Each of them has his own cultivation.

At this age, I have the cultivation of the earth level. What kind of situation will I reach when I grow up?

It's scary enough to think about it.

Wanguzong really deserves to be a super big door.

"These children are all good seedlings of wanguzong who have been cultivated by themselves and discovered from outside, such as our dilingzong. If there is no accident, it will not be difficult for them to break through the foundation with wanguzong's ability."

Thirteen elder some meaningful say.


Xia Jue nodded his head.

As he went deeper and deeper, Xia Jue's sense realized more and more powerful breath, some even made him feel more powerful than Hou Xiaotian, which also made him have a clear judgment on the strength of Wan guzong.

"A little mole ant of the clan dare to be so reckless and seek death!"

All of a sudden, an angry voice rang out, and then Xia Jue and the thirteen elders felt a strong momentum attacking them.

Sooner or later, Xia Jue couldn't think too much. He could only subconsciously protect himself from being hurt.


After a fight, Xia Jue stepped back more than ten steps, and the figure who was angry also stepped back more than ten steps.

It can be said that both sides did not take advantage of this strike.

The two sides separated and retreated to one side. At this time, Xia Jue finally saw the man who suddenly attacked him.

This man is not big, and he is quite the same. He is also the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage.

But Xia Jue knew that his strength could be said to have come to this point through all kinds of hardships and all kinds of resources.

And the other side can get to this point at this age, in addition to their outstanding talent, they also need the cultivation of various resources of wanguzong.

"Dare to ask what Xia did wrong, you want to give me a hand suddenly?"

Although the other party is from wanguzong, Xia Jue believes that wanguzong can't be unreasonable. Otherwise, no matter how powerful he is, he can't convince the public.

"Hum, when I came to wanguzong, I dare to send out sentimental spies at will. Because of this, I killed you, and no one dares to say anything."

The young man stood with his hands down in a very arrogant tone.

The heated dialogue between the two naturally attracted many people around to see what was going on.

Among these people, there are not only the disciples of wanguzong, but also the people who come to pay the resources and worship like the thirteen elders of Xiajue.

"Misunderstandings, misunderstandings, shangzong. This is a worship of our dilingzong. Today, he is the first time to come here. He is not sensible, so he is a little abrupt. Please forgive me for once. That summer worship, come and make amends."

Thirteen elder heart very regret, he regret to forget this matter, did not remind with Xia Jue, this caused the present situation.

"Well, it's no use making amends. He dared to fight back just now. In my wanguzong, he not only dared to spy with his senses, but also dared to attack at will. This is a big mistake. If he didn't want to involve the Earth Spirit sect, he must die today."

In fact, the reason why the young man is so aggressive is not only that Xia Jue has violated the rules of wanguzong, but also that Xia Jue makes him very upset.

Just think about it.

He practiced hard in the advantaged place of wanguzong, and now he has reached the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage. However, a person from a small sect of the other party has also reached this level. By contrast, it seems that he is too useless.

So out of this mentality, he has to kill the guy who broke the rules today.

"This is... Last time, accommodation. It's the first time for him to come here. He doesn't understand the rules. I promise he won't do it again next time."

How could elder thirteen let the other party deal with Xia Jue in this way? How could he go back to the patriarch and the elders.

"There's no need to explain. Rules are rules. There's no accommodation."

The young man said with disdain.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Just as they were still talking, a burst of laughter broke out.

Along with the sound, people soon found the source of the sound, which was sent out by Xia Jue.

At this moment, not only did he not have any fear, but he also sent out such a kind of ironic laughter, which made the people around him feel the courage of Xia Jue.

However, it's useless to be brave. Once a small clan like them wants to deal with them, even if they put on their wings, they can't escape from others.

"Ha ha, it's the first time I've ever met someone like you when I'm dying."

The young man looked coldly at Xia Jue in front of him.

"You said that I used my sense to spy on you wanguzong, but Xia just sent out some sense in front of me. If this is against the rules of wanguzong, then Xia, I can only say that I want to add to the crime."Xia Jue sneered.

"Xiagong, don't talk nonsense."

Hearing Xia Jue say such words, the thirteen elders were scared out of their wits.

Although I don't know what kind of status this so-called Cao Hai is in wanguzong, his background must not be weak if he can be so domineering.

If the other party is angry, it will be troublesome.

And it's not without precedent.

I remember there used to be a sect called lingtianmen. At the beginning, an elder of this sect with a talented disciple wanted to come here to open his eyes.

As a result, this genius may be used to being praised by the stars in his own sect, and he didn't know how to be restrained when he came here. Finally, he angered the son of a high-level figure in wanguzong.

As a result, the whole Lingtian gate was directly removed, which is still engraved in their mind.

But I didn't think that this kind of thing seems to happen to them now, so how can the thirteen elders not be scared out of their wits.

"Ha ha, well, I admire your courage, right? I don't think it's necessary to exist."

Cao Hai coldly threw out such a sentence.

Hearing these words, the thirteen elder suddenly fell to the ground as if he had exhausted his strength.

I didn't expect that what he didn't want to see happened. How can he explain to Hou Xiaotian and many elders in the sect? He is the sin of the Earth Spirit sect.

The onlookers also sighed when they saw the scene.

Such a big clan has come to such an end because of such a mistake. The young man is still too uncontrollable.

"There are so many grudges between us. I don't think it's necessary for us to fight each other."

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