Before, Shen Tian thought that Madame Meizhi was going to tell Xia Jue about his mistakes, but he didn't expect that Madame Meizhi would help him carry the black pot, which made him very moved.

But moving is moving. He did it himself. He would never let Mrs. Meizhi help him carry the black pot.

"It's none of your business, Shentian. Shut up."

When Mrs. Meizhi saw that Shentian came out to fight with him, she yelled at him.

"Mr. Xia, it's none of your wife's business. I handed over your things. If you don't believe me, you can ask them. They all saw it."

Shen Tian completely ignored Mrs. Meizhi's words.

Seeing that the master and servant were fighting so hard to carry the accusation, Xia Jue also had a general understanding in his heart.

If you guessed correctly, those guys thought they couldn't come back, so they wanted to rob the rabbit and fish in his bag.

After that, Mrs. Meizhi's bodyguard was supposed to save her life, so she had to hand over her backpack.

"Mr. Xia, Shentian did it just to save my life. Please give him another chance. He can help you find your way ahead."

Seeing that Xia Jue didn't speak, Mrs. Meizhi thought that he was angry, so she tried to let Shen Tian be cannon fodder to explore the way ahead in order to save his life temporarily.

"Forget it, you two have done it right. Give them what you want. At least their strength has been greatly improved, which will be more useful to me."

Since he found that the big crested bird actually had yellow beads and other treasures, to be honest, he didn't pay attention to such things as rabbit meat and fish meat.

Two people hear Xia Jue this words all seem to have some disbelief.

The backpacks are all babies, which are of great help to the improvement of Xia Jue's strength.

But now Mr. Xia is not pursuing it?

When did he become so talkative?

"Mr. Xia, I'd like to express my thanks to you for Shentian. His life will be yours in the future. He can die as soon as you need him."

Mrs. Meizhi's words reminded the shocky Shentian.

"Yes, Mr. Xia, if you need it in the future, I will never frown."

"Well, that's it. Get ready. Let's get ready to go."

"By the way, Mr. Xia, I want to tell you something..." Shen Tian suddenly remembered something.

"What's the matter?"

"The two bastards of the knight's temple and the temple..."

deeda told the story of the Lord of the knight's temple and the Lord of the temple robbing the backpack.

There has been paying attention to Xia Jue. The Lord of the knight's temple and the Lord of the temple are scared to pee when they hear this.

Now they are not afraid of death.

What they are afraid of is that this bastard will torture them with all kinds of inhuman means before he dies.

"I see."

Xia Jue nodded and then returned behind him.

The Lord of the knight's temple and the Lord of the temple saw that Xia Jue came back to them and knelt down again.

"Spare your life, master Xia."

Two people crazy kneel on the ground kowtow, soon on the forehead by them two people kowtow out the real blood.

"You two, go ahead and sweep the road for me." Xia Jue said lightly.

"Yes, we are going now."

Hearing these words, they were granted amnesty, which is undoubtedly the best result for them.

"Those above the ground steps come here. I want to tell you something."

Back to the Lama monk and others, Xiajue said.

Hearing Xia Jue's order, they all didn't dare to neglect and surrounded.

"What happened to the tiger and leopard before?"

"Mr. Xia, these two animals have been beaten away by us." Said the Lama.

"Let's change our strategy. Let's not find the exit of this passage. From now on, let's start to sweep the jungle and find out the tiger and leopard before. Let's see if there are any other animals and kill them together."

That kind of yellow bead effect is really too big, Xia Jue can't resist this temptation at all.


Everyone knew that Xia Jue wanted to get that kind of yellow bead, but he had no choice but to do it according to his words.

Next, people began to run aimlessly in the jungle, looking for traces of various animals.


"Mr. Xia, here is a boar."

In the jungle, Lama solved a wild boar, and then said to Xia Jue in surprise.

After hearing this, people rushed to check.

The wild boar said it was a wild boar, but it was as strong as an ox.

"See if they have that kind of bead in them.""Yes."

The Lama stabbed it in and began to dig the body of the wild boar.

But when he unloaded the boar eight pieces, he didn't find the kind of beads, which made him feel very depressed.

"Mr. Xia, I don't think all animals have that kind of bead. The rabbit and the fish didn't have that kind of bead before. In addition, this wild boar, does it have to be in the body of a fierce animal?"

Lama guessed.

I have to say that the Lama's guess is reasonable.

Two ferocious big birds have green beads in one, and yellow beads in the other.

This should represent the more powerful beast, the more precious the beads in its body, and the purer and stronger the vitality of heaven and earth in the beads.

"Don't kill this weak animal again."

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

Next, the search began.

An hour later, there was a surprise.

"Look at our heads."

The monk looked on guard at the direction above his head.

The monk's words immediately attracted people's attention, and they all looked up.

It was only after a look that I found out.

It turns out that a leopard is staring at them.

And this leopard is the one who came to attack them before.

"Hum, I let you get away with it before. I'll see how you can escape this time."

The Lama rose in advance.

The leopard felt the strength of the Lama, and immediately jumped from the tree to another tree, trying to escape.

"Monk, wish me a hand."

When his strength rose to the middle of the earth level, the Lama was not so afraid of the leopard as before.

But this leopard is very fast. If he wants to escape, he can't guarantee that he can catch up with him.

"Well, I'll go there and block him. I'll see how he runs."

The monk also rushed to the other direction with xuanjing weapon.


Soon, the leopard on the tree was swept down from under the tree by the joint efforts of the two people.

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