He didn't touch Xia Jue. Suddenly, he flew out seven or eight meters away like a heavy blow.

This scene startled the muscular man and others.

"See, it's just some rotten fish and shrimps. If you keep training according to my method, don't mention these. Even if they go together, they can't help you."

Xia Jue turned his head and looked at Ren Zu.

Hearing Xia Jue's rebuke, Ren Zu lowered his head.


Ever since Xia Jue left, he was relaxed.

Now he has returned to his former life of extravagance.

It can be said that the body has been hollowed out most of the wine, there is no strength before.

"Son of a bitch, don't think that if you abandon one of my men, you will be invincible in the world. Give them all to me."

The muscular man waved his hand, and dozens of people rushed to Xiajue immediately.

Seeing these people coming, Xia Jue raised his mouth slightly.

It is said that since he has cultivated the internal Qi, he has rarely experienced the pleasure of hitting flesh with fists.

I just picked up these people today to find out how they feel.

After making up his mind, Xia Jue, like a tornado, was involved in the people rushing towards him.

"Ah, ah."

Everywhere Xia Jue went, there was a tumult of people, but after just a dozen breaths, twenty or thirty people fell to the ground and cried bitterly.

seeing this scene, the muscular man couldn't sit still.

It turned out that he thought the young man in front of him was just more able to fight.

But now it's more than fighting. It's just like adults fighting a group of children. Their people have no resistance at all. It's a one-sided war. This guy is too terrible.

Without any hesitation, the muscular man got into a car and started to run.

According to the current situation, it is only a matter of time before his subordinates are solved. If they don't run now, they will want to run later and can't run.

It's faster than he expected. He just drove away five or six meters. Through the rearview mirror, none of his men can stand up any more.


The muscular man is glad for his decisiveness.

This guy is a monster. We must report to his master this time and ask him to send more experts.

"What's the matter..."

just as he was thinking about the following things, the car he was driving suddenly lost control, and then the whole car seemed to be overturned by something.

"How could this happen...

Ren Zu, standing beside Xia Jue, looked at the muscular man in front of him driving the escaping vehicle, which was unbelievable.

If those two cars were really coincidental before, how could this car overturn itself now?

That's right. It turns itself over when it's on.

This is what Ren Zu saw with his own eyes just now, and there are no obstacles on the road.

Take a look at the car, and then turn to see Xia Jue in front of him. Now Ren Zu thinks that this strange thing must have something to do with him, but he doesn't understand how he did it.

"Xia... Mr. Xia, did you make this?"

Ren Zu can't help being curious.

"Didn't you tell me that nothing happened before? What's the trouble?"

Xia Jue did not answer him, but asked this question.

"This..." Ren Zu looks very embarrassed.

It's not a glorious thing. He wanted to deal with it by himself before. If he said it, Xia Jue would feel incompetent, so he hid it.

But where did he want these people to find him so soon, which made him very unprepared for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia. I promise I'll solve it."

"Can you really solve it?"

"Well, trust me."

Ren Zu nodded heavily.

"Go back first."

Since Ren Zu said he could solve the problem, Xia Jue didn't want to ask so much.

There was no accident along the way this time. Xia Jue and Su Yihan returned to the door of the villa.

"Ding Dong."

After ringing the doorbell at the door of the villa, Su Yihan began to look forward to it.

She was looking forward to her mother Fang Xiaoqin's expression when she saw her mother coming back.

"Who is it?"

About thirty seconds after the doorbell, a sound came from the room.

It was Fang Xiaoqin who made this sound.


The door opened.

Looking at Xia Jue and Su Yihan standing in front of the door, Fang Xiaoqin is stunned."Why mom, I haven't seen your daughter for a long time, and I don't know her?"

Su Yihan said jokingly.

"You girl, what nonsense? Come on in, come on in. How can you come back suddenly without telling your mother? It's very hasty."

Fang Xiaoqin seems to be complaining.

"Mom, we have a present for you. Look."

Su Yihan raises his gift box.

"You girl, it's not a special day. What else do you buy gifts for? What do you buy?"

"It's nothing. It's just a necklace. Open it and see if you like it."

Su Yihan passes the gift box to Xiao Qin.

Fang Xiaoqin put the gift box on the table in the living room and then opened it.

"Wow, it costs a lot of money for such a beautiful necklace, doesn't it?"

Fang Xiaoqin looked back and forth at the necklace.

"I don't have much money. Is dad still in the company?"

"Yes, it's almost five o'clock now, and he'll be back soon. By the way, you sit down first. You haven't eaten mom's cooking for a long time. Mom made it for you. When it's ready, your dad is back."

Fang Xiaoqin said that he would go to the kitchen to start cooking.

"Mom, let me help you."

Su Yihan is going to help when he rolls up his sleeve.

Half an hour later, the villa door was opened again.

A person came in, this person is Su Changming.

"Why are you back, Xiajue?"

"Yihan is cooking for his mother."

"So it is. By the way, some time ago, Su Yihan, you went abroad. What did you do?"

"Do something, it's no big deal."

Xia Jue didn't want to say more about the gutuo palace.

It's too far away for ordinary people like them. Xia Jue doesn't want to scare them.

"By the way, Dad, this is the present we brought back for you. Let's see if you like it or not."

Xia Jue takes up a gift box on the table and hands it to Su Changming in front of him.

"What is it?"

Su Changming looks at the gift box curiously.

"Nothing, just a watch."


With curiosity, Su Changming began to unpack.

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