There is no doubt that he has heard of this name.

Although the owner of this name has not appeared in Africa for a long time.

But in Africa, no matter who it is, no matter how beautiful it is, people with evil spirits are terrified to hear the name.

Because the owner of this name has really left a deep impression on Africa.

But the young man asked him if he had ever heard of this name. What does it mean?

Is the killing God the young man in front of him?

Thinking of this, the bus driver's legs were almost unsteady.

I didn't expect to provoke this killing God today. How can he survive.

"Please, I have eyes and don't know Taishan. Let me go. Let me go. I'll never dare again."

The bus driver knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Xia Jue crazily. He didn't even have the idea of running away.

Because he knows that running away in front of such a terrible person is no different from seeking death.

Seeing that this guy was so scared, Xia Jue nodded.

It seems that although he has been away from here for a long time, his prestige has not decreased.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue said, "what I gave you just now is that you don't cherish it."

Xia Jue's words were full of heart, which made his intestines blue.

He didn't even burn incense and pray, and even dared to turn his head to ask him for trouble, which made him want to slap himself.

"I know it's wrong, I know it, please, please..."

the bus driver's head was broken and bleeding.

"It's God's business to forgive you!"

After that, Xia Jue hit him with a fist.

The bus driver's face froze and his eyes fell down with blood.

After getting rid of the rubbish, Xia Jue turned and went back to the bus.

When the people on the bus saw Xia Jue coming up, they all shrank back in horror.

Obviously, they also heard the conversation between Xia Jue and the bus driver just now.

They already know who Xia Jue is now.

Because in Africa, no one dares to call himself "God of war" except that legendary figure.


Ignoring the fear of all the people in the bus, Xia Jue ordered directly.

"Yes, I'll drive right away."

A temporary driver in front of him started the car.

Seeing the car started, Xia Jue returned to his position and continued to close his eyes.

Looking back at Xia Jue, Lin Yao finally recovered from the shock.

Now she has understood that Xia Jue is a legendary martial arts expert.

A man fighting alone with more than 30 murderers with weapons solved them all in less than a minute. What's not a Wulin expert?

"You... Did you kill them?" Lin Yao's mouth trembled.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, one minute? Xia Jue still closed his eyes, didn't he have any meaning to explain?

"Is the God of war... A title?" Lin Yao changed the topic.

Naturally, she also noticed the fear of the bus driver when Xia Jue said the word "God of war" just now, and the fear of the people on the bus after Xia Jue got on the bus.

So she decided that this "God of war" should be a title, symbolizing the title of a very powerful person.

"Don't ask so many questions. I've saved you twice. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in such trouble. Could you please let me be quiet?"

Xia Jue's mouth moved, but his eyes didn't open.

"It's not normal for compatriots to help each other when they go out."

Lin Yao mumbled, very dissatisfied.


the bus was running in an orderly way. About half an hour later, the bus arrived at an urban area in Africa.

In fact, this urban area is an urban area, but in fact it is old and dilapidated. There are still various kinds of holes on the walls.

The door opened and the temporary driver and other passengers ran out of the car as if they were on the run.

Xia Jue's reputation is too terrible. They always feel that their lives are not theirs when they stay with Xia Jue for a while, as if they are going to be taken away by Xia Jue at any time.

Seeing the station, Xia Jue also walked down to the car.

After about ten steps, he suddenly turned around and said, "Why are you following me?"

"No, I'm just going this way."

Lin Yao looked around in a panic.

"I advise you to leave this land of right and wrong. This kind of place is not for a little girl like you to stay."

With that, Xia Jue turned and left.

"Ah, Mr. Zhanshen, can I ask you a favor?"Lin Yao catches up with Xia Jue.

"Not interested."

"I can give you money, I'll give you... 100000 no, 200000, 200000. How about being my bodyguard for a day? I'll just take some photos. I'll leave after taking photos, OK?"

Xia Jue didn't pay attention to it and went to the city.

Seeing this, Lin Yao stamped her feet.


Entering the city, Xia Jue came to a restaurant.


a man in ordinary clothes came to Xia Jue.


"Tell me about it."


Since the last sneak attack, we have had countless deaths and injuries in the temple. The second elder also died. Later, the sixth elder and the seventh elder came to the temple and were killed by the gang of bastards in the knight's palace. "

"Just the temple and the knight's palace. What about other forces? Are they involved?"

"Other forces are weak and don't dare to be the leader, but they also make a lot of bad things in the dark. The route of our six elders and seven elders may have been leaked by those bastards of the shadow League."

"Shadow League? The lesson of last time is not enough. I dare to intervene in the affairs of the Dragon hall. "

Xia Jue's face suddenly became cold.

This film alliance is an organization specialized in all kinds of news trading.

Many years ago, when he wandered here, he offended a lot of people. Some people paid a high price to buy his whereabouts from the film League, which almost put him under siege.

Later, Xia Jue went to their shadow League in person, and forced the shadow League to execute several leaders related to this matter, so he gave up.

I didn't expect that the shadow League is better now. The scar has forgotten the pain.

"With the support of the temple and the knight's palace, and the recent changes in the Dragon hall, it's not surprising that the shadow alliance is ready to move."

"Find out where they are, and I'll deal with them. Xia Jue said.

"Yes, Lord."



An underground black fist.

There's a mixture of dragons and snakes here. There's everyone.

This is a favorite place for people of various complicated forces in Africa.

At the same time.

This is also the place where all kinds of news spread most widely.

The power of the Dragon hall here has been basically annihilated.

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