No longer do any fearless resistance, so close your eyes ready to die.

"Die for me."

Clapped Su Yi's hand to also carry a body to the front of red culvert's head.

But when his palm fell to Su Yihan's tianlinggai about one centimeter, he suddenly thought of something, and then stopped his action.

Now killing this girl will make the bastard sad at most.

If you wait for that bastard to come back and kill the girl in front of him, this scene of watching his wife be killed on the spot, it will make his life worse than death.

He seemed to have seen the scene that made him feel relieved when he thought of the sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"I'll see what he looks like when he comes back."

The chief in red put away his hand. He planned to sit here and wait for Xia Jue to come back.

Here Su Yihan opened his glasses unconsciously after hearing these words.

Originally, she thought that she was sure to die, but she did not expect that the other party suddenly stopped, which made her very puzzled.


three days later

island country.

Guhe's in the field where there are countless piles.

At this time, at first glance, there is nothing on the stake. If you come close and listen carefully, you can hear a slight whirring sound on the stake.

"Gu He, you say Mr. Xia is here. Where is he?"

Gu and Madame have been busy tracking down the robbery of the stone tablet these days, but they haven't got any results. So they want to tell Xia Jue.

But after she was brought here by Shentian, she found that there was nothing here but wooden piles, which made him strange.

"Ma'am, Mr. Xia is here indeed."

Shen Tian deliberately sold a pass.

"Oh?" Madame Meizhi looked around again, but she still didn't find Xia Jue.

"Shentian, don't play tricks on me, just talk about it."

Mrs. Meizhi looks a little unhappy.

Seeing that Mrs. Meizhi was a little angry, deeda didn't dare to neglect him any more. "Madam, Mr. Xia, he is training a martial art you translated for him on the stake now."


Hearing this, Mrs. Meizhi was shocked.

What kind of martial arts can make Xia Jue invisible?

Shocked and curious, Mrs. Meizhi slowly leans toward the stake.

Approaching the stake, Mrs. Meizhi heard a whirring sound similar to the wind.

"Are you here, Mr. Xia?"

Mrs. Meizhi tentatively exclaimed.

As soon as her voice fell, Xia Jue's figure appeared on the stake in front of Lady Meizhi. Such a sudden scene scared her back a few steps.

"Xia... Mr. Xia, what kind of martial art is this?"

Mrs. Meizhi asked in shock.

"It's a body skill. It's quite useful."

Xia Jue jumped down from the stake.

After a few days of contact, he finally got to the beginning of this yufengjue practice.

"So it is. By the way, there is still no news about the stone tablet. Our Guhe family has used its active power, and there is still no trace."

Mrs. Meizhi told me what she was going to do.

"Even if there's no news. By the way, Shentian, the storage bag hasn't been opened. I can't improve your strength for the time being. Take these five Huiqi pills."

Shen Tian used to open the storage bag with the mentality of taking life to Bo.

Although he failed in the end, Xia Jue couldn't treat him badly, which made his heart cold.

"Mr. Xia, it's too much.."

"take it. I don't have much now, but I have more Huiqi pills."

Xia Jue directly put five bottles of Huiqi Dan into his hands.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia, but I have a request..."

when Shen Tian said this, he was quite embarrassed.

"I don't know if I can cultivate this Yufeng decision..."

this Yufeng decision is too abnormal, and Shen Tian is also a little moved.

"I'm afraid you can't cultivate it. You need too much inner Qi for this kind of martial art. You can't motivate it with your current strength. If you can break through to the peak of the later stage of the earth level, you can just cultivate it."

"Give it back."

Shen Tian was quite disappointed.

"By the way, Meizhi, arrange a plane for me. I'm going back to China."

"Are you going back..."

to tell you the truth, lady Meizhi can be at ease only if Xia Jue is here.

Although Shentian is also a peerless master beyond the reach of people in the secular world, since she came back to see so many Tianjie masters coming to find fault, her sense of security has become insufficient"Don't worry. I'm not here. They won't come here to trouble you.

Xia Jue saw her worry and immediately comforted her.

"I don't mean that, Mr. Xia. I'm going to help you arrange the plane."


after a few hours.

At the airport of the island capital, a private plane rises slowly.

Destination, China.

The island country is not far away from China, but it takes four hours to get to Kyoto airport.

Because he wanted to surprise Su Yihan, he came back quietly without any notice.

After getting off the plane and taking a taxi, Xia Jue returned to Wu's home.

Half an hour later, almost arriving at Wu's house, Xia Jue in the taxi suddenly changed his look.

Because he felt that there seemed to be a master of internal Qi in the Wu family.

No matter what level of internal Qi master you are.

Xia Jue had other questions at this time.

It can be said that no one knows or knows his identity in gutuo.

How do these guys know who he is?

How did you find the Wu family?

The most important point is how long this guy has been here, what about the people of Wu family and Su Yihan?

"Stop the car."

In a very urgent mood, Xia Jue couldn't care so much. He just wanted to go back to Wu's house to see what was going on.

"I'm sorry, sir. You can't park here."

The taxi driver said helplessly.

"I said stop!"

Xia Jue sent out some prestige. The driver could hardly breathe, so he stopped.


The door opened, Xia Jue got out of the car, and the next second his body disappeared in the same place.

The taxi driver is still struggling about what happened just now. What is it that makes him unable to breathe? But in a twinkling of an eye, Xia Jue, who just got off the bus, disappeared.

There was a look of horror on his face.

With an uneasy mood, the taxi driver opened the door and came down to have a look.

But when he got out of the car and did not find Xia Jue, he was more frightened.

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