Although the two sides are now cooperating, they still have no idea how to get in and get the nectar.

No one knows what kind of fighting power this mutant bee will have, and no one wants to go in and take risks easily.

"It's very simple. Let's send someone to test the attack power of these bees first."

When Xia Jue said this, he looked at Tokugawa Kenichi behind him.

Tokugawa sword was shocked by Xia Jue.

Xia Jue has made it so obvious. If he still doesn't know what it means, he's a fool.

This is clearly revenge, want him to go in as cannon fodder.

"Tianguan, I think in order to avoid too much damage, it's better for us to go in together. It's the best choice to retreat, defend and attack."

If he goes up by himself, it must be very dangerous. It's better to pull on everyone than that. So Tokugawa Kenichi is also in a hurry.

"I don't agree with Tokugawa. If there are too many people, it's not only unpredictable, but also unpredictable. It's too unpredictable."

Xia Jue obviously wants Tokugawa Jianyi to go up and have a try. Tokugawa Jianyi has just broken through the middle stage of the heaven stage. Of course, he doesn't want to take unnecessary risks.

"If the bees are too many, it's right for us to eat them."

"Yes, Lord Tianguan, we should try to find out whether these bees are easy to deal with. If they are hard to deal with, then we can think of other ways. If they are easy to deal with, we can directly capture LingMi. This is the best choice."

In order to be wise and protect themselves, people all spoke one after another.


seeing so many people jump out and sing against him, Tokugawa's angry fist clenched.

At least he was the leader of that plan before. Even if these people didn't know how to be grateful, they even dared to go down the drain. If it wasn't for these officials, he couldn't help but do it.

"That's right. It's the best choice to have a try first. Then you can go to the interview. If you succeed, I'll give you a credit afterwards."

Chen Shang turns to look at Tokugawa Kenichi.

Tokugawa Kenichi has been scolding in his heart.

It's different whether he can come back alive afterwards.

"Why don't you listen to Tianguan?"

Seeing that Tokugawa Jianyi was still indifferent, Xia Jue couldn't help saying.

This bastard dared to make trouble in front of him before. It was the arrival of these three guys that saved their lives.

Now it's another chance, and he won't be polite to him.


Tokugawa Jianyi glares at Xia Jue.


Suddenly, Xia Jue slapped him in the face with his big hand, and Tokugawa sword flew forward in an instant.

"What are you doing?"

When Chen Shang and others see Xia Jue's sudden move, they are also shocked by his sudden move.

"It's nothing. How dare this family look at me like that? Do you think it's wrong to fight?"

Xia Jue said quietly.

Hearing this, people took a cool breath in their hearts.

Just look at this guy with your eyes and you will be beaten. If you dare to scold him, won't you be killed?

However, on second thought, in fact, we can only blame Tokugawa Kenichi himself. If he didn't become the first bird before, how could he be hated by Xia Jue.

I'm glad that they didn't become the first bird just like the Tokugawa sword. Otherwise, I don't know how to be punished by this guy.

"Don't do that next time. What if you scare the snake?"

Chen Shang has nothing to do with Xia Jue now. He can only say such a warning.

"I've been dawdling. Go ahead and have a look."

When he saw the old demon in front of him, he fell down and died.

As the strength of the later stage of Tianjie, he was naturally extremely sensitive to the fluctuation of internal Qi. He knew that Xia Jue's attack was just a random one. He didn't use much internal Qi at all, and it was impossible for Tokugawa sword to be seriously injured.

So now Tokugawa Kenichi can't just lie on the ground and pretend to be dead.

"I know you now if you don't get up."

As soon as he saw that Tokugawa Kenichi was still lying on the ground, he could not help stepping forward.

When he saw that the old demon was going to be serious, Tokugawa Jianyi didn't dare to kill him again. If he pretended to be dead again, he would be dead. So he quickly got up and walked towards the woods in front of him.

As soon as he walked towards the woods, everyone's eyes focused on him, hoping to see what would happen next.As soon as Tokugawa sword went out for nearly 30 meters, several patrolling bees in the forest seemed to find something unusual and rushed out.


According to the combat power of one-on-one, these bees can't even compare with the ground level master who has just cultivated internal Qi, so how can they resist Tokugawa Jianyi, the top strength master at the beginning of the sky level.

Several bees were solved by Tokugawa sword, and then he continued to go deep.

At this time, strange bees were found inside and began to swarm out.

At least hundreds of them came out this time.

At first, Tokugawa had a hard time dealing with it.

The louder the fight, more and more bees emerged in the forest. In a short time, there were thousands of bees around Tokugawa Kenichi.

"Well, how many levels of assurance do you think we'll have if we rush to get the honey in it?"

Chen Shang turns to see Xia Jue, and then looks at the old demon and ye Fei.

"Even the younger generation of the first level of Tokugawa sword can hold on for so long in the summer of thousands of bees. I think we have a great chance as long as we distribute it properly."

Ye Fei said after analyzing.

"What's the right distribution?"

Old demon doesn't understand of ask a way.

"For example, some people deal with bees, and some people go to get honey from them. After we get honey, we immediately get away from these bees."

Ye Fei continued.

"That's very good. I and the old demon you go to get the spirit honey. As for ye Fei, you and the boy surnamed Xia, take other people to deal with these bees."

Only Xia Jue looked at the people beside them, because they had no doubt about the plan.

"I think my body method has certain advantages, boy. I'd better go with you to get the nectar, while others will deal with bees."

Xia Jue certainly won't take the initiative to persuade others. He wants to take the initiative by himself.

Hearing Xia Jue's words, Chen Shang was silent.

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