With the end of the auction, Xia Jue was motioned by the staff of the auction to come to the rear to get the reward.

"Xia Daoyou, this is the reward you get from selling that martial art this time. Please count it."

A steward of the auction took a pile of Yuan stones from the storage bag.

After a little checking, there was no mistake in the amount of 500 yuan stone.

"By the way, do you have any more breakingpills?"

The high-level Sutra breaking pill appeared at the auction before really made Xia Jue salivate. It's a pity that he didn't sell the Yufeng decision before and didn't buy Yuanshi.

"There is no high-level breaking pill. This kind of pill is very rare. Even if we auction a few pills a month, we don't have to auction them. However, there are also middle-level and low-level breaking pills. The low-level one needs 100 yuan stone, and the middle-level one needs 200 yuan stone. I don't know what kind of pill do you want?"

Asked the steward.

"Want an intermediate breaking border pill, and then two healing pills."

Yuanjie is a place full of crises. It's nothing with his current strength. If you meet a real expert, you really don't know how to die. Some preparations need to be made first.

"OK, just a moment, please. I'll get it for you!"

The steward turned and left.

About a quarter of an hour later, the steward came back with some exquisite boxes in his hands.

"As well as the blood pill, you should be extremely satisfied with the two pills."

"Well." Xia Jue nodded and said, "how many yuan stone are there altogether?"

"The intermediate level breaking border pill is 200 yuan stone. These two pills are 50 yuan each, a total of 300 yuan."

Just sold the five hundred yuan stone that Yufeng decided to get, but before he could cover the heat, he was about to hand over most of it, which made Xia Jue feel rather painful.

When he was on the earth, he wanted money and power, but when he came here, he felt like a poor man.

It's a terrible feeling.

Now he has realized the powerlessness of the poor and needy on earth.

Delivery of the stone will be two kinds of Dan medicine in hand, Xiajue out of the auction.

However, just as he walked out of the door of the auction, a figure came out.

This figure is exactly the old man who lobbied Xia Jue to auction Yufeng decision.

There was a smile in the corner of the old man's mouth, and then he went out.


"Xia Gong, have you finished your work?"

Several Di Ling sect disciples, who were just waiting outside, immediately asked when they saw Xia Jue coming.

"It's over. Let's go back to dilingzong."

Xia Jue walked towards the exit of the trading market, and several disciples behind him followed him.

Out of the market, a few people will directly Yukong to the direction of the spirit of the return.

However, after dozens of miles, Xia Jue's strong sense seemed to notice an abnormality.

It was that he felt as if he was being targeted by someone.

"Interesting. Who could it be?"

Xia Jue's mouth was slightly raised, and then his figure suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, summer offering?"

Several disciples look at Xia Jue, who suddenly stops, and it seems strange.

In the face of the registered disciple's inquiry, Xia Jue didn't make a sound, but stood in the same place with a playful look, as if waiting for something.

"Since slowly, why do you dare to sneak out again?"

After hearing Xia Jue's words, the disciples finally understood that someone was staring at them. Thinking of this, they were on guard immediately.

"You're smart."

Dense from the forest, five people with hats came out, and the breath still reached the peak of the later stage of the heaven.

"Who are you? You dare to attack our dilingzong!"

A disciple was also surprised to see that the other side had five experts at the peak of the later stage of the heaven level, but he quickly raised the name of the Earth Spirit sect to scare the other side away.

"What about dilingzong? If we dare to come, we won't be afraid of your dilingzong."

One of them said coldly.

"Well said, but you are too serious about yourself."

Xia Jue said in a joking tone.

"Ha ha, I hope you can be so arrogant later."

They have five masters of the peak cultivation in the later stage of the heavenly order, and Xia Jue over there is nothing to worry about, except that his own cultivation has reached the peak of the later stage of the heavenly order. So a few people in the bamboo hat naturally think that Xia Jue is sure to eat.


Already know that the other party is not good, Xia Jue where will have a little polite, directly is a martial arts attack to the other party."Great power."

In addition to the old man, the rest of the five men in the bamboo hat had never seen Xia Jue's hand, so it was a shock when they suddenly saw that the other side was exerting such power.

"Work together to break it!"

The opponent's martial arts are so powerful that if they fight hard alone, they may be injured. Therefore, it is the safest and safest way for them to resist together.

Say to do, five people crazy urge body vitality to send out a strong blow.


A loud noise came out.

Affected by the momentum of the impact, each of the five hats stepped back seven or eight steps to stand firm.

If someone can see the hole under their hat, they will be shocked.

They knew that the power of the other side's attack would never be small, but they underestimated it.

"How dare you five come here to die with this skill?"

Xia Jue, with both hands on his back, looks down at the clowns in front of him.

"Damn it. Let's do it together!"

How can five people say that they are also the experts at the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage. How can they stand the insult of such words.

"Bang bang."

The five dispersed and had a big fight with Xia Jue.

Although the five men's fighting cooperation is very tacit, Xia Jue's body method speed is half a grade higher than that of them, so he is still very skillful.

"Everyone, when this happens, what can we do? If we don't die today, he will die, we will die!"

The old man is not going to keep his hand.

Hearing the old man's tone, other people are ready to take out their best Maces.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

The old man didn't know what secret method he used. He began to swell up all over.

After a few breaths, his body was twice as big as before, and his momentum was also much stronger.

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