When the silver sword came out of its sheath, all the people on the scene looked at it.

Even Chen qishang and the second elder also felt the extraordinary power of the sword.

With the silver sword coming out of its sheath, Xia Jue also moved here.

"Ah, ah, ah."

Everywhere Xia Jue went, he must have been accompanied by screams and blood. All of a sudden, they felt sticky under their feet. They looked up and down, and it turned out that the ground was already full of blood.

In fact, many of the disciples of the major sects and families saw Xia Jue for the first time.

Although they have heard about Xia Jue's horror before, others' opinions are just an impression in their mind.

And now I saw Xia Jue's hand with my own eyes, which made them really understand Xia Jue's terror.

It's no wonder that their respective owners are so afraid of such characters. This is simply a god of war.

With Xia Jue's joining in, the black feather guard's arrogance, which was still fierce before, was suddenly suppressed, which made Chen qishang and the two elders look ugly.

"What kind of sword is he holding in his hand? How can he not even block the black armor of my black guard?"

The two elders looked at the silver sword in Xia Jue's hand and fell into thinking.

You know, the black feather guards are all wearing soft silver armor made by the Dragon hall at a great cost.

This kind of soft silver and iron armor, not to mention ordinary swords, even the sharpest sword can hardly pierce half a point.

But the silver sword in Xia Jue's hand, let alone pierced it, was just like cutting tofu. It was cut off with the armor and the people. It was ridiculous.

"Bring in the golden feather guard." Chen Qi's face here is a little gloomy, so people can't see what he is thinking.


The two elders were startled by Chen Qi's words.

You know, the golden feather guard can't be used casually.

The Jinyu guard is the core guard of the Dragon hall.

There were only twenty-eight guards, all of whom were trained according to the requirements of the crown prince.

That is to say, when the current Lord does not find his own successor, he will choose one of the 28 people to succeed him.

This shows the strength of the guard.

And this guard will only be transferred out when the Dragon hall is going to be destroyed. Usually, even the people in the Dragon hall are hard to see.

That's why the two elders were so surprised when they heard that Chen Qi had to send out the golden feather guards.

"I said bring in the golden feather guard." Chen qishang repeated what he had just said.

"Lord, the golden feather guard is in the hands of the elder. I... I can't move it." The two elders look a little embarrassed.

"Then go to the elder and ask him to transfer the golden feather guard, or dare he not listen to me?" Chen Qi looks grim.

"Well, I'll give the Lord's order to him."

The elder is dissatisfied with the fact that after Chen Qi took over the throne of the Lord, he began to liquidate Xia Jue.

So he has a lot of complaints about them these days, but now he's going to borrow the elder's golden feather guard to deal with Xia Jue. The second elder can't guarantee that the elder Council will agree.

Before long, the second elder came to the office of the elder.

"Elder, the Lord asked you to transfer the golden feather guard to the dock." The second elder said directly.

"Why do you need it? He just wants to live an ordinary life. Why should he be killed everywhere? "

The elder didn't lift it, so he quietly looked at the book in his hand.

"I can't be the Lord. It means to respect the Lord."

"Hum, Lord, if he didn't give up his seat, who would be qualified to get involved?" The elder snorted coldly.

"Elder, the Lord asked you to transfer the golden feather guard. Do you want to transfer it or not?"

The second elder doesn't want to argue with the elder any more. Xia Jue over there is a situation that people block the killing Buddha and the killing Buddha. If he is a little late, he can't guarantee what will happen.

"Since it's the Lord's order, how can I not follow it?" The elder's voice was cold, and then he stood up slowly.

By the dock.

Xia Jue stood in the setting sun with a silver sword, just like a killing God. The corpses around him were everywhere, and the wild blood poured into the sea, directly dyed the Sea red.

Behind him, Li Qing and others all looked at Xia Jue in awe.

This is the first time they feel that a person's power can be so powerful.

At the same time, they did not know why Xia Jue wanted to find them.

Because looking at this posture, Xia Jue could slaughter the island by himself, and it was unnecessary for them to come.

"Is that what you want?" Xia Jue looked at Chen Qi, who was the only commander with light.At this point, Chen qishang didn't show any fear. On the contrary, he was very relaxed and even showed a smile.

"Do you think you won?"

"Sooner or later." The sword in Xia Jue's hand was raised again.

Seeing Xia Jue's covetous look, Chen Qi suddenly smiles, and then looks to the right.

At this time, the elder came with a team of 28 people in gold.

When the elder came to the scene, he first took a look at Xia Jue, and then took a look at Chen Qi.

"Elder, are you sure you want to do this?" Xia Jue looks at the elder.

"It's hard to break the rules."

"It's hard to break the rules of a temple. Do you think he is qualified to sit in the position of Lord

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? Go ahead and catch the traitor who came to invade my Dragon Island." Chen Qi made a speech at the meeting.

After Chen Qi finished his speech, the 28 members of the Jinyu guard didn't make any movement.

"Elder?" Chen Qi looked up at the elder.

"Didn't you hear what the LORD said?" The elder's tone was quite helpless.


The Jinyu guards all nodded, and then came to Xia Jue, who was holding the silver sword.

"You are the foundation of the Dragon hall. This is my grudge with Chen Qi. I don't want to hurt you. Step back quickly." Xia Jue said coldly.

"It's hard to do the temple rules. I've offended you."

Twenty eight people ignored Xia Jue's words, instead, they surrounded him directly.

In this case, Xia Jue had nothing to say. He moved his sword again.


A member of the golden feather guard near Xia Jue had no time to react before his arm was cut off by Xia Jue.

"What a sharp sword. Be careful." The leader of Jinyu guard looked at the silver sword in Xiajue's hand in surprise.

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