"Doctor, what does this have to do with your metabolism?"

Mrs. Meizhi has long known that this body building pill has magical effect, so she is not too surprised. She only cares about what her daughter will do in the future and whether she will live healthily.

"From what we infer at the moment, your daughter will live a long life in the future, and her appearance will probably not change much for decades."


The doctor's words gave everyone a big surprise.

Face is not old, long life, which is almost everyone's dream.

So at the moment, no matter what they think in their hearts, their thoughts are jealousy.

Envy ancient and gardenia now this adventure.

"Is it true, doctor?"

Gu and gardenia stare big.

In this day, not only her incurable disease was cured.

And then her life and appearance would be so good.

Which girl in the world doesn't want her face to stay old forever.

It was as if fate had played a great joke on her.

"Madame, I want to know where you got this elixir from?"

At this time, the doctor also knew that the medicine Mrs. Meizhi had brought back was not simple, so he also used the name of God medicine directly.

"Miraculous medicine is of course something that can be met but not sought. I also went through a lot of hardships before Mr. Xia agreed to give me such a pill."

"Mr. Xia?"

Mrs. Meizhi's words made everyone's thoughts return to the terrible young man just now.

"Madam, I wonder if Mr. Xia still has this kind of medicine?"

"Don't ask more about what you shouldn't ask. I advise you not to try to get Mr. Xia's attention, or you will die. And you can leave Guhe's home. Remember that you can't disclose anything today, otherwise..."

Mrs. Meizhi knows that once this matter is leaked, it will attract great attention around the world.

I'm afraid that her daughter Gu and Zhizi will be coveted by countless people. She doesn't want her daughter to suffer from such a situation.


A few doctors had no choice but to withdraw.

"And you Shuiye, if your son is dead or not, let him kneel outside Mr. Xia's door. If Mr. Xia can't forgive her, then you're ready to help her with her affairs."

Mrs. Meizhi continued.

If change to do before water wild hear this words, affirmation will not hesitate to launch a verbal confrontation with the beauty wisdom madam.

But at this time, after seeing the magical effect of the pill and recalling the horror of the young man, she did not dare to say anything more.

"Meizhi, what have you experienced in this trip?"

After this series of things, Gu he can't wait to know what Meizhi has done.

"Gu Hejun, it's not convenient to talk now." Mrs. Meizhi looks at the others in the room.

"You all go out."

Gu he said to those people in Shuiye.


"have you arrived yet?"

Here Xiajue walked for seven or eight minutes under the guidance of Gu he Qiuzi, but he didn't get to his destination. He couldn't suppress the medicine in his body.

"Soon, Mr. Xia, through..."

Before Gu and Qiuzi finished talking, he suddenly felt that her body was lifted up, and then she flew into the sky in less than three seconds.

"Show me the way."

Xia Jue has no time to ink with her. He just wants to get to the designated place quickly.

"In... In... Where."

Gu and Qiuzi are too scared to speak, but she still points out a direction.

After getting the direction, Xia Jue immediately went to the sky.

"Is it here?"

After seven or eight hundred meters, Xia Jue pointed to a room below.

"The one on the right."

Hearing the words, Xia Jue slowly landed in front of a house with strong island and style on the right.


At the door, Xia Jue can't wait to walk up the stairs, then directly opened the door and walked in, leaving Gu he Qiuzi standing in the same place.

After half a day, Gu and Qiuzi came back. She took a look at the house, and then left with a complicated mood.

Xia Jue, who entered the room, immediately sat down to refine the medicine.

The medicinal power of Zhuqi Dan ran rampant in his body, as if to polish his meridian bones and flesh again.

This effect reminds Xia Jue of marrow washing beads, but it is different from the effect of marrow washing beads.

Ten minutes later.

Only his skin, as ancient gardenia and the same skin drop.

"What's the situation?"

Looking at this scene, Xia Jue didn't know.However, one thing is certain that the skin drop is not harmful to his body.

A long time later.

His whole body, my upper and lower skin, all finished falling.

At this time, his skin was much more white and tender than before.

In addition, he felt a slight change in his body.

Both the bone and blood vessels and his flesh and blood were tough at this time, and the five internal organs of the body also reached an extremely healthy state.

He felt that his life span had increased a lot because of this Jianshen pill.

After checking his physical condition, he came to the mirror and looked at it carefully. Because Zhushen Dan peeled off his skin once, he became a lot more handsome. Even if he didn't have the strength to go out for a soft meal, he didn't care.


at the same time.

In an open space of Guhe's home.

At this time, many people from Guhe family gathered in the open space.

"Meizhi, you mean Meichuan Jun, they are all dead?"

Guhe looks very ugly.

"Yes, Gu Hejun, the world is so big that we ordinary people can't imagine it. There are real talents in the world.

Like the Meichuan family, which claims to be inherited from ancient times, they are really like mole ants in front of these experts. They can be killed with one hand. " Said Mrs. Meizhi.

"What, how can there be such a person!"

Gu and other Gu he's family members who were called here were very surprised when they heard Mrs. Meizhi's words.

You know, the Meichuan family is a real super family.

Although Gu he's family is powerful in the secular world, if Mei Chuan's family said one word, Gu he's family would die without a place to bury.

Besides, Mrs. Kawakami and Mrs. Kawakami did so many things to help him.

But at the moment, they died in Africa, and they were killed by the real experts mentioned by Mrs. Meizhi.

This shocked him and he didn't know how to explain to the Meichuan family.

"We don't care about these experts. It has nothing to do with us. Now we should think about how to explain to the Meichuan family."

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