"That's right, elder martial brother. This boy is too hateful. I don't think we can let him go back like this."

Cao Hai's eyes are full of violence.

"What do you mean, younger martial brother Cao?"

Elder martial brother Meng frowned and asked.

"One does not do two endlessly."

This move is not only to avenge the previous revenge, but also to force the opponent to hand over the attack sense of martial arts, which is the reason why Cao Hai proposed to do so.

"It's not very good. If we wanguzong do this, our reputation will be destroyed. The patriarch and elders will never tolerate this kind of thing."

If Cao Hai really did this, if things were revealed, then their wanguzong would be the target of public criticism, and no one could save them at that time. This is the reason why elder martial brother Meng is so scrupulous.

"Elder martial brother Meng, it's a skill of attacking sense. As long as we take it back and offer it, it's a great achievement. Even if it's revealed, the patriarch will definitely help us cover it up. Don't worry too much about that."

Cao Hai continued to lobby.


elder martial brother Meng hesitated.

Because Cao Hai is right.

Once they snatch back their sense of attack and dedicate it to zongmen, they will definitely win the praise of zongmen's senior management. It's a good deal.

After much deliberation, elder martial brother Meng finally agreed.

After listening to Cao Haigang's words, he also knows that many people already know that Xia Jue has this kind of perceptual martial arts skills, so it's not sure that other people are paying the same attention as Cao Hai.

That is to say, if he doesn't do it, other people will do it.

"Younger martial brother Cao, let's go quickly."

Elder martial brother Meng, who has already made up his mind, will not hesitate.

Hearing that the other party was moved by him, Cao Hai's heart was immediately overjoyed. His mind had already begun to think about how to torture the bastard Xie Xie by cruel means.

"OK, let's go!"


at the same time, Xia Jue and the thirteen elders are paying their resources and preparing to leave wanguzong.

"Xiagong, today is really too dangerous. I've lived for so many years, and I feel the most worried today."

Thinking of what happened just now, elder thirteen was still a little shaken.

"The thirteen elders who have no way out of heaven."

Xia Jue comforted.


Thirteen elders nodded, and then walked with Xia Jue into the entrance of the transmission array.

"Why, thirteen, I asked you to wait for me first. How did you get here?"

Shen Guanshi, who was still stationed by the teleportation array, had some doubts when he saw the thirteen elders coming.

"Shen Guanshi, another day. I have something urgent to return to zongmen."

When such a thing happened, elder 13 was not in the mood to drink with each other.

"Well, let's talk about it another day."

When he heard that the other party had something to do, he didn't say anything more. He quickly opened the array to let them go.


It was a dizzy feeling again. When Xia Jue came back again, he was already outside the city.

"Let's go."

Xia Jue was the first to rise in the sky and return to the direction of di lingzong.

I have to say that I have gained some good results from this trip, that is, I have earned 15000 yuan in vain, which is not in vain.

They went empty all the way, and soon drove out of more than 30 miles. However, at this time, Xia Jue suddenly felt a sense of extreme danger.

"Be careful!"

Xia Jue's face solemnly reminded elder thirteen Zhang.

After this reminder, the face of the thirteen elders changed suddenly, and then, just like Xia Jue, they began to guard around.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect you to be smart enough to notice my coming. It's interesting."

Suddenly, a slightly sarcastic voice came out from the southeast.

Hearing this voice, Xia Jue turned his head and saw that the two dark shadows in the distance gradually became clear.

"It's you!"

When the thirteen elders saw the person coming, they suddenly became surprised.

Because it's not someone else, it's Cao Hai who was in wanguzong before.

"Yes, or who do you think it is?"

Cao Hai didn't hide his mind at all, and there was a sneer in his face.

"What do you want to do? Your elder martial brother Huang said that this matter can't be investigated. Aren't you afraid of being punished by wanguzong?"

The thirteen elders were angry.

"Hum, don't take those bastards to oppress me. They are old people."

Cao Hai was also very dissatisfied with the fact that he chose to defend outsiders instead of defending elder martial brother Huang at that time. Anyway, there are no outsiders now, and they are dying, so he doesn't have to hide anything."You... What the hell do you want to do?"

"Ha ha, what do you want to do? Do you want me to tell you?"

Cao Hai made an action of wiping his neck.

"Do you still have laws in your eyes? Do you still have laws? As a disciple of wanguzong, you dare to engage in this kind of killing and stealing, and are you not afraid of being punished by the clan?"

Elder 13 has understood that these two guys are supposed to take revenge. Second, they are supposed to rob Xia Jue's sense of attack.

"Elder martial brother Meng, in order to avoid long night dreams, let's make a quick decision."

Although there is no one in this place at present, it's hard to guarantee that there will be anyone who will pass by and cause trouble. So Cao Hai thinks it's better to do it quickly.

"Brother Cao is right."

Elder martial brother Meng doesn't want to entangle any more. He directly uses his strength to gather a palm and grabs Xia Jue in the distance.

Feeling the powerful power coming towards him, Xia Jue's hair stood up.

Xia Jue didn't hesitate in the face of this kind of foundation level master. He took out the Tai Long Sword directly from the storage bag, and then frantically gathered into it, and the vitality split towards the vitality palm that came towards him.


Two powerful attacks collided together, and the power suddenly resounded through the sky, and the thick smoke rose around.

"How could that be?"

Elder martial brother Meng, who felt the powerful power, was surprised.

Originally, he thought that he would not even have the power to fight back when he hit the opponent with the cultivation of building foundation, but he didn't expect it.

That guy not only has the power to fight back, but also broke his such a blow. How is that possible?

What is the sword in his hand?

In fact, it's not only elder martial brother Meng who is shocked, but also Cao Hai who is beside him.

He thought that the attack sense of martial arts is Xia Jue's biggest card, but where do you want to get a bigger card.

If the two of them had taken out the sword when they were fighting in wanguzong, he would not even have enough time to breathe, and he would have to be defeated. It would be very frightening to think about it.

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