"Mr. Xia, the entrance is over there."

Mrs. Meizhi was also a little worried when she saw that people over there were pouring in.

As soon as Mrs. Meizhi finished speaking, the big three rushed up with a large group of people.

"Don't worry. It's OK for him to explore the way first. Maybe there are still organs inside."

Xia Jue was in no hurry.

To tell you the truth, these people are just rotten fish and shrimps. Even if they get what they want and treasure first, in the end, they can still escape.

"Ah, ah, ah."

Before Xia Jue and others arrived at the entrance, there were shivering screams.

"If there is a mechanism!"

Mrs. Meizhi's bodyguard showed a look of horror.

Before Mrs. Meizhi and others came back to their senses, the people at the entrance were pouring out crazily.

However, the skin of the people who came out of it was blue and purple, and then their skin gradually shriveled down, just like the mummies who just ran out of the pyramid, and finally fell to the ground after two struggles.


It's human.

At this time, all the people who watched the scene got goose bumps.

Some people who were red eyed just now and wanted to rush in also gradually calmed down.

What's going on?

The big three are very intelligent. They are just a little surprised and then return to normal. Then they come to the bodies that fall on the ground and look at them.

"It's... It seems to have been poisoned."

The Lord of the knight's temple gazed at the body, lost in thought.

"Poison, what poison is in it?"

The temple Lord asked curiously.

The Lord of the knight's temple shook his head.

At this time, Xia Jue also came.

See Xia Jue came over, the three giants subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and then looked at him with alert eyes.

"As the Lord of the Dragon hall, you must have seen a lot. Do you know what poison they have?"

The Lord of the knight's palace asked Xia Jue.

Xia Jue carefully looked at the corpses on the ground, and then came to a conclusion: "meat eating insects, suitable for living in cold and gloomy places, like flesh and blood."

"Hum, what kind of meat eaters? They are obviously poisoned. What kind of insects are so powerful that they can kill so many big living people in a single bite."

Xia's words are to scorn the leader of the alliance.

"It's very simple. Just touch his skin."

Xia Jue looked at him with the eyes of a fool.

Although the general leader of the shadow League does not believe Xia Jue's words, it does not mean that he is a fool.

Who knows if you touch him, you will be poisoned.

However, although he didn't want to bang, he still wanted to verify Xia Jue's words. Then he turned his head and looked at the people of the other side.

"Catch one."


Several of the shadow league's subordinates rushed to the people of the miscellaneous brand forces in the distance.

"Let me go, let me go, what do you want to do?"

The man who was caught and issued by the shadow League was struggling.

"Try with his hand."


Several shadow League people grabbed his hand and pressed it on the shriveled body on the ground.

When the hand of this unfortunate ghost touched the body on the ground, people could see that there were some small black spots on his hand.

These black spots are like ants climbing up to the hand of the hapless devil.

Seeing this, those who caught him in the shadow League quickly struggled his body.

Soon, just like those who just ran out of it, the hapless ghost had purple skin and shriveled skin, and finally became a mummy.


the big three are shocked and can't say anything.

After a long time.

"What is a carnivore?"

The Lord of the knight's palace has believed Xia Jue's words.

"You don't need to know it's something. Let your people catch all those people and throw them in first."

Xia Jue did not answer his words, but said such a chilling words.

The miscellaneous forces and others over there were scared out of their wits when they heard this.

If you really catch them and throw them in, it's better to kill them with a knife.

"What do you mean?"

The Lord of the temple looked at Xia Jue in bewilderment.

"It's very simple. If we want to get in, we have to feed these carnivores and let them parasitize these corpses, so that we can get in."

The world is like this. The law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. When these greedy people come here, they should be ready in their hearts. They can't blame others.Hearing Xia Jue's words, the people of the miscellaneous forces suddenly scattered like fleeing.

"Get them."

Xia Jue has made it so clear, and the people of these mischievous forces are not their people, so naturally the big three will not be soft handed.

"Let me go, please. Let me go." It's

"kill me, kill me, I don't want to suffer that crime, please."

The people of the evil forces who were arrested begged bitterly, but the big three were not soft hearted people, so they let their men throw them in directly.

"Ah, ah

The people who were thrown in kept screaming.

I don't know how long it took.

The people of the three major forces began to panic when they had almost consumed all the people of the miscellaneous forces here.

If it goes on like this, it's their turn.

This time, we brought our own elite. If we just feed these stinky insects, it's really not worth it.

"Damn, how many of these stinky bugs are there?"

The people on this side of the shadow league are already in a panic, and they are beginning to make trouble. So the chief leader of the shadow League is very angry now.

Let alone the shadow League, the people of the other two forces are almost the same at this time.

Ten minutes later.

Two more people from the miscellaneous forces were thrown in.

But the difference is that this time there has been no more screams.

Such news is undoubtedly the sound of nature to the people present.

It means they are safe.

Even the big three are not happy.

There are so many people dead before the door of the gutuo palace can enter. Who knows how much danger there is in it.

You should know that although the treasure of elixir is good, you have to have life to enjoy it.

"Find your way!"

"Why is it our people who work hard, and your people don't have to work hard?"

Xia Jue's command style of yelling at others made the chief leader of the film alliance unable to resist.

"Do you want me to kill all of you now, or do you want to get in and explore the way for me?"

Xia Jue didn't talk too much nonsense with him, so he made a cruel remark directly.

"You come...

" Oh, don't be so angry. It's just exploring the way. Nico, take some people with you. "

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