
As the only six-star hotel in Zhonghai City, the Sheraton Hotel is full of dignitaries, and there are countless luxury cars parked at the door.


A Rolls Royce was parked in the front door of the hotel.

The attendant at the door trotted over and opened the door. Flatteringly, he said, "welcome to Mr. Lin

The man, who was known as President Lin, was as plain as water. He took out several hundred yuan bills from his pocket and handed them to the waiter.

"Mr. Xie Lin, thank you, Mr. Lin." He is worthy of being the vice president of Shengshi group. He is very generous every time. The waiter is very happy.

After President Lin walked into the lobby of the hotel, Su Changqing and his son, who had been waiting for a long time, welcomed him.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm Su Changqing, President of Su's group, and this is Su Junhao, son of dog."

"Well." Lin's reply was perfunctory.

"Mr. Lin, let's talk in the box." Su Changqing turns to lead the way.

When Su Changqing and his party leave.

Another car came at the door of the hotel.

It's just a taxi.

The attendant at the door looked at the taxi reluctantly. Customers like this would not be as generous as president Lin.

What's more, today's hall has been reserved by general manager Lin.

Even so, the waiter came forward reluctantly.

"Hello, customer. The hotel has been reserved today. We won't receive others for the time being."

His face flashed with disdain, and the waiter's attitude towards the present visitor was completely opposite to that of general manager Lin before.

Just then.

The door is open.

Su Yihan and Xia Jue get out of the car.

The waiter looked at the ugly Xia Jue and almost didn't spit it out. Then he looked at his clothes and said, "I'm sorry, two of you. Please leave. This place has been reserved."

The hotel was chartered for one reason, but obviously the waiter thought that Xia Jue and Su Yihan didn't have the ability to spend here.

Su Yihan was angry: "we always have cooperation issues to discuss with Shengshi's Lin. get out of my way."

The waiter laughed at this.

Can you know Mr. Lin just like you?

I'm afraid it's not that Mr. Lin often comes and goes here to cheat, right?

"Hurry up, or I'll call security." The waiter was impatient.


Su Yihan angrily points at the waiter.

At the same time.

Inside the box on the second floor of the hotel.

Su Changqing spoke carefully: "Mr. Lin, about the cooperation between our two groups..."

Before Su Changqing finished, President Lin interrupted him directly: "where's Miss Su?"

Su Changqing didn't know why Mr. Lin mentioned this unimportant woman, but he said, "Mr. Lin, just talk to me about something, and the girl can't be the master."

Hearing this, Mr. Lin stood up.

"Talk to you?

What are you? "

With that, Mr. Lin ignored the sitting Su Changqing and his son, turned to open the door and left.

Su Changqing's father and son were dumbfounded for a moment.

"Dad, what's the matter? Why does Mr. Lin have to talk to that cheap woman?" Su Junhao looks at Su Changqing puzzled.

Where does Su Changqing know what's going on.

He quickly got up and chased out: "Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin."

When President Lin got out of the hotel gate to leave with the driver, a voice stopped him.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, I'm Su Yihan."

Su Yihan?

Mr. Lin turns around and sees Su Yihan and Xia Jue who are blocked by the waiter.

"Are you Miss Su?" Mr. Lin asked with some uncertainty.

"I am."

Confirming that the woman in front of him was su Yihan, President Lin's face became moved.

If someone who is familiar with Mr. Lin is here to see Mr. Lin, he will be extremely surprised.

Because President Lin has always acted with a tough style in business, few things can make him fluctuate.

"Didn't you ask me to be on the second floor of the hotel before? Why didn't you go up?" President Lin's tone was very respectful.

President Lin's tone made Su Yihan feel flattered. Subconsciously, he blurted out: "we just want to go up, but we are stopped here."

As soon as President Lin heard this, he knew what was going on and turned his head to stare at the waiter.

When the waiter saw that Su Yihan really knew Mr. Lin, he was already scared out of his wits and his legs were shaking.

Because he knows how much energy Lin always has in Zhonghai city.

Don't talk about him as a little waiter.

Even the owners of this hotel can't see enough.

"I'm sorry, Miss Su. It's me who have eyes and don't know Taishan." The sweat of the waiter keeps sliding down his forehead."Get out of Zhonghai immediately. If Li Ji has any suggestions, ask him to come to me." Mr. Lin is angry.

Earlier today, Chairman Wu, who is far away from home, called him.

Let him try his best to meet all the requirements of Miss Su Yihan. Don't make Miss Su unhappy. Otherwise, no one can save him.

This is the first time chairman Wu has spoken to him in this tone. Naturally, he knows the seriousness of the matter.

But in front of me, a little waiter dared to break ground on Tai Sui's head.

His own bad luck doesn't matter. If it affects him, he will be in trouble. How can Mr. Lin not be angry.

Li Ji, the owner of this hotel.

When the waiter heard that Mr. Lin didn't even pay attention to him, he didn't dare to say more.

"Yes, I'll go, I'll go." The waiter ran out in a hurry.

This scene happened to be caught by Su Changqing and his son.

There was a storm in their hearts.

"Dad, why can this cheap woman make President Lin flatter like this?" Su Junhao looks at Su Yihan inconceivably.

Su Changqing has been the president of the company for so many years, and he has never heard of such flattery from Mr. Lin of Shengshi group.

Now I'm so humble to a suckling smelly girl. What's the matter?

You know, it's still at the entrance of the hotel where the dignitaries come in and go out. Mr. Lin ignores his face.

How can this be done with the identity of that smelly girl?

"Miss Lai Su, let's go up and talk about cooperation. By the way, who is this?" Seeing the ugly Xia Jue, Lin was always uncertain.

"He's mine My husband, Xia Jue Su Yizhe's lips.


Mr. Lin seems to have thought of something.

When I got a call with Chairman Wu today, Chairman Wu's words showed that Su Yihan seemed to be the woman of some big man.

Is this the ugly guy in front of you?

If you know that even Chairman Wu is afraid of people, then this big man must be the existence of Tongtian.

And if someone robbed the woman of this great man, then Lin always believed that this person would never see the sun of tomorrow.

But the ugly man is still here.

There's only one explanation.

This guy is the man with the eye.

To understand this, Mr. Lin was in a cold sweat.

"It's Mr. Xia. Let's talk in the box." Mr. Lin bowed humbly and made a gesture of please.

Seeing that President Lin suddenly turned into a waiter, Su Changqing and his son were shocked.

"This This What's going on? " Su Changqing muttered to himself.

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