I didn't expect that she really met the people of this ancient family here today.

"Mr. Tokugawa, I'm Mrs. Meizhi of the island. It's a great honor to meet you here."

"It's a great honor to meet you in the south of Tokugawa."

Meizhi's wife and Meichuan Jun beside her are in a hurry to make love to Tokugawa Shaokang.

"Good. Do you know where else there are these pulp washing beads?"

Seeing that Li Qingtian refused to tell him the news, Tokugawa Shaokang was looking for someone to inquire about it carefully. Just as Mrs. Meizhi spoke here, he asked by the way.


hearing this, Mrs. Meizhi hesitated.

Xia Jue held one of these beads in his hand.

But she didn't want to offend Xia Jue.

Although she can curry favor with Dachuan Shaokang, who seems to be more powerful than Xia Jue, Xia Jue has saved her life after all, and she doesn't want to be the kind of person who avenges her kindness.

After hesitating for a long time, Mrs. Meizhi's eyes brightened, and she was about to point to the direction of the Lord of the temple and the Lord of the knight's temple.

"Mr. Tokugawa, they hold the marrow washing beads in their hands."


Hearing the words, Tokugawa Shaokang immediately cast his hot eyes on the Lord of the knight's palace and the Lord of the temple.

Mrs. Meizhi and Tokugawa Shaokang communicate in island languages.

However, it is not very difficult to speak the island language. Many of them can understand it. Most of the time, many people in the field also pay attention to the two people.

The Lord of the knight's temple and the Lord of the temple were already thinking of swearing.

Being watched by so many hungry wolves, the marrow washing beads in their hands today can't be left in their hands.

"Give me the beads, and I will spare you from death!"

Tokugawa Shaokang said in a tone that could not be refused.

"Give them the beads, and I'll kill you first!"

Do you have any problems with Tokugawa Shaokang? The Lama also threatened.

"Give me the beads!"

"Give me the beads!"

Other people are not willing to show weakness to the two hall Lord asked for washing pulp beads.


the two hall masters wanted to give the washing pulp beads to Tokugawa Shaokang, with the idea that the heroes would not suffer the immediate losses.

But I didn't expect that at this moment, these people around him asked one by one, and even threatened with words.

This situation makes them not know what to do for a while. After all, no matter who they are, it's all their fault.

Although the other party's demands belong to the demands, no one dares to take the lead.

They're not stupid.

Once someone snatches them first, they will be besieged at the first time.

So the scene of the situation on this stalemate down, everyone glared at each other, no action.

But just then, something unexpected happened.

The Lord of the knight's palace quickly took out two marrow washing beads from his pocket, and then quickly stuffed them into Xia Jue's pocket.

On the other side of the temple, the master was more ruthless, took out the washing pulp bead and threw it directly at the foot of Xia Jue.

After all this, they ran to one side as if they were running away.

"Ha ha."

The knight's temple master who ran to one side couldn't help laughing.

It's a second for them to bring disaster to the East.

They didn't give the washing pulp bead to any one of the people in the opposite group, but they gave it to Xia Jue, which won't arouse the dissatisfaction of the people in the opposite group.

The most important thing is not only to resolve the dilemma, but also to pit Xia Jue.

If you can get rid of Xia Jue by these people's hands, it's even better.

It's a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

"Boy, give me the pulp washing beads."

"Give it to me, boy, or you'll die."

Before washing marrow bead did not appear good, but in front of the washing marrow bead in Xia Jue's feet, this let their heart suddenly hot.

If it is not for reason to restrain them, it can not be said that now they do not rush up to fight.

"Mr. Xia, if you don't give it to Mr. Tokugawa, he will protect us."

I have to say that Mrs. Meizhi has some wisdom.

At present, Xia Jue is in a two-step situation.

What she said was also a hint to Tokugawa Shaokang.

Hint that he gives Xia Jue a promise in front of the public.

In this way, Xia Jue gave the washing pulp beads to Tokugawa Shaokang, and then they were sheltered by Tokugawa Shaokang. At least they would not be besieged by the public, and the robbery would be solved.

"My friend, are you and I all from China? Why do you have to go along with these foreigners? Why don't you give me the marrow washing beads? I will protect you."

Seeing that Xia Jue is going to negotiate terms with Tokugawa Shaokang, Li Qingtian is naturally not willing to be outdone. Moreover, he feels that he has an advantage. At least he and Xia Jue are compatriots."Give it to my little brother, and our xuanri temple will keep you safe."

"Give me..."

this kind of words rang out in the audience.

As the "protagonist" at this time.

Xia Jue didn't look flustered and at a loss.

Then they bent down and took the bead from the temple.

Seeing Xia Jue's strange action, everyone knew what he was going to do, but the next words surprised and angered them.

"Whoever wants it, come and get it yourself!"

Smelling this speech, all the people who were salivating a moment ago calmed down.

Among them, the Lord of the temple and the Lord of the knight's temple almost lost their chin.

You know, these people are not rotten fish or shrimps.

But the leader of the film League was killed like a dog before he could resist. They were all extraterrestrial talents who didn't know where they came from.

How dare Xia Jue provoke them?

But soon they were happy again.

Because just now the other party has given the conditions.

That is, Xia Jue will be protected no matter he gives the marrow washing pearl to any force, which really makes them sigh a pity.

But in front of Xia Jue's such arrogant behavior has completely angered the opposite people.

No matter what the result is, even if the gods come, they can't save him.

They can't wait to see Xia Jue killed like a dog by someone on the opposite side, and then kick the body to one side.

Here, Tokugawa Shaokang and others were also stunned for a while before they recovered. Then their faces were completely dim.

He didn't think that this was just a mole ant in front of him. He dared to be so arrogant to them.

"Young man, are you really not afraid of death?"

Tokugawa Shaokang's eyes became a seam, and a murderous air came out from his whole body.

Tokugawa Shaokang's words represent what they are saying now, so at this time, they all looked at Xia Jue in silence and wanted to see what he would reply.

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