"Let them go back."

Madame Meizhi just wanted to introduce the identity of these people to Xia Jue, but before she finished, she was interrupted by him.

"What does that mean, Mr. Xia?"

Madame Meizhi didn't understand what Xia Jue meant.

"I mean, I'm enough. I don't need them."

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

Although Xiajue spoke Chinese, one of them could understand it, so the man who understood it immediately stood up and glared at Xiajue.

I was so excited to see the other people on the island. I asked them what happened.

The angry Islander immediately explained to others what Xia Jue had said to them.

As soon as he finished, the rest of the people in Samurai clothes were staring at Xia Jue.

"Don't be impulsive. We all call ourselves."

When the two sides see each other, it's Mrs. Mei who wants to block each other.

"Mrs. Meizhi, this man is too arrogant. I must teach him a lesson."

The angry Islander had already grasped the handle of the knife when he was talking, and he was about to draw a sword when he didn't agree.

"They all invited you to help me, Mr. Xia."

This group of people are from the ancient family of the island. They are the experts she invited after spending a lot of time with everyone and asking for a lot of relationships. So Mrs. Meizhi didn't dare to annoy them.

"Don't use them. Asking for a bunch of rubbish will only drag us down. Let them go back!"


Xia Jue's words fell in their ears, which was undoubtedly a mockery.

As the children of the ancient aristocratic family that everyone looks up to on the island, how can they bear such insults.

The island man, who understood the Chinese language, pushed the lady Meizhi away.

"Asshole, draw your sword. Let me see what you can do."

With that, the island man directly drew out the samurai sword.

"You're not qualified to let me draw my sword yet. Besides, let's go together to save trouble."

When Xia Jue said this, he hooked up with other island men behind him.

In this way, even if those island men behind him could not understand Xia Jue's language, they could see his provocative actions from his gestures.


"Baga road."

A group of islanders scolded angrily.

But they still have the spirit of samurai. Instead of rushing on, they want to see Xia Jue knocked down by their companions.

"Shangyuanjun, Mr. Xia, calm down. We are all our own people. There's no need to do that."

Both of them are from their own side. No matter who is injured, she doesn't want to see them, so she continues to persuade them.

In the face of Mrs. Meizhi's persuasion, the man named shangyuanjun who confronts with Xia Jue in the field doesn't pay any attention. He is already furious. He directly raises the samurai sword in his hand and cuts at Xia Jue.


The samurai sword was caught between Xia Jue's two fingers and made a sound.

"Is that all you can do?"

Xia Jue showed a joking look.


Shangyuanjun angrily scolded that he wanted to draw the sword back. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't draw it back from Xiajue's hand.

Xia Jue's fingers seemed to be not fingers, but a pair of pliers, holding his knife in his hand.

Seeing that shangyuanjun was so embarrassed, Xiajue shook his head again.

No matter how hard you try, you can't take the knife back. Shangyuanjun just loosens the handle of the knife and smashes it at Xiajue.


His fist was pinched by Xia Jue's right hand, which made him unable to move.

"Say you waste is waste, don't recognize, kneel down for me."

After that, Xia Jue kicked him in the stomach and fell down on his knees in pain.

It just happened in a flash.

At this time, the islanders behind him were a little silly.

Their strength keeps up with that of Yuanjun.

Xia Jue can solve shangyuanjun so easily, which also means that he can solve them easily.

Then the strength of this guy is a little bit too terrible.

Where on earth did Mrs. Meizhi come from?

"Mrs. Meizhi, I said that they are just a bunch of rubbish. It's just a drag on us to let them come. Now do you believe it?"


Mrs. Meizhi looks a little complicated.

She also didn't expect that as shangyuanjun of the ancient aristocratic family, Xia Jue was put on the ground without touching his clothes."Baga."

The rest of the island people don't have to think that Xia Jue is telling Mrs. Meizhi that they are rubbish.

As children of the ancient family, they can tolerate failure, but they must not allow others to insult them like this.

So at the moment, they didn't care about the spirit of samurai any more. They rushed up to Xia Jue.

"Well, I can't help myself." Xia Jue snorted coldly.

If they turn around and leave now, they can suffer less, but they are so stubborn, no wonder Xia Jue.

"Bang bang."

It took only ten seconds.

Ten men from the ancient family of the island fell to the ground.

The last one to see Xia Jue so unstoppable did not come up, but retreated to one side.

However, even if he retreated to one side, the man didn't look afraid, and he didn't mean to run away.


The only remaining Island man directly tore open his Samurai uniform.

When he tore off his Samurai suit, he was wearing a black tights.

Then he took out a black scarf from his scallion pocket and wrapped his face.

"Mr. Meichuan, stop it. You are not his opponent."

Mrs. Meizhi admonished the only remaining Island man.

"Well, I didn't know until I tried."

At the end of the talk, he threw his left hand to the ground.


A white light, so that the presence of people can not help blinking.

When Xia Jue looked back at the direction just now.

But where there is the shadow called Meichuan Jun.

"Japanese Ninjutsu." Xia Jue vomited these four words.

I didn't expect that Meichuan Jun would have this secret skill.

Just as Xia Jue was thinking about it, a dark shadow appeared on his back.

A clang.

A sound of striking iron came out.

The dark shadow was stunned when he saw that he didn't succeed.

However, in such a daze, Xia Jue turned around and punched him directly.

"Bang, click."

Fortunately, Mr. Meichuan's reaction was not slow. He directly held a dagger in front of him.

But the result is that the dagger is interrupted by Xia Jue's fist, and he is also directly retreated to five or six meters away.

"It's impossible!"

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