"Mrs. Meizhi, you dare to divulge the information of our shadow League. Be careful of your head."

With a terrible bayonet, I still remember the threat.


As soon as the bayonet's words were finished, Xia Jue clapped his hand on the cover of his spirit.

Then the soft bayonet fell on the ground.

"Where is it?"

After solving this problem, Xia Jue turned to look at Madame Meizhi.

"Turn left at the second intersection in front, and then walk about 500 meters ahead. There is a silver shop called Mengyin hanging on it, which is the location of their alliance."

"Hidden in the city, it's a big shadow."

Xia Jue turned and left.

"Ma'am, the news has told him that he will not come to us. What shall we do?"

The bodyguard beside Mrs. Meizhi was worried when she looked at Xia Jue.

"She'll be back."

If Xia Jue destroys the shadow League, he will come to him for information about the knight's palace and the temple, so lady Meizhi is not worried about this problem at all.


according to the route directed by Madame Meizhi, Xia Jue came to the door of the silverware shop with the sign of "Mengyin".

At this time, there were few people in the shop, only a few people in twos and threes were observing all kinds of silverware in the shop.

"What silver do you want to see, little brother?"

Walking into the shop, a man in his thirties, who had the same skin color as those in the shadow League before, said.

"Is this the headquarters of your film League?"

Hearing this, the man's eyes suddenly froze.

And the next few workers grinding silver also stopped their action.

It seemed that Xia Jue's words had solidified in the air.

Several people in the shop also felt something was wrong and ran out with a crash.

"Who are you?"

The man who talked with Xia Jue was staring at him.

"There seems to be no wrong place."

After finishing this sentence, Xia Jue made a move.

Xia Jue hands at the same time, on the side of the already secretly alert shop assistants work is not slow, are toward him.

"Bang bang."

In five or six seconds, all the members of the shadow League were knocked down by Xia Jue.


A flash in the shop, the mechanism door slowly opened, and then a large number of shadow alliance experts poured out to kill Xia Jue.

At the same time.

It's inside the office.

"Seven alliance leaders, it's not good. Someone broke in."

A shadow League man pushed the door to report.

"What, who is it? Is it from the Dragon hall?"

If you can find it here and dare to kill it directly, then no one else has such a reason except the Dragon hall.

"No, it's a young man with an Asian face."


After hearing this, the seven alliance leaders sent out a shocked voice.

Isn't that the man he sent the bayonet to deal with just now.

Now the bayonet hasn't come back, but this man has come to the door.

What does this mean? You don't have to think about it. The seven leaders know.

"Send out the highest warning, let all the Allies go to snipe him immediately."


It's not too much to say that there are corpses all over the place.

Xia Jue is now like a bulldozer, pushing in all the way, forcing the people of the shadow League to retreat.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

All of a sudden, the shadow alliance people in front of Xia Jue gave way.

Then a row of people with silver crossbows squatted and aimed at Xia Jue.

"Let it go."

After a shout, dense silver arrows shot at Xia Jue in an instant.

"Clang, clang, clang."

The silver arrow hit Xia Jue's body and didn't do any harm to him. It only made the sound of beating iron.

The people in the opposite film League were stunned to see this scene.

Taking advantage of the other party's stupefied spirit of this time, Xia Jue is like a bulldozer to move and crush in the past.

"Ah, ah, ah."

Soon, Xia Jue killed all the way to the hinterland of the shadow League.

Seeing that the whole shadow alliance was upset by Xia Jue, the seven alliance leaders couldn't help it. He came out with a group of confidants.

"My shadow League doesn't know where to offend this friend. Why do you want to go to our shadow League and kill him?"

The seven alliance leaders carry their hands on their backs, but if someone is behind him, you can see that his hands are shaking.

I'm not scared.

It's just that he's in a hurry now.Even if this matter can be solved safely, he will have no face to continue to be the leader of the African sub League.

"I just want to ask you one thing. Is the news that the six elders and seven elders of the Dragon hall are here leaked by your shadow League?"

Hearing Xia Jue's words, the seven alliance leaders and others finally understood that this man was actually the Dragon hall.

That makes sense.

It's true that the character of the Dragon hall must be reported in this kind of thing.

But what puzzled him was who the young man was from the Dragon hall.

Their film alliance is engaged in trading information.

It can be said that they have information about any important person in the Dragon hall, but he doesn't know the young man's face at all.

According to the truth, this person's skills in the Dragon hall should not be a lonely nobody.

However, although Xia Jue was powerful, what really frightened him was that he did not know whether the army of the Dragon hall was deployed outside.

If today's Dragon hall is intended to retaliate, then their shadow alliance will be more or less unlucky this time.

"It turns out that it's a friend of the Dragon hall. I think we should have a misunderstanding. Why don't we sit down and have a talk?"

The seven leagues are in charge of calculation. First, they talk about Xia Jue.

"Hum, your shadow alliance is so bold. You forget the pain when you get rid of the scar, right? This time I will give you a lesson that will never be forgotten."

While speaking, Xia Jue's figure moved.

"Defend the film League, give it to me!"

As soon as Xia Jue moved, the people in the shadow League were not willing to be outdone. They rushed up to Xia Jue one after another.

The scuffle is back.

There were howls at the scene.

"Seven alliance leaders, the strength of this man is too fierce. For the safety of the alliance leader, please leave first. Just give it to us."

Seeing that there was no one to stop Xia Jue in the field, the seven alliance leader's men urged him to go first.

"Hum, how can I go? Today I live and die together with the sub League!"

Look at Xia Jue in this game, the seven alliance leaders clenched their teeth.

If he is gone and the sub League no longer exists today, then he has no face to face the people of the general League.

"Kill, defend the glory of the film League."

After the seven alliance leaders cried out this, they took the lead in killing Xia Jue.

As the leader of this alliance, he knows that his ruthlessness can infect people. Today, if he wants to kill this young man, he has to burn his bridges.

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