They didn't expect that Xia Jue wanted to deal with them even though he didn't give face.

But they're not vegetarians either.

Zheng Dun also picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Lao Dao, I was blocked at any restaurant in front of the first people's Hospital of China shipping. Bring more people here."

Zheng Dun puts down the phone and looks at Ren Zu provocatively.

"You want to play, right? I'll play with you."

"It's worth Mr. Xia to play with you just like you garbage?" Ren Zu said disdainfully.

"Mr. Xia, right? I'll make you and your Mr. Xia kneel down in front of me and apologize to me later." Zheng Dun touched his nose, obviously with infinite hatred for the punch given to him by Ren Zu.

Ah, the dog didn't break his promise.

However, after a cup of tea, he took a group of younger brothers behind him into the restaurant.

When he entered the restaurant, he looked around subconsciously.

When he saw Xia Jue sitting at table 18, he felt a little shaken. Then he saw Ren Zu and others in the distance. He raised his leg and walked in front of Ren Zu and others.

"Xia Jue, what happened over there?" Su Yihan's uncle watched the gangsters come in and asked anxiously.

"Is there going to be a fight over there? Let's go quickly so as not to affect us later." Su also Han five aunts worry of say.

"Don't worry about them. We eat ours." Xia Jue ignored everyone's worries, picked up chopsticks, picked up a piece of beef and sent it to his mouth.

"Zuge, what does Mr. Xia say?" Ah, the dog came to Ren Zu and asked.

"These bastards robbed the fish that Mr. Xia wanted. Mr. Xia said that they should spit out the fish. That's all."

"Ha ha, these bastards are so bold that they dare to rob Mr. Xia's things!" ah, the dog looks at Zheng Dun and others with a dead eye.

"What do you want? Don't mess around. Ah, the road is coming."

See ah dog this group of covetous, Zheng Dun and others began to panic.


Hearing this man, the dog's teeth cackled.

If the snake brother hadn't offended Mr. Xia, how could he have this responsibility now.

It's because brother snake fell down that the whole underground circle of CNOOC has become a mess.

This is to take advantage of snake brother's fall, invade many of snake brother's original fields, and wantonly suppress other underground organizations.

Ah, the dog has also suffered a lot and has been robbed of many benefits.

Recently, this ah Dao has abandoned other underground organizations, and there is a faint sign that he has become a "new Snake brother". He has many followers.

But now, dogs don't have to worry about him anymore.

Because he is helping Mr. Xia.

Even snake brother is not enough for Mr. Xia to crush with one finger. If you offend Mr. Xia, you will die faster.

"What are you doing? Why don't you help them" spit it out " Ah, the dog beckoned to the little brothers nearby.

"It's the boss."

More than a dozen gangsters immediately surrounded Zheng Dun and others.

"why don't you want to know that Lao Tzu is full of sweat..."

Zheng Dun was kicked in the stomach by a little gangster before he finished speaking.

Others want to fight when they see it.

But these are all boys who have been hollowed out by wine and sex. How can they be little gangsters who fight every day.

When some childe brothers were turned over and screamed, Ren Zuda said, "drag them out and let Mr. Xia see them."

A dozen gangsters were instructed to drag the five into the lobby.

Many of the guests who were having dinner saw this scene and ran out in horror.


A little gangster kicked Zheng Dun's fat stomach, and Zheng Dun vomited what he had eaten before.

"What are you doing?" Xia Jue looked up to this side.

Hear Xia Jue happen, dog and Ren Zu are a little scared.

Ah, the dog looked at Ren Zu with a look like a child asking, "what's the matter?"

"Xia... Mr. Xia, we'll make them spit out as you ordered." Ren Zu replied.

"Don't you see we're eating? How can we eat like this? Pull them out of the door." Xia Jue turned his head again.

"Yes, drag them to the door quickly, and you guys, clean these things quickly, don't affect Mr. Xia's appetite."

"I see, Ren Shao."

Several waiters came to clean the floor with a mop.

"Xia Jue, what's the matter?" Fang Xiaoqin hears that it has something to do with Xia Jue, and can't help asking.

"It's nothing, mom. These bastards robbed the fish I ordered. Let them have a long memory. They can't rob anything at will."Su Yihan's uncles and aunts secretly smack their tongue when they hear this.

He's so overbearing that he'll be beaten to death.

Su Yihan's fifth aunt began to feel restless.

At the thought of the words she had mocked Xia Jue before, she was afraid.

She didn't expect that Xia Jue was such a terrible person.

"Cha Cha."

Outside, five or six vans braked and stopped outside any restaurant.

Twenty punks in the car came down with sticks.

"Stop it." A man with a fierce look yelled.

Ah, the dog raised his eyes and saw that ah Dao had come, but now he had Mr. Xia's support. He was full of confidence and didn't have the slightest fear.

"Ah, do you care if I beat people?" Ah, said the dog sarcastically.

"Ah dog, you are very brave. You dare to do it even if you know that Zheng Dun is my brother." Ah, Dao sneered.

"What? Is he your brother? Good morning, brother Ah, the dog said this and directly kicked Zheng Dun who fell on the ground.

"Ah, ah." Zheng Dun uttered a cry of pain.

"I think you are looking for death!" Ah, Dao's face is very dark.

Because snake brother fell down.

These days, dogs always take a detour when they see him.

But today, he didn't understand how the dog was so bold and dared to challenge him.

"Give it to me!"

Ah, with an order, a group of younger brothers behind them rushed up with sticks.

"Fuck him!" ah, the dog is not willing to be outdone.

The two sides began to fight.

Seeing the younger brothers falling down, both sides picked up the phone and began to call each other.

After a while, dozens of people came from both sides and began to fight.

But with more and more people coming from ah Dao, ah dog can't hold on any longer.

"Ah, dog, you bastard, you'd better kneel down and beg for mercy for me. I can think about it later. Be gentle." Ah, the road shouts loudly through the fire crowd.

Ah, the dog and Ren Zu looked at each other, and then looked at Xia Jue in the restaurant.

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