Thinking of this, Wu Yao no longer hesitates. She plans to push the door directly, because she is confident that the other party will not refuse her after seeing her face.


The door was easily pushed open by her.

Because this is the first room of the Central People's court.

There is very strict security here. No one can come here without the permission of the owner, so the door here is not locked.

Xia Jue, who was lying on a soft sofa, was stunned when he saw that the other party was so bold.

Then he looked cold: "who let you in?"

Xia Jue's body exudes momentum that ordinary people can't resist. After Wu Yao feels Xia Jue's cold, her body can't help shaking, and the tears on her eyes are spinning, as if they are going to flow out the next moment.

Seeing the other side's delicate and pitiful appearance, Xia Jue's heart softened. He took back his breath and softened his face a lot.

Wu Yao suddenly felt that the cold feeling was gone, and her body and mind suddenly relaxed.

Matsushita comes to Wu Yao and looks up at Xia Jue.

Xia Jue was not very old, about twenty-two or twenty-three years old. As for her appearance, she was not as fat and ugly as she imagined.

Xia Jue's appearance is not handsome, but he is pretty. He belongs to the type of man who can stand to see. Although he can't see it on the sofa, Wu Yao estimates that he is about 1.8 meters old.

Generally speaking, it's still in line with Wu Yao's mind, and it's acceptable to follow him.

"What's that?" Wu Yao saw something similar to a mask on the table.

"It's none of your business. I told you not to come in."

Xia Jue only chooses to wear this mask when he is outside or in front of Su Yihan. If he is alone, he will take it off, because it is not very comfortable to wear it like this.

But what he didn't expect was that the girl dared to break in, which made him see the real face of Xia Jue.

But just see it. It's not a shady thing.

"I can't go. If I go, my parents and I will be punished by family rules." Wu Yao said pitifully.

"Well, I'll help you to press the massage. Every girl has to learn the massage technique from our Wu family. I'm sure you'll like it." Wu Yao came to Xia Jue immediately.

"Said, need not..." Xia Jue immediately refused.

But Wu Yao couldn't help but come to the back of Xia Jue's sofa and help Xia Jue press her head.

"Go..." Xia Jue just wanted to stand up and drive her out, but the comfort from his head made him stop to think about the action.

It's really relaxing.

It seemed to dispel all the tension of his nerves.

It is said that Xia Jue has been almost nervous every day since he entered the Dragon hall with his master.

Because once there is a little slack, it will end up dead. Xia Jue doesn't dare to have the slightest carelessness.

This nervous tension did not dissipate until he became the Lord of the Dragon hall many years later, and all the enemies died under his hands.

This kind of feeling made him spend countless nights in agony. It was not until Xia Jue came back to Zhonghai to live with Su Yihan that this feeling was relieved, so that he could have a good sleep every night.

But it's only limited to living with Su Yihan. Once Su Yihan is gone by his side, the nervous tension will be like a bone eating insect.

But now when he was pressed by the girl's ancestral technique, he could not help feeling that the nervous tension disappeared, and he was very comfortable all over, which made his body muscles seem relaxed.

It's not only spiritual comfort, but also physical comfort, which he has never felt for so many years.

After being pressed by the girl for a few minutes, Xia Jue fell asleep unconsciously.

Wu Yao, who is pressing his head for Xia Jue, is surprised to see that he just goes to sleep.

What kind of crime has this guy suffered? How can he be so tired.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help staring at Xia Jue's pretty face and observing it carefully.


Wu family.

One luxury car after another came in an endless stream.

Then one after another, the heads of Kyoto's major families came down from the car. After these families came down, they were led to the meeting hall by the people of Wu family.

Before long, more than 20 people sat in the conference hall.

Wu Hong, who was sitting on the master's seat, looked at the seven or eight empty seats left, with a chill in his eyes.

"What time is it, fauber?" Wu Hong asked.

"Go home, Lord. It's 2:03 in the morning." Wu Fu replied."Well, the appointed time is up. It seems that these householders will not come."

Wu Hong's words made the house owners murmur in their hearts.

To tell you the truth, in the middle of the night, the Wu family called and asked them to come to the Wu family immediately. They said that there was something important to discuss and asked them to come right away. The words were quite strong, which naturally made them very unhappy.

How can we say that they are also dignified figures in Kyoto. The Wu family just waves and shouts like this. They don't give them face.

Besides, we can talk about anything tomorrow. Why do we have to find them in the middle of the night?

It's a pity that the families here are not the seven or eight families that haven't come. They have no confidence to compete with the martial arts, so even if they don't want to, they still have to hold their noses.

"I want you to do one thing." Wu Hong looked around the crowd.

Hearing these words from the Wu family, the families below became more angry.

They are not the vassal family of the Wu family. Why should they help the Wu family?

"Brother Wu, it's OK to help you Wu family, but what's our advantage?" Qiu Feijie, the owner of the Qiu family, was the first to speak.

Wu Hong looked at Qiu Feijie with a sneer: "you want good, you can. I tell you, the good is that your enemies will not be exterminated."

Hearing Wu Hong's arrogant words, many clan leaders burst into an uproar.

"Hum, brother Wu, does your Wu family want to declare war on our enemies? Although my enemies are not as good as your Wu family, no one can bully them. If you want to move my Wu family, don't be afraid of breaking a few teeth, just let them go."

How can we say that Qiu Feijie is also the leader of the family. There are so many people watching at the scene. Qiu Feijie should not be weakened.

"Ha ha, how many broken teeth? You look up to your enemies too much. By the way, I forgot to tell you a piece of news. The Chu family no longer exists today. " Wu Hong laughs.

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