This is just when someone proposed to hand in the skill.

In spite of the opposition, the whole assembly hall was once again noisy.

In the face of all this, even the leader Hou Xiaotian had no choice but to give a long sigh.

At this time, some disciples came to report to him,

and said, "there is a big army pressing down on the border. Now the way has come to the Mountain Gate of dilingzong."


In the conference hall, people were shocked when they heard the news.

Although we all know that the situation is very critical, but we still do not realize the danger, even as promised.

At this time, one of the elders said in a deep voice,

"I didn't expect it to come so soon. It seems that whether we make it or not, we have to survive the first wave."

The rest of the hall nodded.

This is also one of the basic rules of the world, the law of the jungle.

At this time, it's not to say that if you simply hand over the skill, there will be nothing left.

It's very likely that when the enemy sees that you are weak and can be deceived, even if you hand over your skills.

Then the whole Earth Spirit clan is still doomed to be destroyed.

After all, no one is willing to leave a potential enemy for himself. In that case, he is simply irresponsible to himself.

So even at this moment, the people of dilingzong really agreed that they should hand over this volume of second level skills to get self-protection and make peace.

Well, first of all, we have to survive the first wave of attack.

Because only the local lingzong people have passed the first attack of the other party,

then these hostile forces come to besiege the experts of the dilingzong, and those who want to seize the second level skills will realize that the people of the dilingzong don't really have the power of the first World War.

If it's true, both sides won't feel better.

Only in that case can everyone be qualified to sit down, and the Earth Spirit sect can hand over the skills and obtain self-protection.

Hou Xiaotian shook his head and stood up from the big seat.

To the disciple who came to report, he asked directly:

"how many people are there? How many strong ones are there? "

In an instant, the whole conference hall was quiet, and they looked at the disciples who came to report.

After all, this is the real key.

If the enemy's strength is too strong or too many to defend directly, then we should not mention everything.

Soon, his Highness's disciples reported the news.

Speaking of this time, the number of enemy troops is countless,

but the most important one is 20 masters at the peak of the later stage of the heaven level, and one strong man at the foundation stage.

There is a strong man in the foundation period!

The whole hall was a little flustered.

Because the foundation period, it can be said, is a completely different level from the later stage of the heavenly stage.

There is no such person in the whole dilingzong!

But how can you even compete with the best one in the later period?

For a moment, the whole conference hall was in a state of panic,

even the elders' faces changed, and they became pale with fear.

Many of the young disciples were afraid.

Because they are also very afraid, this time, if the Earth Spirit sect passes through the disaster, it is likely that both sides will fall into a kind of death edge.

It may disappear with the whole Earth Spirit sect.

This is the reason why the fire at the city gate affects the fish in the pond!

Finally, Hou Xiaotian knocked the board and said,

"don't quarrel, and don't panic. The most urgent thing is to go out to meet the enemy!"

All of a sudden, everyone in the conference hall seemed to have found a backbone.

After the event, Hou Xiaotian's role as the leader was reflected.

With his statement, people are no longer so flustered and afraid.

At this time, people also thought that the Earth Spirit sect was not completely defenceless.

We should know that there is a big array in dilingzong.

And this big array is the defense array of dilingzong.

With this defensive array, even if the opponent comes to build the foundation, the strong can't break in directly.

Of course, there is another reason, Hou Xiaotian did not say.

That is, he actually has a certain grasp of himself, can rely on the advantage of geographical advantage to entangle the other side of the building period of the master.

This is Hou Xiaotian's card, he did not tell others.

But even if he didn't say it, Hou Xiaotian's calmness at the moment also gave the whole clan members a joyful encouragement.Everyone is willing to believe that if they have the strength to solve this conflict, they will lead them through this disaster.

"In that case, let's all go out to fight!"

The whole conference hall has become empty,

even Lian houling'er, the beloved daughter of the headmaster, is out of the hall at the moment and begins to go with the whole clan army to defend themselves and block the enemy army.

Soon, there was a confrontation between the upper and lower sides of the whole di lingzong.

In the middle of the stalemate, there are 20 experts in the later stage of Tianjie, including a strong one in the foundation period.

And the opposite side can not be underestimated, after all, is the whole clan.

Up to the patriarch, down to the ordinary disciples, and even some servants and disciples.

However, the strength of the whole group is not to be underestimated.

If there is a real fight between the two sides, it will definitely be a sharp fight.

And Hou Xiaotian himself is full of Zhongqi, shouting at the other side, his eyes begin to show a ray of divine light, looking at the other side's army.

Although the other side's army has a large number of people, there are also many experts.

But after all, we all do it for the sake of the Earth Spirit sect and the second level skill. So this group of people, their hearts are not enough.

So it seems that there are some mobs scattered in the distance.

That is to say, each part of the strong is held into a small group.

In this way, even if the other side has 20 experts at the peak of the later stage of the heaven level and a strong one at the foundation stage, it is impossible to twist the strength into a rope and directly fight.

When Hou Xiaotian saw this scene, he felt a long sigh of relief.

If this is the case, then the whole Di Ling sect still has a chance to turn over.

After all, the hearts of the enemy are not the same. At this time, everyone is afraid of casualties.

No one wants to go on a boat and fight a bloody battle. In the end, they die in the hands of di lingzong.

Even if the second level skill is taken away in the end, it will only be cheap to others.

It is precisely because everyone in the enemy's army has such a mentality.

So at the beginning, although the other side was fierce, they surrounded the whole Earth Spirit sect.

But no one is the first to do it. After all, no one is willing to be the first to eat cra

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