Chapter 275 lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 275 lead the snake out of the hole

before Mrs. Meizhi finished speaking, Xia Jue stood up and prepared to leave.

Seeing that Xia Jue was leaving, Mrs. Meizhi just wanted to ask her to stay.

But suddenly it occurred to her that this person was not interested in money and her human feelings. She really didn't know what conditions to take to retain Xia Jue.


The box door was pushed open and Xia Jue stepped out.

"Madam, this man is so rampant that he dares to fight against these three forces. My subordinates expect that he won't live long. It's right that madam doesn't trade with him."

Said the bodyguard next to the Michaelis.

"His skill is extraordinary. With his help, he has a better chance this time. Unfortunately, his conditions are a little too far from the mark."

Mrs. Meizhi shook her head.

"Don't worry, madam. My subordinates have found some experts of ancient families from the island. Even if they can't succeed in this trip, they must be able to drink some soup."

"I hope so." Mrs. Meizhi looks melancholy and looks ahead. Suddenly, she seems to think of something again, but she will say: "send someone to follow him. He dares to be an enemy of the three forces, so he must not be an ordinary person. I want to find out what he wants to do."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Wait a minute. Let Zhuifeng Jun go. He's too skilled. I'm afraid that most people will find him when they go."

"I see, ma'am."

The bodyguard turned and walked out of the box door.

Here, Xia Jue and Migao Yang leave the underground black boxing hall and suddenly stop.

"What's the matter, summer?"

Mi Gaoyang was puzzled to see Xia Jue stop.


Xia Jue laughed and continued to walk forward.

No sooner had they left the black boxing hall than someone followed them.

Although this person's movement is very hidden, is a tracking master, but how can hide his ears and eyes.

He expected that this man was sent by Mrs. Meizhi just now.

But he didn't understand what Mrs. Meizhi meant.

Do you want to do harm to him or disclose his whereabouts to the people of the three major forces.

If so, it would be the best.

Then Xia Jue can wait for them to come up and don't have to go to them so hard.

Before long, Xia Jue and Mi Gaoyang returned to the hotel.

"What do you want from me, summer?"

Seeing this, Michael Yang is more and more curious about what Xia Jue wants him to do.

"Did you offend the shadow League?"

"Yes, I sold them a fake message..."

Mi Gaoyang didn't deny it.

"Is this news enough for them to come after you?"

"No doubt about it."

"That will do."

As long as the shadow League will come after him.

At that time, Xia Jue will catch these people and touch the melons along the way. He will touch all the melons of yingmeng all the way, and then cut them again to let them know the consequences of daring to move their dragon hall.

"I'll show you around tomorrow and have a good rest."

Xia Jue left with such a sentence, leaving behind a muddled face of Migao Yang.

At the same time.

It's in a dilapidated building opposite the hotel.

A thin man picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

"They went back to the hotel, ma'am, and then seemed to go to bed."

"Keep watching."


The next day.

The sun rose high.


The door of Michael Young's room was pushed open.

"Get up, we're going out."

"Where are you going, summer? I haven't slept enough."

Migao Yang looks sleepy.

"Get up, I don't have time to ink with you."

"Well, I'll get up in a minute."

Hearing that Xia Jue was serious, Migao Yang did not dare to neglect him any more.

After all, the ferocious spirit of last night was still in his mind.

After washing, Xia Jue took him out of the hotel.

Out of the hotel door, Xia Jue squinted at the uncompleted building about six or seven hundred meters away from them for the first time.

Meanwhile, the skinny man on the seventh floor of the appendix building seemed to feel like he was being targeted.

"No, did he find out?"

The man's face was terrified and he crawled down.

A moment later, when he looked down again, he found that Xia Jue and he had already walked out of a lot of distance, and then he was relieved.

It seems that I am worried too much.With his own hidden body method, how could he find out.

Then the man stepped on the brisk pace and ran after the two people in the distance.

"Xia, what are you doing in this market? It's very dangerous. I'll be watched by the people of the shadow League later."

Migao Yang saw Xia Jue swaggering with him to the market, and immediately panicked.

"I just want them to come to you."

The corner of Xia Jue's mouth raised.


Hearing this, Michael Yang's whole body froze.

He has never heard of anyone taking the initiative to deal with the film League.

"Xia, don't make trouble. It's not fun at all. We'll be dead when the film alliance comes. They're not the garbage bodyguards of Mrs. Meizhi."

In the face of MI Gaoyang's admonition, Xia Jue didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, he went to the market on his own.

The country has been in war all the year round, and all kinds of forces are rampant. There is not even a decent block, only this dilapidated market.

But the market is like this, the flow of people here is also very large.

But mostly local black people.

"Xia, Xia, let's go quickly. The news of the film alliance is very well-informed. I must have noticed. If we don't go, we won't be able to leave."

Migao Yang is still admonishing Xia Jue.

"If you talk so much nonsense, you don't have to wait for the shadow League. I'll kill you right away."

Xia Jue looked at him coldly.

Xia Jue's appearance made Yang Migao almost lose his legs.

This cruel man was killed by Mrs. Meizhi's bodyguards last night.

If he gets angry, he is afraid that he will be in a different place immediately. Thinking of MI Gaoyang, he doesn't dare to speak any more.

"Get him, get him."

Just as Xia Jue and his wife swaggered around, a few fierce shouts came from the front.

After the cry, Xia Jue saw a beautiful shadow running over.

This is not exactly who Lin Yao came with him yesterday.

He saw Lin Yao.

Lin Yao naturally saw him.

Then Lin yaoru found the backbone and came to him.

"Xia Jue, it's great to meet you here. Please help me."

Lin Yao said and looked at the people who came after her with a look of fear.

Xia Jue frowned.

"I told you to get out of here. Why are you still here?"

"I just want to leave now, but I think I have to take some pictures before I leave, or it will be in vain, won't it?"

"Look where you're going, you bitch."

As they speak, five or six of them have caught up with each other. They look at Lin Yao in non national language.

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