Xia Jue thought that this was an endless situation, but he didn't think that the monk could have a chance to live.

"In this case, the friar should have to pay a large amount of deposit. Once he admits defeat, the deposit will be gone, which is also a source of income here."

The thirteen elders seem to understand the rules of operation here.


Xia Jue nodded. The thirteen elders were reasonable.

However, as he said, once the monster is defeated, won't it get a high reward?

Xia Jue's mind suddenly became active.

The next match in the field of thought begins again.

This time, it was a battle between a monkey and a human monk. However, this time, the human monk was defeated and retreated. Finally, he gave up and was sent away by the array.

In this way, after five battles in a row, only one human monk succeeded in defeating the monster, which can be described as very difficult.

"Well, the first half will be over for a while, and the second half will start an hour later. If you are interested in challenging, you can come to the rear to protect your life with us. Once you pass the test successfully, you will get a high reward."

The sound of the previous hint came out again.

"Elder thirteen, to tell you the truth, I want to have a try."

Xia Jue now needs Yuanshi to bid for the Zhuji pill in the trading market next month, so the more Yuanshi he wants to collect, the more prepared he is.

"Xiagong, this stone is not so easy to take, so you'd better not try it. Moreover..." speaking of the thirteen elders, he lowered his voice: "you'd better not show your sword in such a place, so as not to be watched by someone who has a heart."

He knew that Xia Jue's sword must be a very powerful magic weapon. It would be troublesome if someone thought about it.

"It's natural, but I'm confident that I can win with that sword."

After observing for such a long time, Xia Jue also had a general understanding of the strength of these monsters. He felt that it was not too difficult to surpass them with his own strength.

"Xia Gong, with your strength, if you want to go up, you may have to face the monster at the peak after the middle of the heaven level. This level of monster is very difficult to deal with. If you fail, you will lose a lot of Yuan Stone. The gain is not worth the loss."

Elder 13 still doesn't want Xia Jue to go up.

"Believe me, elder thirteen, if there's anything I can do for Xia, I'll take it."

After that, Xia Jue did not wait for the thirteen elders to reply. He went directly to the back of the venue to prepare for the registration.

Thirteen elder helplessly talked tone, finally also can only follow up.

Came to the rear of the field, saw here has been surging.

Even if only one of the five people has succeeded in the challenge, there are still some people who are too confident in their own strength and want to earn a lot of yuan.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't come next without the cultivation above the later stage of the heaven level."

In the first half, most of the monsters were at the beginning of the sky stage, which led to the visual fatigue of the audience. So in the second half, the Colosseum wanted to play some battles that could arouse the audience's interest.

Hearing this, many people at the scene left with a look of frustration.

In the end, there were only five players left, including Xia Jue.

"Five, if you want to challenge on stage, you have to pay 1000 yuan stone first. Once you succeed in the challenge, you will get 5000 yuan stone."

A master of the Colosseum said to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue five people originally came with this purpose, so naturally they would not have any hesitation.

After paying the Yuan Shi deposit, the people of the Colosseum soon arranged for five people.

Among them, Xia Jue ranked second in the order of appearance, and he faced a flower demon leopard who reached the peak of the middle stage of the heaven stage.

"Well, everyone, here's a master with the highest strength in the later stage of Tianjie against a blue winged bird in the later stage of Tianjie. It's time to start after a stick of incense. Please hurry up if you want to bet."

The cue sounds again.

Time passes in the blink of an eye.

The light curtain in the center of the field lights up, two stone doors open, and the blue winged bird and the expert at the peak of the later stage of the sky stage come out.


"Bang bang."

Without saying much, the two sides immediately began to fight.

The blue winged bird is not only extremely fierce, but also can defend the air attack. It can be said that it is extremely difficult to deal with. Although the expert at the top of the sky level in the later stage had some means, and even had magic weapons, he was defeated in the end.

"Well, the challenger of the first game has failed. Now it's the turn of the second game to face a flower demon leopard at the peak of the middle and late stage of the sky stage by an expert in the later stage of the sky stage."

As soon as the voice falls, Xia Jue and the Banshee leopard come out.


After the leopard was released, it didn't attack Xia Jue directly. Instead, it took a slow pace and seemed to be looking at him."The intelligence of this beast is very high." Looking at the flower demon leopard, Xia Jue laughed, "since you dare not do it, I will do it first."

Xia Jue brushed his sleeve directly, and his strength condensed into a blade that cleaved towards the flower demon leopard.

In the face of a sudden attack, the flower demon leopard naturally won't stop at the same place and get this attack for nothing. It just dodges Xia Jue's attack.

"What's the matter? Why doesn't the beast go up?"

"It's just that the beast is still wasting some time. It's good to see if he's going to win or lose as soon as possible."

The crowd on the stage saw that the flower demon leopard didn't attack Xia Jue directly like other monsters, which made them a little upset.

"Not yet. I'm really patient."

The beast was patient, but Xia Jue was impatient. He began to make a big hand print with his hands.


Maybe the leopard felt the threat and wanted to run for the first time, but no matter how it ran, it couldn't get out of the circle.

It's natural that the flower demon leopard's action surprised the people on the stage.

"Why is the harpy leopard so afraid of young people?"

"Yes, according to the principle, monsters are a group of very fierce animals. Unless they feel that they are in extreme danger, they will have this kind of fear performance. But this guy is just the peak strength of the later stage of the heaven stage. According to the principle, the flower demon leopard should not be afraid of him."

"No, you can feel the power of his martial arts. It's definitely not ordinary martial arts. No wonder the flower demon leopard is so scared."

"This young man is so young that he has reached the peak strength in the later stage of the heaven stage. With such extraordinary martial arts skills, is he a hero from the ten thousand drum sect?"

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