He had never seen this place before, and the decoration of passers-by was also very strange, coarse linen.

What's more, the vitality of the world is extremely strong in this place.

Xia Jue explored, but he couldn't find Gu Qingying's breath at all.

In all directions, there are towering mountains, which are extremely huge, completely different from what we saw in the past.

Xia Jue began to meditate.

You know, before he was in the space crack, he also suffered a lot of injuries.

The most important thing is that after it was engulfed by the space cracks, he was in a coma for a period of time, and no one knew what had happened during the coma, so Xia Jue checked himself now.

This is also a very cautious behavior, and there is nothing wrong with it, but after this inspection, Xia Jue suddenly found something different.

It's easier for him to absorb the vitality here than before.

Moreover, his cultivation can have a slightly progressive trend, which is of course overjoyed for Xia Jue.

Don't you know that he wants to find another space just because he wants to break through the space cracks with people?

The laws, energy, force, gravity and so on here are not the same as before.

But such a magical place has never been here. He guessed that it might be Yuanjie.

If this is the yuan Kingdom, then it's not surprising that everything has become.

Because only a place like Yuanjie can be so magical. Xia Jue's eyes are very bright and bright at this moment.

Only Yuanjie will not bind him!

I just don't know where everyone else is.

Xia Jue guessed that there were many people who had explored the weak point of the space with him.

It's just that it was too dangerous in the space passageway at the beginning, and with more and more cracks in the space, people had to consume bronzes to resist.

After the consumption of bronzes, many people have no choice.

It's divided by cracks in space.

Now, Xia Jue knew that he was not in the way, and by chance, he went directly to the yuan kingdom.

So other people don't know if they have such good luck.

At this time, Xia Jue had a sense of happiness in his heart.

After all, that kind of space crack phagocytosis ability is too terrible!

Rao has a strong physique, which enables him to persist under the power of space cracks, while others may not.

Now that he has confirmed that he has really entered the yuan Kingdom, Xia Jue's heart is also stable.

It is the true attitude of a strong man to be content with what comes.

And all around the yuan world, let Xia Jue is very strange.

After all, the yuan kingdom is due to the weather, the vitality of heaven and earth, and its rich elements.

Many plants, animals, mountains and rivers are very different from before.

They are all very grand and huge.

Looking up, you can see a mountain that is bigger than a planet, standing there as if there is no end at all.

This also makes Xia Jue's interest increase greatly, and even the blood in his heart is excited for a long time.

It is such a completely new world that a good man is the place to roam.

With this in mind, Xia Jue began to take action soon.

In Yuanjie, he found that his strength had not been greatly weakened, and his body could directly defend the air.

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