He split three thin needles directly from his left hand. Then his right hand swung the needles in the direction of Xia Jue, and the three needles shot away in the direction of Xia Jue.

Xia Jue's figure didn't fluctuate at all when he saw that he was using the concealed weapon.

When he saw that the three needles were about a foot away from Xia Jue, Xia Jue lightly raised his right hand and grasped the three needles in his fingers with his fingertips.

The opposite Guan enemy was overjoyed to see this scene.

That's what he's waiting for.

Only his left hand quickly toward Xia Jue's right arm to throw out the last three fine needles.

As long as Xia Jue's door is under his arm, then he will die after he has been poisoned.

Guan prayed in his heart.

I didn't make him wait long.

"Clang clang."

Three voices come, in this angry some strange night, but people feel more ear.

But these three voices fell in Guan's ears, just like hypnotic bells.

Making these three sounds means that the armpit is not Xia Jue's door.

Armpit is not his cover door, so where is it?

What's more, why did he dodge under his armpit on purpose? Did he show it to me in order to let me fall into the trap?

Guan didn't really understand.

"Are you looking for my hood?" Xia Jue's tone was slightly ironic.

"I'll fight with you." Guan enemy shouts and rushes to Xia Jue. Although he knows he is not the opponent of Xia Jue, he wants to delay for Chu Yuan and others.

The Chu Yuan above hears the meaning hidden in the roar of Guan's enemies, which is to suggest that they run away quickly.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuan didn't hesitate at all. He immediately turned to Chu batian and said, "Dad, let's go, or it will be too late."

"If I don't leave, we'll leave like this, then the reputation of our Chu family in Kyoto will be ruined." Chu batian didn't want to see his Chu family come to such a state.

"Dad, if you keep the Castle Peak, you don't have to worry about firewood. If you have us, the Chu family will be there. If you are killed by this guy, the Chu family will be gone." Chuyuan exhorted.

"Yes, Dad, there are many emperors who came out of the city to run for their lives in history. Now we are just avoiding difficulties for the time being. It's nothing." It was Chu biezhi who also came to admonish him.

Chu Ba sky god color sad and dreary looked at the situation outside, then tooth a bite: "go!"

After making up their minds, Chu Yuan and his three men came to a cellar of the house without any bodyguards.

Chu Yuan opened a mechanism board under the cellar and saw a tunnel below.

The reason why the Chu family chose to build this house in the suburb was because of this tunnel.

This tunnel was prepared by the Chu family many years ago to prevent the family from being in great danger.

But they thought that their Chu family's strength would never be able to use this tunnel, but they can't imagine that they use it today. It's really unpredictable.

Without stopping too much, the three walked down the tunnel.

After getting off the tunnel, there was a car inside. Three people got on the car and left from the tunnel.


Xia Jue stepped on the enemy's chest.

"You have this kind of ability, which is rare in the secular world. Why do you have to work for the Chu family?"

It has to be said that the enemy is a talent. Xia Jue thinks that his skill is still superior to his martial arts skills. Unfortunately, he chose to be his enemy.

"Poof." Guan enemy spat a mouthful of blood foam at Xia Jue.

Shaq shook his head and stamped his foot on his sternum.


Guan's broken sternum pierced into the heart and was killed in a short time.

Because they couldn't find Chu Yuan and others, the rest of the bodyguards became headless flies. They didn't want to fight with Xia Jue again and ran for their lives.

Seeing this, Xia Jue didn't stop him. They were just minions. He was tired of killing them.

At this time, Wu Tong was very happy.

I'm glad Xia Jue didn't get angry with him for hurting ah Gou and others before, otherwise they might end up in the Chu family.

"Go and find out the people of the Chu family."

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

Wu Tong and others immediately went to the house.

About ten minutes later, Wu Tong and others came out with ugly faces.

"Mr. Xia, the Chu family is gone."

"Gone?" Xia Jue was a little surprised.

Before he has been staring at Chu Yuan and others, they did not leave the house, ah, how can it disappear?

"No way. They haven't been out of the house at all. Look again." Xia Jue said.

Wu Tong and others nodded and went on searching.

"Mr. Xia, we found a tunnel in their cellar." Wu Cha came in a hurry."Lead the way."

Wu Chai immediately turned around and took Xia Jue to the cellar.

"What a generous tunnel." After arriving at the tunnel in the cellar, Xia Jue had to sigh.

"Mr. Xia, here are the wheel marks." Wu Tong uses the light of his mobile phone to find the trace on the ground.

"I said, how could the Chu family build the house in the suburbs? It turned out that they had left such a hand." Wu Cha sighed.

"They can't run. Let your Wu family issue a tracking order." Xia Jue said.

"I see, Mr. Xia." Wu Tong nodded.

Late at night.

Wu Tong and his party returned to Wu's home.

It takes some time to track Chu Yuan and others, so Wu Tong proposes to take Xia Jue back to Wu's home for a night, and Xia Jue agrees.

Although it's late at night now, in order to show the greatest respect, the master of Wu family went to the gate ahead of time to meet Xia Jue.

"Mr. Xia, it's really wonderful that you can come to my Wu family." Wu Hong, the owner of the Wu family, said to Xia Jue with a smile.

After a polite conversation, Xia Jue was taken to a room to have a rest, while Wu Hong took Wu Tongwu tea and others to a meeting room.

"How is the Chu family now?" As soon as he entered the conference room, Wu Hong asked anxiously.

He only heard on the phone that Wu Tong wanted to bring Xia Jue from the Chu family. He didn't know what happened there.

"Chu family... No longer exists." Wu Tong is still a little bit scared. It feels like a dream.

Norda's Chu family collapsed overnight, which would shake the whole of Kyoto.

"What Although we can already guess the result, Wu Hong was shocked by Wu Tong's words.

What kind of strength does it take to destroy a big family?

There's more.

Since Mr. Xia can easily destroy the Chu family, doesn't that mean that he can destroy their Wu family at any time as long as he wants?

Thinking of this, Wu Hong broke out in a cold sweat.

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