More than fierce, he is not...

the head of the green bamboo sect just said the first half of the sentence, and then he had a look.

Then his eyes seemed to see something terrible.

"Mr. Xia, what are you doing here?" The owner stood up in horror.

The beautiful woman next to the door owner was puzzled to see her husband's fear. She looked back from her husband's eyes.

Li Qing came in with a young man.

If I can make my husband so scared, and think of my question just now, the beautiful woman will think of it.

Is that Xia in front of you?

Thinking of this beautiful woman, she had to be dignified.

Such a terrible figure came to their Danzhu gate, which made her not know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

"Don't panic. I'm only here to discuss something." Xia Jue pulled a stool and sat down.

Seeing that Xia Jue didn't seem to be looking for their Dan Zhu sect, the sect master and the beautiful woman relaxed a little.

"Why did Mr. Xia come to our Danzhu gate?"

By Xia Jue's means, the sect leader thought that he had nothing to help Xia Jue, so he asked.

"I want to borrow some people from you."

"Borrow?" Xia Jue's words made the sect master even more confused.

"That's right."

"How many people does Mr. Xia need?"

"Twenty people. It's true of every sect."

Xia Jue's words seem to be calm, but the door master and the beautiful woman on one side can't refuse.

"Yes, Mr. Xia." The headmaster looked up at Li Qing standing on one side, "go and pick out 20 good hands for Mr. Xia."

"Yes, master." Li Qing nodded to leave.

An hour later, the door of Danzhu gate opened, and Xia Jue went out with a group of people.

Standing in the attic, the door owner and the beautiful woman were relieved to see off Xia Jue.

"Husband, since this Mr. Xia is so powerful, why do you want to borrow from our danzhumen?" Some beautiful women don't understand this.

"I don't know. There are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world. It seems that we secluded sects are people that ordinary people can't touch in their lifetime, but there are no people in the world that even we can't touch, just we haven't touched yet."

When the master talked about this, he had some feelings.

In the past, he always thought that there were no more powerful people in the world than these hermit sects, until he met Xia Jue.

"You mean Mr. Xia is using our people to deal with people of the same level as him." The beautiful woman seems to have understood what the headmaster said.


"And the twenty men we sent out are not very dangerous?"

Thinking of this beautiful woman, her face suddenly tightened.

You know, these 20 people are the elites and the future of their sect. Once they are so damaged, I'm afraid that the future of Danzhu will be depressed.

"What about danger? If we don't follow, I'm afraid we're going to be restless in danzhumen today with Mr. Xia's temper." The master shook his head helplessly.


after leaving Danzhu gate, Xia Jue went to all the major sects one by one to "visit".


Xia Jue successfully borrowed hundreds of experts from these families.

"You're curious about what I want you to do?" Xia Jue stood in front of the hundreds of people and yelled.

Hearing Xia Jue's words, everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to ask.

"It's very simple. I want you to do what you are good at with me. That's killing people."

Although Xia Jue knew that these people were only under his power now, he would not work too hard when he was on the battlefield.

But if I meet those guys in the Dragon hall, I can't help them not to help.

Because no matter who you are, those people will be regarded as enemies as long as they step on the land of the Dragon hall.

At that time, in order to protect their lives, how could they care so much.

"I see, Mr. Xia."

"No problem, Mr. Xia."

Before they came, the main gate owners and clan heads all told them to try their best to accommodate Xia Jue, so they had to agree with each other.

"Good. Let's go."


Tiangang terminal.

Ning Cairen and Ning Xue, with a large group of people looking around, seem to be waiting for someone.

Ten minutes later.

A long line of motorcade came to the dock.

"Cha Cha."

The car stopped slowly, then Xia Jue took the lead to walk down from the car."Brother Xia, you are here."

When Ning Cairen and Ning Xue see Xia Jue coming, they quickly welcome him.

"Brother Xia, how are you doing recently?" Xia Jue asked with a smile.

"Thanks to brother tosha, everything is well."

When saying this, Ning Cairen couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

Since Xia Jue had spoken that day, Ning Zhiheng did not dare to act rashly to him any more.

So he has also taken back a lot of rights from his family these days.

"That's good. Is the boat ready?" Asked Xia Jue.

"Ready, brother Xia, if you want to go out to sea, you can go out at any time." Ning Cairen pointed to the giant yacht that was docked on the wharf.

Xia Jue nodded, then turned to look at Li Qing and others, "get on the boat?"

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Li Qing took a crowd behind him to walk toward the yacht.

"Brother Xia, what are you doing here?" To tell you the truth, it's very curious to see Xia Jue taking so many people out of Haining by boat.

"Go and do something. I'll talk about brother Ning later." Xia Jue just wants to solve Chen qishang as soon as possible.

"OK, brother Xia." Ning Cairen watched Xia Jue get on the boat.

In the endless sea, the giant yacht is sailing at full speed in one direction to the East.

I don't know how long later, the yacht entered an unknown area.

"Mr. Xia, if you go further, you will find the unknown area. There are very few ships on this route, and it is said that it is very dangerous. All the ships that entered in the past have been wrecked." The captain looked at Xia Jue in embarrassment.

"Nothing. Go in."

This is the territorial sea of the Dragon hall. Ordinary ships can't come to a good end if they intrude.

But Xia Jue is going to find Chen Qi today. So naturally, I don't care about that.

After hearing Xia Jue's words, the captain had no choice but to continue to drive into the unknown sea area.

When Xia Jue's yacht stepped into this area, a small motorboat came up.

At the moment, people are afraid of the ghost coming out of the boat, which makes them feel like strangers.

After the motorboat approached, several people on board jumped directly from the motorboat into the yacht.

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