare to move me, you don't want to stay in the provincial capital." Brother Xing is still threatening now.


Several subordinates ignored his threatening words, and directly kicked brother Xing to the ground.

"Say it or not."

"I said your mother is big." Brother Xing's temper also came up.

"Oh... Ah, fuck, I said, stop, I said."

After being beaten severely, brother Xing can't bear it at last.

"Say it."

"It's the barrister. It's the barrister who made me do it."

"Barrister, which barrister?" Xia Jue doesn't know who Chang's lawyer is.

"He's a lawyer for Lida real estate."

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