"Don't worry, we can take off in ten seconds." Said regor.

"Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven..." Lu Jun recited the numbers in his heart.

But just as he was reading, he found an ugly man rushing towards the helicopter at the entrance of the roof.

All of a sudden, he was scared out of his wits.

How could this guy come up so soon? He clearly saw that this guy walked into the villa in less than half a minute. This mansion has five floors. Is he flying up?

Lu Jun can't understand, and he has no time to think about it.

"Take off quickly, he's coming, quick..." Lu Jun urges Lei Ge crazily.

As soon as he saw someone rush up, he couldn't care about the time of a few seconds. In a moment, he pulled up the pole and the helicopter rose slowly.

"it's safe at last." Lu Jun was relieved.

Condescending, Lu Jun and Lei Ge see the current situation of the whole mansion.

His bodyguards have all been solved by a dozen people below, while the dozen people below are staring at their helicopter.

"It's too scary for me to find a place to hide after this time." Lu Jun scolded.

"Chairman, I feel that their eyes are a little strange." Regor seems to see something.

"Hum, of course, these bastards are reluctant to see us go like this. It's no surprise." Lu Jun thinks it's nothing.

"By the way, chairman, did you find that ugly monster who just chased us went there?" Looking at the top of the building, brother Xia Lei didn't find anything.

After such a reminder from brother Lei, Lu Jun is also suddenly awakened.


That ugly monster was on the top of the building just now. Why is his kung fu gone?

Lu Jun can't help but stare at the bottom.

"No, chairman, that guy's down there." At this time, Leige finally found Xia Jue's figure.

It turned out that Xia Jue was holding the support foot under their helicopter.

He said how the people below looked at them so strangely.

Now the problem is solved.

"What Hearing this, Lu Jun was startled. He looked at the support foot under the helicopter in a panic and saw that Xia Jue was hanging on it.

"Now what?" Lu Jun asked.

"Chairman, take this. If he dares to come up, give him a few knives. If he doesn't come up, hang him like this. I see how long he can hang." Regor throws a spring knife back at Lu Jun in the back seat.

Lu Jun took the spring knife with a difficult face.

"How do you open this thing?" Lu Jun basically doesn't touch Yangchun water with his fingers. He used these things there.

"Chairman, there is a push and twist on it. Just push it forward with your thumb."

Xiajue under the helicopter is waiting.

Because when the helicopter just took off, the airflow below was too big, even he did not dare to head up against the air pressure, otherwise he would be swept away by the airflow.

But now the helicopter has risen to the height where it can fly. The pilot regor on the top doesn't climb any more. At this time, the air flow is much smaller, and Xiajue on the bottom starts to move.

Xia Jue first poked his head out of the support foot of the helicopter underground, and then grasped the door handle above the helicopter with his hand.

"Bang Dang."

There was a sound on the doorknob.

"No, chairman, he's coming up. Get him the spring knife bucket." Ray in the driver's seat yelled.

Lu Jun still doesn't understand how to use the spring knife. Suddenly, he was startled by the roar of Rego. He immediately pushed the push button on the spring knife.

He pushed the blade so hard that it came out of the sheath and almost cut his hand.

Lu Jun immediately looked out of the window, just saw a hand on the doorknob.

"Let me go." Lu Jun waved his knife and went to Xia Jue's hand on the doorknob.

Just when he thought that Xia Jue's hand would be bloody, he suddenly changed.

See Xia Jue's hand quickly released the doorknob, Lu Jun's knife directly stabbed on the doorknob, and take advantage of this opportunity, Xia Jue won Lu Jun's knife, backhand stabbed on his hand.

"Ah, asshole, let me go, ray, come and help me." Lu Jun screamed in pain and lost his ability to think.

Regor in the driver's seat didn't expect things to come so suddenly.

I didn't expect that Lu Jun was so stupid. He was holding a knife and had the upper hand without any interference, but he was still so miserable. He was so angry.

"Chairman, I can't help it. I'm flying a helicopter. Don't worry. Just close the door. He can't get on." Said regor, with a sullen face."Open the door, or I'll cut your hand off." Xia Jue below rips his voice and shouts out his voice.

"Don't open the door, chairman. We'll be finished when he comes up." Regor quickly stopped.

Just now, Lu Jun had the upper hand, and they couldn't make sure of Xia Jue. If they let him come up, they'd better give up and get ready to die.


Lu Jun let out another scream.

"I drive, I drive, don't prick." Lu Jun is about to open the door.

"Chairman, no!" Regor is in a hurry.

"Don't be your mother. What should I do with my hands?" Lu Jun can't stop the pain.

"Damn it, damn fool." Thunder elder brother in the heart secretly scolded a.

When the door opened, Xia Jue grabbed the handle and jumped up to the cabin.

"What do you... What do you want?" Seeing Xia Jue coming up, Lu Jun was afraid and covered his hands and kept shrinking back.

"Turn back to the mansion." Xia Jue said this to Lei Ge in the driver's seat.

Regor hesitated. If he went back to where he had been, how could they survive?

Thinking about it, regor decided to gamble.

He bet that Hagrid would not fly a helicopter.

He does have the confidence.

Because one in a thousand people may not be able to fly back the helicopter, he thought it was impossible for him to be so coincidental, and the ugly people in front of him would be able to fly back.

Determined the attention of the thunder elder brother no longer pay attention to Xia Jue, he selfishly toward a direction.

"Don't you dare to take my words for granted. Do you want to die?" Xia Jue looks at Lei Ge coldly.

"If you have the ability, you'll kill me, and then you'll see how to fly the helicopter." Regor said without fear.

"You don't think I dare, do you?"

"Come on, kill me. I'm not afraid. If we all die together, your life may be more precious than that of me, and I'm not at a loss."

"Well, then you'll die for me.

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