Seeing such a situation, he would not hesitate at all. He immediately urged his consciousness to explore in the storage bag.

After half a ring, Xia Jue was slightly disappointed.

Because there is nothing of special value in this storage bag, and the Yuan Stone is less than 50 yuan.

No wonder these guys will choose to do the business of killing people and stealing goods. It turns out that they are poor and crazy.

After checking the first storage bag, he urged Lu to eliminate the remaining four.

Among the remaining four, there was a little harvest. One of the storage bags had 300 yuan stones.

If not unexpected, this storage bag with 300 yuan of stone should belong to the guy at the auction, because this guy has a bit of identity.

After checking the harvest, Xia Jue took out the intermediate broken border pill from the storage bag.

According to people before the auction, there is a 20% chance that the high-level breaking pill can help the later peak of Tianjie master break through to the realm of building foundation.

From the perspective of the leopard, this intermediate breaking border pill has to have a 10% chance.

At first glance, the probability of 10% seems very slim, but even if it is slim, Xia Jue also has to try it. Otherwise, only by his own feeling, I don't know that it will take a long time to break through to the realm of building foundation.

In Yuan Jie, which is full of experts and crises, it's better to improve its strength as soon as possible so that it can survive.

Throw away these disordered thoughts, Xia Jue swallowed the intermediate broken border Dan.

And the general pills did not change much, this broken border Dan after the entrance into a stream of liquid into his abdomen.

Then the medicine slowly spread, there seemed to be a fire burning in his body, and his skin became ruddy.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

In the chamber of secrets, Xia Jue's vitality of heaven and earth began to gather on his head quickly.

It lasted about a quarter of an hour.

After a quarter of an hour, his ruddy skin gradually disappeared and changed back to the original state.

"I still failed."

Xia Jue shook his head helplessly, which was unexpected and reasonable.

A little calm mood, his heart in the toss and turn thinking.

All of a sudden, he looked as if he thought of something.

I remember when he was on the earth, he asked Mrs. Meizhi to translate those five martial arts for him. Among them, he only practiced one martial arts, which is the yufengjue.

The other four gates had no time to practice and gradually forgot about it.

Yuanjie is different from the earth. It's dangerous and unpredictable here. You need more means to survive here.

Thinking of this, he immediately searched the storage bag for the dead martial arts.

Soon, five martial arts skills were taken out of the storage bag by him.

There are four kinds of martial arts, one is called "Zuo Luan Shen Ci", the other is called "Da vacuum Da Shou Yin", and the other two are called "congshen Jue" and "Hua Hu Bi".

After checking for a while, Xia Jue's facial expression changed a little.

Among them, three martial arts skills are nothing, all of which are more destructive, but the one of which is luanshen stab.

It's a skill of attacking sense.

Its purpose is to let the enemy's spirit be shaken instantly and produce a sense of trance.

It doesn't sound very powerful, but it's very effective in practice.

Think about it.

When he is fighting with an enemy, he suddenly shows this skill, which is very likely that the other side can't react.

But after winning his attack sense, he suddenly takes advantage of the moment when he is in a trance. It's strange that the other side is either dead or disabled.

"Ha ha."

The more you think about it, the more excited Xia Jue is.

There is no doubt that this will be one of his trump cards.


while Xia Jue was practicing martial arts skills such as disorderly divine sting, there were two people standing in a room of the auction in the trading market.

One of the middle-aged people standing upright is Qiu Feijie, vice president of the auction.

"How's it going? How's it going?" Qiu Feijie said.

"Vice President Hui, after investigation, steward Liu should have disappeared after following the people who came back from the trading market." One of the men replied.

"Oh?" Hearing this, Qiu Feijie had some doubts in his heart. "Do you know why Liu Guanshi followed them back?"

"Liu is in charge of him... He..." some of his subordinates are hesitant to speak out.

"There is no one else here. Just say what you know." Qiu Feijie said in an indisputable tone.

"Vice President Hui, my subordinates think that steward Liu should have a bad intention to the group of people in dilingzong.""Evil? What does that mean? " Qiu Feijie doesn't quite understand.

"The thing is like this..." the man said that Xia Jue came to shoot the martial arts.

"Do you mean that the martial art that the worship of the Earth Spirit sect entrusted us to auction is probably handed down from ancient times?" Qiu Feijie said uncertainly.

"That's right. The appraiser of our auction came to such a conclusion."

Qiu Feijie began to toss and turn in his heart.

If that martial art is really a martial art left over from ancient times, it's no wonder that manager Liu would be so desperate.

But steward Liu is the cultivation of the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage. How can he not live like this and die like this?

Is it true that the worship of the di Ling sect is so powerful?

"Do you know who the deingzong worshiped?"

"The other side's face is very strange. I've never seen such a person as him in di lingzong." The hand shook his head to show he didn't know.

"Well, no matter who he is, I won't let anyone who dares to touch our auction come to a good end."

Liu Guanshi is a capable man whom he cultivated with great difficulty. Now he has come to such an end. How can Qiu Feijie be reconciled.

Seven days passed.

In these seven days, Xia Jue has already mastered all the martial arts such as luanshen stab and vacuum seal.

Standing up, Xia Jue pushed the door and went out.

"Xia Gong, you have been closed for a long time."

This time, Xia Jue spent ten days in the secret room, and he had never been here so long before. This is also the reason why Li Chuan was surprised.

"Nothing. It's just a few martial arts."

No more, Xia Jue went out of the pavilion and came to a back mountain of dilingzong.

Houshan is a place for the di Ling sect's daily practice.

However, it is at noon, and there are not many disciples here.

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