A few days ago, people in their circle talked about snake brother for a long time.

Talking about what cruel people snake brother has offended, this is the cause of this tragedy.

Didn't you think he ran into that cruel man today?

Did you still fight him?

Ah Zu was scared out in a cold sweat: "is that true?"

"I was there that night, too. I saw the horror of this man with my own eyes. This man is not ordinary." Ah, the dog always thinks of the scene of that night.

"Ah, dog, make it clear to me."

"In a word, it's lucky that he hasn't bothered you now. You'd better not meet him in the future, otherwise he can kill you with one finger."

"You're exaggerating. I'm not a vegetarian in Zhonghai."

Ah, dog's words make him very unhappy. Even if this ugly monster has a little energy, no one can bully him when he leaves his home in Zhonghai.

Ah, a sneer from the dog.

"Well, how does your Ren family compare with the Jiang family?"

"What do you mean by that?" Because the time is too short, ah Zu does not know what happened to the Jiang family.

"I said you might think it's a bit exaggerated. You can find someone to inquire about it?"

After ah Gou said that, ah Zu didn't have the amount of insurance, hesitated, and immediately dialed a phone.

"Lao Qiang, what happened to the Jiang family?"

A few minutes later, ah Zu put down the phone in shock and muttered to himself, "this How can it be

The Jiang family is a first-class family in China.

Both the political and commercial circles have extremely strong contacts. How can we say that they have fallen?

Looking at ah Zu's expression, ah dog enjoys it.

"I'll tell you one more thing. At noon, the eldest son of the Jiang family asked me to tie someone up. Do you know who is who?"

"The ugly one just now?" Ah Zu is not a fool. He guessed it all at once.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang provoked him. As a result, the big tree of the Jiang family collapsed in an instant. Do you think your Ren family is better than the Jiang family?" Ah, the dog looks at ah Zu sarcastically.

Ah, my back is a little chilly.

I didn't expect that he had provoked such a terrible person.

Fortunately, the other party didn't care too much about him, otherwise he didn't know how he died.

"Brother dog, you played well just now. Thanks to saving my life, two million here is no respect. Please accept it." Ah Zu wrote a check and handed it to ah Gou.

Ah, the dog happily took the check: "be careful in the future. It's good to offend anyone. Don't offend this person. I'll tell you all about it. You can do it yourself." Ah, after the dog said that, he left with a group of younger brothers.

Ah, the ancestral mind has not been calm for a long time.

At the thought of such a big Jiang family, he fell down. Ah, Zu was afraid for a while.

No way.

If one day this ugly man is in a bad mood and thinks of his family, it's not over.

In any case, we must get his understanding, otherwise we are so worried every day that it seems that the end will come at any time.

Thinking of this, the dog chased Xia Jue and others.

There are many restaurants not far from the hospital.

Xia Jue and others casually chose a high-end restaurant and went in.

"Welcome to some of you. We don't have any private rooms here. May I have dinner in the lobby?" The waiter asked in a voice.

All the people dare not be good at making their own opinions. They can only look at Xia Jue.

"Eat in the lobby."

Where to eat is not eating, so Xia Jue didn't mind so much.

"Here is the menu, please." The waiter handed a menu to several people.

The food here is not cheap.

A vegetable alone will be 98. Like other meats, it's almost a hundred years old. Fang Xiaoqin's heart beats when he sees it.

Yellow lipped fish?

I didn't expect to have this kind of fish here.

When I was in the Dragon hall, master Xia Jue often caught this kind of fish and gave it to him to eat. He said that this kind of fish can strengthen his body.

Xia Jue hasn't eaten this delicious food for a long time since he left the Dragon hall.

"A yellow lipped fish." Xia Jue said lightly.

Hearing this, the waiter was stunned.

"Do you mean one, sir?"

The price of yellow lipped fish is expensive, with a price of more than 20000 yuan per kilo, which is far beyond the ordinary people's affordability.

Even if some people are willing to spend the money to eat, most of them are stored before they buy them by the catty, and few people directly buy one.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Xia Jue asked,

"we only have one yellow lipped fish left in the shop now. This yellow lipped fish is about 20 jin, about 400000 yuan."

After thinking about it, the waiter still thinks it's good to tell the price clearly, so as not to make them eat up and can't afford to pay. It's troublesome to make trouble here."More than 400000 yuan, is it RMB?" Su Yihan's fifth aunt was stunned by the price, so she asked.

"Yes, more than 40 yuan." Looking at Su Yihan's fifth aunt's expression, the waiter flashed a trace of disdain. This kind of people didn't seem to be able to afford to eat. It seemed that they were just a group of Hicks who didn't know the price of the fish.

"More than 400000 fish. Is this made of gold?"

Su Yihan's other aunts and uncles are a little incredible.

The waiter's face looked even more scornful at this.

"Make it. Put more peppers. I like it."

When people were surprised by the price of the fish, a voice broke their minds.

They looked up, and it turned out to be Xia Jue.

"Sir, are you sure you want to do it?"

"Shall I say it again?" Xia Jue is a little upset. It's just a fish. How to whet haw.

"OK, just a moment." The waiter frowned and went to find the manager of the restaurant.

"Manager, there's a table that says it's going to kill a yellow lipped fish."

"Oh? Are you sure? " The manager was also a little surprised.

"They're verbally sure, but I don't think they're affordable."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, manager, I think it's better to make it clear. If we kill the fish and he doesn't have the money, our restaurant will lose a lot."

"Wait, I'll find out." The restaurant manager walked in front of Xia Jue and others.

"Hello, I'm yuan Zong, the manager of this restaurant."

"What can I do for you?" Asked Xia Jue.

"Just now I heard our staff say that you want a yellow lipped fish. My staff has some ear problems. I'm afraid he heard it wrong. So I want to ask if it's true. "

"I said, is there something wrong with your restaurant? Isn't it just a broken fish? How many times do I have to say?" Xia Jue is really upset. The restaurant is as if they can't afford it.

The restaurant manager's face turned a little black when he was scolded by pointing his nose, but he said patiently: "Hello, sir, it's OK to eat, but our restaurant asked to pay first."

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