Chapter 264 non state

Chapter 264 non state

after pondering for a while, Ning Zhiheng had no choice but to do everything. Now he had to bear the result and went out immediately.

Here Ning Zhiheng with a large number of people stopped Xia Jue in the front yard of Ning family.

"Mr. Xia, what can I do for you in my family?" Ning Zhiheng looks at Xia Jue without expression.

"Hum, how dare you treat Ning Cairen like this, knowing that he is my friend."

"Mr. Xia, my elder brother is just a little emotional because of his father's death. I've asked people to take him down to pacify him. Nothing happened."

"I don't want to talk so much with you. Bring him to see me." Xia Jue said in an indisputable tone.

"This... My elder brother's mood is not stable now. I'm afraid he might hurt Mr. Xia by mistake. I'd better ask Mr. Xia not to see him."

Ning Zhiheng has made up his mind to fight to the end, so there is no way out.

Hearing this, Xia Jue began to laugh.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Xia Jue despises Ning Zhiheng and others.

"Don't force me, Mr. Xia. I don't want to be an enemy to you. It's just our family business. Please hold your hand high. If you can ignore this, Mr. Xia, I'd like to give you five billion yuan as a thank-you fee."

As a last resort, Ning Zhiheng didn't want to die, so he wanted to try his last effort.

"Against me? Do you have that qualification? "

After Xia Jue finished this sentence, he slowly walked in front of Ning Zhiheng.

Seeing that Xia Jue was unmoved, Ning Zhiheng had no choice but to grit his teeth and say to the people behind him: "give me a hand!"

Xia Jue left a deep impression on him last time, so he went to the United States and hired dozens of meters of first-class bodyguards to come back.

He didn't believe that Xia Jue, no matter how powerful he was, could kill the bodyguards hired by the United States alone.

But the next second he was a little silly.

See these big bodyguards in front of Xia Jue like sandbags, by Xia Jue this small body one by one to the ground.

"Bang bang."

In less than a minute, nearly 50 bodyguards who had been hired heavily fell to the ground.


is this still human.

Ning just opened his mouth in an O-shape.

Now he began to understand why the invincible Wu Tong was so respectful to Xia Jue.

it turns out that it's not Xia Jue's strong background, but he is a first-class expert himself.

"Go and get people out." Xia Jue looked at Ning Zhiheng, who was scared and silly, and said.

"I know where it is." At this time, money manager finally recovered from the shock, and then he quickly turned away.


Ning Cairen and Ning Xue were brought to the scene.

When they saw the foreign bodyguards lying everywhere, they were also shocked for a while. However, when they saw Xia Jue standing in the field, they were instantly delighted.

"Brother Xia, why are you here?" Ning Cairen comes to Xia Jue.

"I'm here to return the yacht for you."

"The yacht doesn't matter. As long as brother Xia likes it, I'll give it to you."

Xia Jue laughed, "what's the matter with you?"

"Thanks to brother Xia this time. If brother Xia doesn't come today, we'll never see you again."

When Ning Zhiheng said this, he looked at Ning Zhiheng in front of him.

"Ning Zhiheng, it's a waste of time for you to do such a thing to kill your father and seize the property."

"Well, I didn't do that. The will clearly says that the heir is me. Now you can kill me."

The situation has gone, so Ning Zhiheng broke the pot.

"Well, you are the heir? I'll take my father's body for an examination. "

After hearing this, Ning Zhiheng seems to have been emptied of all his strength and directly fell to the ground.

In the evening.

It's on the wine table in Ning's dining room.

Several servants brought food and wine to the table one after another.

"Brother Xia, we can't repay you for your kindness to our brothers and sisters, but if brother Xia has any assignment in the future, please give us orders, and we'll be the first to show our respect for you."

"You are my friend, not my staff. Don't be so formal."

"Well, let's drink to brother Xia."


in a conference room in a mysterious manor in the United States.

Four dignified looking and gray haired foreigners sat at a square table.

"It seems that something has changed in the Dragon hall. Have you received any news?" An old man on the east side said in English.

"It's said that there was civil strife in the Dragon hall, in which the golden and black guards were seriously injured, but I don't know if it's true." Said the old man on the west side."It's spreading all over the place now. I think the news has some credibility." The old man's Road on the north side.

"The Dragon hall has been very powerful these years. Its people are all over the place and eating away at the boundary. Should we try them out?" The old man in the South suggested.

"Yes, our holy religion has been bullied too much by the spirit of their dragon temple over the years. Now there is something wrong with their dragon temple. It's time for us to fight back."

"But if this is the false news from the self directing and self acting of the Dragon hall, the purpose is to test our hidden enemies, what should we do?"

"Whether it's true or not, you should try it out. Otherwise, I'll miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I'll never be able to turn over."

"Let's take Africa as an example. The strength there is complex. We can do something about it."

"That's right."



non state.

It's not so much a country as a place in the family.

There are many wars all year round, but there are many kinds of resources. Many countries and forces covet it, so it can be described in one word.

That's chaos.

The sub Hall of the Dragon hall is located in a hill.

At this time, a special person came to the temple.

That's the second elder.

"Welcome the second elder Lin Ling."

The Dragon hall was divided into two parts. A group of people came out to welcome the two elders.

"Go in and talk."

The second elder is in a mess.

He knew that this place was full of danger. If he was careless, he would die.

In order to protect his life, he had to understand the situation and form here as soon as possible, and then make countermeasures.

"How many more of us are there?" After entering the branch hall and sitting on the first seat, the two elders asked.

"The two Hui elders, plus their subordinates, still have 73 people in the temple."

"What's the form of flying to Africa recently?"

"Elder Hui Er, it's getting worse and worse. Especially now there are some bad news about our dragon hall. Many people are ready to move."

"Kill, kill the Dragon hall today!"

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