I don't know how long it took.

Xia Jue woke up in a daze.

The pain paralyzed the brain.

When he woke up, he couldn't remember what had happened before. Only after a few minutes of relaxation, when he saw the scene around him, did he have a memory in his mind.

At that time, he seemed to be washing marrow.

That's right.

Wash pulp!

Xia Jue raised his eyes again and looked down.

At this time, the pool of water in the bathtub returned to its original shape.

As for the previous purple did not exist, as if the matter of washing pulp beads has never happened.

is the pulp washing bead absorbed by him?

Xia Jue, who didn't know why, wanted to stand up and try.

Leaving the water, he was surprised to feel some different changes in his body.

First of all, the injury on the lower abdomen caused by a blow from Tokugawa Shaokang and the injury caused by the hurricane outside have been completely recovered.

In addition, he clearly felt that his strength was much stronger than before, and his bones and skin were a little harder.

I believe that if he gets another blow from Tokugawa Shaokang, he will not be as embarrassed as before.

But what surprised him more was still behind.

Xia Jue found that his navel, also known as the position of Dantian, produced a stream of air.

This gas is like a flood beast, occupying his elixir field. It seems that as long as he controls it, it can form a great destructive force.

This is... Neiqi?

Yes, it must be.

He could not think of such a powerful gas except internal gas.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue decided to have a try.

He took a half horse step and then sank into Dantian to try to control the gas.


With one punch, there was a whirring sound in the air.

However, to Xia Jue's disappointment, he didn't successfully control the gas, so his fist was just an ordinary one.

Some unconvinced Xia Jue tried dozens of times.

Finally, when I tried for the 56th time, I finally made a fist mixed with internal Qi.


A jade counter was smashed by Xia Jue's fist with internal Qi.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xia Jue couldn't help laughing.

No wonder they want to rob the pulp washing beads even if they die.

In a short time, this pulp washing bead can make an ordinary person who has not practiced internal Qi have internal Qi, and also make the user's body bone meridians produce such great benefits.

It's a real treasure.

If we face that Tokugawa Shaokang now, Xia Jue, even if he is still defeated, still has some power to protect himself and will not run away.

The use of a pulp washing bead has produced such a great benefit to the body.

If you use the second one, or even the third one, what will happen to the fourth one?

The feeling of gaining strength so quickly is really addictive, and Xia Jue is no exception.

He thought whether to use another pulp washing bead to improve his strength again.

as long as his strength has been raised to the point of rolling down the Tokchon sho Kang group, then the treasure in this palace is not what he has the final say.

Just when Xia Jue was ready to give it a try.

A question suddenly occurred to him.

He didn't know how long he had been sleeping.

If the sleeping time is too long, maybe the group of people in Tokugawa Shaokang have already moved the baby away.

At that time, no matter how high his strength is, what's the use.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue was in a hurry, and he could not care so much. He just pushed the door and went out, intending to check what was happening now.


at the same time.

In a ramp carved with a huge lotus flower.

"Damn, what kind of broken palace is this? How can you walk without a way?"

Tokugawa Shaokang is half angry.

Originally, I thought that as soon as I entered the palace, I found this kind of treasure, so there will be more babies waiting for them.

Can where want to get all the way down, in addition to some rare things ordinary people, there is no more let them see the eye of the baby, this makes him simply depressed to want to vomit blood.

"There's no way. Just break it."

Li Qingtian doesn't have the ink like that of Tokugawa Shaokang. He directly blows at the giant lotus.


His fist smashed most of the corner of the lotus.

Then, he continued to blow dozens of fists, until the lotus was blown to pieces, and then he stopped panting."The road is not open. Let's try another one."

Li Qingtian said helplessly.

"Let's go."

The crowd came back depressed.

There is a corner on the way back.

When Li Qingtian, the leader, was the first to pass the corner, he suddenly felt a dark shadow coming towards him. He was so scared that he took a big step back on the spot.

But when he came back to see the shadow in front of him, he was surprised, and then his expression changed from surprise to joy.

"It's you, ha ha. You are at the end of your tether. There's no way out. There's another village with dark willows and bright flowers. I didn't expect that you were caught by us."

Over excited, as if in the general prize, Li Qingtian inevitably laughed out.

At this time, the Tokugawa Shaokang and others behind Li Qingtian also found Xia Jue standing in front of them.

"Asshole, God has eyes. I'll see how you run this time!"

Before, Tokugawa Shaokang had been thinking about Xia Jue's duck flying.

In addition, he didn't get a hair all the way down, which undoubtedly made him miss the pulp washing beads in Xia Jue's hands.

"You don't want to make trouble again. I'll take only one pulp washing bead. If you still disturb me, I'll never be polite."

After leaving this warning, Tokugawa Shaokang directly killed Xiajue in front of him, regardless of the situation.

Li Qingtian, who was the first to discover Xia Jue, was a little reluctant to see this scene. However, he thought that he already had a marrow washing pearl, and immediately gave up the idea of competing with Tokugawa Shaokang.

Here, Xia Jue is surprised to see that he has met Tokugawa Shaokang and others.

However, he just wanted to have a try. After the baptism of a pulp washing bead, he and Tokugawa Shaokang had a big difference in strength. He also opened up full power to meet him.

"Well, I don't know what to do."

Xia Jue didn't run away. Instead, he came face to face with him, which was just what he wanted, and made him less able to catch up.

At this time, Tokugawa Shaokang already knew the hardness of Xiajue's body. He also directly tried his best to make him unable to stand up.

But when he came to Xiajue about a few meters in front of him, his expression suddenly changed.

"This... This is internal Qi? No, it's impossible! "

Tokugawa Shaokang looks incredible.

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