"That's not the way. I'll do it." Next to snake brother, a big man drew a dagger from his waist.

"Be careful, old demon." A great man reminds me to speak.

The old demon nodded and then went to Xia Jue.

The old demon is very clever.

After he left the court, he sneaked into many younger brothers, and then the cover of other younger brothers slowly came to Xiajue's side.

He knew that Xiajue was very strong.

If it's against him head-on, he'll be very lucky.

So he's looking for an opportunity, a chance to kill.


When more than a dozen younger brothers made an appointment to attack Xia Jue, he mingled with the crowd and grasped the dagger tightly.


When Xia Jue opened the two little brothers with two fists, the middle road just leaked out.

It's time to wait.

The old demon stabbed Xia Jue in the chest.

At the time of stabbing, the corner of his mouth had been raised slowly.

He could already imagine the scene of Xiajue's heart being punctured.

Just as he was having sex, he suddenly began to smile.

Because when the dagger he held stabbed Xia Jue's heart, it seemed to be blocked by something, and he could not stab half an inch any more.

Old demon is not ordinary people after all.

It was only in a flash that he made a decision again.

He took out the dagger and stabbed Xia Jue's neck again.

Because it's as vital as the heart.

Once you win, the other side will die.


The dagger in the neck.

However, what shocked the old demon was that no matter how hard he tried, the dagger always stayed on the surface of Xia Jue's neck and could not penetrate into half an inch.

The old demon had an idea in his mind.

Is this the fabled iron cloth shirt?

How else to explain the current situation?

Snake elder brother and a kind of younger brother in the field are all silly looking at this scene.

"Is it fun?" Xia Jue looks at the old demon without expression.

"Who are you?"

The old demon has been on the road for so many years, and his hands are stained with blood. He never knows what fear is, and no one can make him afraid.

But in front of him, Xia Jue's light words scared his courage.

The old demon released the dagger and turned to run.

But where would Xia Jue give him this chance.

A bang.

The old demon's body flew out more than ten meters, until the wall stopped him.

All the younger brothers were scared to death.

Don't say 10 million. It's going to take life.

The boys ran out of the bar.

Xia Jue didn't pay attention to these minions and looked directly at the snake elder brother and others.

Under Xia Jue's gaze, the man beside snake brother could not bear it.

Snake brother left a big man quickly stood out.

"Snake, I'm sorry."

After that, the man came down from the stage carefully, and then passed by Xia Jue with trembling, until he came to the door and found that Xia Jue didn't want to do anything to him, which was a relief.

In the face of life and death, several other great men also have the same way.

"Snake, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, snake."

"Snake, I'm sorry."

"Five, nigger, Gandhi..." Snake brother saw a big man left him, immediately fell into endless panic.

Xia Jue approached him step by step: "why bother? You could have chosen."

"Give me a break, give me a break, I'm willing to give all my wealth, I'm willing to be your watchdog." The old snake began to beg for mercy in order to survive.

"You don't deserve to be my dog."

"Yes, I will do whatever you ask me to do."


A few minutes later, Xia Jue came out of the night Paris bar and got on the bus of master Zhou who had been waiting here.

With such a big noise in the bar and a group of gangsters running out, master Zhou can already imagine what happened.

Now he saw that Xiajue came out intact, and his shock to Xiajue deepened a bit.

"Where are you going now, Mr. Xia?" Master Zhou's tone was extremely respectful.

"Go home."

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

On the road.

Xia Jue seems to think of something.

"Would you like to be my full-time driver?"

Master Zhou has been waiting for this sentence these days. How can he be reluctant.

However, he still suppressed the inner excitement.Because he knows that a qualified full-time driver is to be calm no matter what happens.

"I'd love to, Mr. Xia."

"Take this card. Change the car first, and then be on call." Xia Jue lowered a card to him.

"By the way, the password is six eights."

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Master Zhou took the card excitedly.

It wasn't long.

Master Zhou sent Xia Jue back to the community.

After Xia Jue left the car.

He no longer had to hide his excitement.

"Ha ha ha, it's time for Zhou Shi to make a great success. You bastards who despise me will kneel down and lick me later."

After the excitement, he seems to think of something, and then picked up the phone to dial a number.

"Ha ha, you cheap woman didn't look down on me at the beginning. You'd better not regret it this time."

Back to the house.

The light in the living room has been turned off.

This proves that Su Changming and Fang Xiaoqin have fallen asleep.

Xia Jue walks into Su Yihan's room lightly.

As soon as Xia Jue entered the room, the light was turned on.

Su Yihan looks at him like a thief.

"What's the matter?" Xia Jue became a hippie again.

"Where have you been?" Su Yihan stares at him with suspicious eyes, as if to strip away all Xia Jue's secrets.

"I went out for a turn."

"A turn?" Su Yihan is not a fool. Of course, he won't believe it.

"Your body stinks to death. Get out and take a bath, or don't come into my room."

"Go now, go now." Xia Jue went to the bathroom with a smile.


The next day.

Su Junhao is very depressed.

Because he found that no matter how to contact snake brother.

It made him anxious.

No one will feel at ease if the money is spent without a reply.

He immediately said to a dogleg beside him, "go and ask me about snake brother."

"Yes." Dogleg immediately went to inquire.

More than half an hour later, dogleg brought back a news that shocked him.

The underground circle of Zhonghai city led by snake brother was dissolved overnight.

And snake brother is missing.

"What's the matter? It's said that 3000 yuan a month. How can it go up to 5000 now?"

"The price and house price of Zhonghai city are rising all the way now. Isn't it normal for us to increase the rent?"

"The rent can't go up like this. It's nearly doubled all of a sudden."

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