Xia Jue was so arrogant because he was armed with xuanjing weapons.

If they all have xuanjing weapons, Xia Jue is a fart.

So at this time, all the people were frantically rushing towards the stone people.

Soon, everyone took the xuanjing weapon from this row of stone men.

"Ha ha ha, with this weapon in hand, the chance of winning this trip is a little higher."

What he got was a mysterious dagger, so he was very happy at this time.

In a short time, the xuanjing weapon on the stone man was robbed by the people.

The people who get it are naturally in high spirits, while the people who don't get it can only complain.

But just when people look different.

There was a flash of green light in the eyes of the stone men.

Then the stone man in the first row moved slowly.

"What's the matter? How did they move?"

People were confused and forced by this scene.

"No, I'm afraid these stone men are equipped with mechanisms. Let's get away from them."

All the people evacuated in front of the stone people.


The sound from the stone body is getting louder and louder.

The same.

The louder the sound, the more intense their activity.

About a minute later.

The stone man in the first row was almost active. Then he twisted his green head and looked in one of the directions.

The person standing in this direction is exactly the enlightenment.

Wudao was staring at by this stone man, and he felt a little numb. He didn't understand what the stone man was going to do.

Before he had time to think too much, the stone man rushed towards him fiercely. The speed was amazing.

"What the hell, why are so many people coming at me?"

He was so angry that he jumped.

After the first stone man came to Wudao, the second stone man, the third stone man and the third stone man came to find their own targets.

But Xia Jue was a little surprised that none of the dozens of stone men came to him.

He turned to look at God.

The stone man didn't come to lady Meizhi and others.

What's going on?

That's right.

He found a problem.

That is, the stone man only attacked those who took the xuanjing weapon, but those who didn't took the xuanjing weapon were safe.

So it is.

"Mr. Xia, these stone men are strange. They only go to those who have taken the xuanjing weapon."

Mrs. Chi Mei also found this problem.

"That's right." Xia Jue nodded.

Between thoughts, deafening sounds were heard everywhere in the field.

It has to be said that these stone figures are still very difficult to deal with.

Li Qingtian and other experts who have cultivated their inner Qi are breathless by the stone man

what bothers them most is that the mysterious spirit weapon in their hands can't cause too much damage when they cut them.

"Asshole, what the hell are these things? How can they be so difficult?"

Over there, Wudao, who was suppressed and retreated, kept abusing.

A few minutes later.


"Bang Dang."

Finally, he could not hold on to the enlightenment, and he was thrown to the ground by the stone man.

Just as Wudao was desperate to die, he found that the stone man did not move.

He took a look at the xuanjing weapon that fell on the ground, and then at the stone man who didn't move in front of him. Suddenly he understood something.

"There is a mystery in the xuanjing weapon. If you throw it away, they will move."

On one side, the people who were still struggling to support threw their weapons to the ground like an amnesty.

Sure enough, when they threw away their weapons, the stone man stopped, and his shining eyes suddenly went out.

Seeing that they had finally escaped the disaster, they all squatted on the ground and gasped for breath.

"What a strange stone man."

Xia Jue raised his leg and came to one of the stone men to check.

Around the stone man, Xia Jue didn't find anything strange.

"What is the motive force behind these stone men?"

Mrs. Meizhi was also very curious to watch.

"It seems that there are some strange people in Shixia's glasses."

After looking around, Mrs. Meizhi seems to find something unusual in the stone man's glasses.

Wen Yan Xia Jue also went to the stone man and looked at his eyes carefully.

Sure enough.

That's right.

The stone man's eyes are a little strange indeed.Although the green light in the stone man's eyes disappeared, through his eyes, he could see some subtle light.

"Go away!"

Xia Jue absolutely broke the stone man's head to see what the mystery was.

"Bang bang."

Stone man's body is incomparably hard. Xia Jue cut him dozens of swords with his silver sword in his hand before breaking some skin stones.

When he cut sixty or seventy swords, Xia Jue suddenly found that his silver sword was useless.

It's not that it doesn't work.

But he found that his inner Qi could not be injected into the silver sword.

What's going on?

Next, Xia Jue tried dozens of times, but there was no result. The internal Qi could not be injected.

"Don't try. Your xuanjing sword has used up its essence and can't carry internal Qi any more."

Li Qingtian, who had a good rest, came to Xia Jue and explained to him.

"Exhausted the essence?"

Xia Jue is a little confused.

"Xuanjing weapon, strictly speaking, is a kind of consuming weapon. Once it carries too much internal Qi of the earth level master, it will consume the essence Qi, so it can no longer store the internal Qi.

Otherwise, why do you think we didn't bring xuanjing weapons here? "

"So it is."

No wonder they all called the xuanjing sword they were holding before. Now Xia Jue finally knows.

"Why do you want to blow open the stone man's head? Is there anything in it?"

Li Qingtian asked.

"You can tell by looking into his eyes."

Wen Yan Li Qingtian immediately observed the stone man's head carefully.

"I think there is a kind of power similar to oil in it. It is this kind of power that motivates the stone man."

Li Qingtian said his guess.

As soon as Li Qingtian's words were finished, people from the other side, such as Wudao and Lama, who found that there was something unusual here, also rushed over.

"Li Qingtian, did you find anything?"

"There's something strange in the stone man's head."

Hearing this, everyone stared at the stone man's eyes.

"Let's all work together to see."

"It's easy for you to say. Just now he used xuanjing weapon to cut dozens of swords, and the stone man's head was cut like this. How can we open it?"

"If one xuanjing weapon is not enough, use ten. I don't believe how long this stone man's head can resist."

The Lama suggested.

"I'm afraid you forget that as long as we take up the xuanjing weapon on the ground, the stone man will come back to life and attack you."

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