There is no doubt that although the sword Xia Jue picked up in his hand can be regarded as a sword, how can he resist the sword forged with deep sea pure iron.

So after the two swords collided, Xia Jue's sword broke in two.

"Ha ha, ha ha, let's die." The second principal laughed and chopped off Xia Jue's shoulder.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, Xia Jue had no choice but to plan to resist.

Then he stopped for a breath.

Seeing this, the two chief officials were very happy.


Do you really think that the silver sword in my hand is the old rags?

The second principal can't wait to see Xia Jue cut off most of his body by his sword.

But what happened the next second made him gape again.

"Qiang Qiang." Xia Jue's sharp voice, like the sharp voice of Xia Jue, was not heard before.

"It's... it's impossible." The second principal is going to be stupid.

You know, this is the treasure of their alliance.

Can't even the treasure of Zhenmeng cause a little damage to Xiajue?

Other people in the hall were all stunned when they saw this scene.

They all know what the silver sword in their hands means.

That's a killer that means no harm.

But even this kind of weapon can't do any harm to Xia Jue's body. How can we hurt Xia Jue?

They can't imagine.

Xia Jue looks calm on his face. In fact, he has already set off waves in his heart.

Because he felt that the silver sword on his shoulder had cut his skin.

I remember that his master told him that after he had finished this Kung Fu, there was basically nothing in the world that could hurt him.

It seems that there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the world. All kinds of treasures still exist, but Xia Jue has not touched them before.

These ideas just flashed in Xia Jue's mind. In order to avoid people finding that this silver sword can hurt him, Xia Jue responded immediately.

I saw his hand immediately wrapped like a cane on the hand of the second principal, who was a little absent-minded in front of him. Then he grabbed the hilt of the second principal's sword.

At this time, the two masters finally came back to their senses and wanted to seize the sword. However, it was too late, and the silver sword in his hand still fell into the hands of Xia Jue.

All the people in the hall saw that the silver sword fell into Xia Jue's hands, and they were even more afraid. They retreated seven or eight steps in a row.

At the moment, Xia Jue's iron cloth shirt can be regarded as the body of King Kong. Now he has such a sword in his hand, who can defeat him?

They feel that even if they don't have to jump on Xiajue, they don't have much chance of winning.

What's more, they don't want to die in vain.

"Enough, you go." At this time, behind the crowd came a voice full of Zhongqi.

Hearing this voice, people don't have to look back to know that it was from the chief.

But at this time, no one dares to have any objection, even the eight masters who have been the main station just now dare not speak again.

Because Xia Jue at the moment, they really have nothing to do with him.

If we continue to fight, we can say that both sides are hurt lightly. Maybe they will be more or less unlucky today.

In the face of this voice, Xia Jue did not say anything.

What kind of people do these people regard him as if they want to kill and stop? Do you want to be a clown?

Originally, he was not sure how to deal with all the people here, but now the people in the League actually gave him such a sharp weapon, which was just like a tiger adding wings to him.

This made him have the confidence to destroy these people.

It's better to kill these people, so that he can save time and trouble.

Want to understand this point, Xia Jue quickly towards the body in front of the two main things hit.

"You dare, Lizi

The leader behind the crowd saw that Xia Jue didn't converge at all. Instead, he continued to kill. He couldn't calm down any more.

The previous eight Masters had been killed by Xia Jue. Now if the second master had any more mistakes, the prestige of his seclusion alliance will no longer exist from today on.

The principal tried his best to squeeze through the crowd and wanted to rescue the second principal.

Fortunately, the second principal also knew that Xia Jue, who was holding the silver sword, was extremely dangerous. He didn't get involved with him any more. He also tried his best to retreat behind him, and happened to meet the principal.

When they met, Xia Jue's blade, which was in hot pursuit behind them, was also cut.

At this time, the elder stretched out his right fingers and patted the back of the silver sword.

"With a silver sword in his hand, Xia hujue took out his silver sword.Unexpectedly, the old man still had some skills. Xia Jue, who stopped, stared at the chief who was less than three meters away from him.

"Stop it. It's not good for everyone if you don't die." The main task is to stand by hand.

"Stop it? And then you so-called noble and decent people, like the mountain gate, attack people who I care about, or secretly use some evil tactics against me, right

Xia Jue suffered a loss once, and he didn't want to eat it again, so he had to wipe out all these people before he could rest easy.

"We won't do that. We can make three rules, and we won't break the river in the future." The chief continued.

"Well, three rules? Just now you said that as long as I win the battle, you can leave. As a result, what did you do? " Xia Jue sneered.

"You..." after hearing this, the irascible six masters just wanted to refute, but they couldn't think of any words to refute Xia Jue.

"The strength you show has been recognized by us. We will not be enemies with you any more." The chief is responsible for the way.

"Yes, in order to show your sincerity, give this man to me and let it go." Xia Jue pointed to the two principal affairs.

Xia Jue was very dissatisfied with the words that the chief executive had let him leave, so he naturally wanted to treat him in his own way.

"You bastard, I'll fight with you." In the face of Xia Jue's insulting words, how can he bear it as the second most powerful leader in the league.

But just when he was ready to go up and fight with Xia Jue, the main thing next to him stopped him.

"The second leader is the leader of our alliance. We can't give him to you, but we can give you some compensation. For example, the silver sword in your hand is a treasure that many people can't dream of. It's just a gift for you to make amends. What do you think?"

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