Although this guy claims to be a casual practitioner, he is not strictly speaking.

Early years ago, he was a disciple of Tianzhushan, second only to the six major schools. However, he was expelled from the school because he made a big mistake, so now he is a rootless duckweed.

And on the drawing Hou Xiaotian gave him, he showed his various behaviors.

This guy acts like a rat and runs faster than a rabbit when he is in danger. This is why Xia Jue called him an old slicker before.


In front of those people holding things hard, a foundation building master suddenly found behind the arrival of Xia Jue.

Hearing the reminder of the master builder, everyone turned their heads back and looked at Xia Jue with alert eyes.

"Who is your excellency?"

The former foundation builder looked up and down at Xia Jue. When he saw that Xia Jue's face was very fresh. He didn't look like a person from six major schools, nor was he a proud person like Li Zhuifeng, which made him feel a little relieved.

"San Xiu, Xia Jue!" Anyway, these people didn't know him, so he didn't report the name of the local lingzong.

"Scattered cultivation?" The master of building foundation looked at him from inside to outside again. "If you can reach this level, you should be famous. Why have I never heard of your name?"

"Xia has been practising hard in a quiet place and seldom participates in some things outside, so it's normal that several of you haven't heard of Xia's name."

"So and so..."

"by the way, just now Xia heard a few people say that they want an alliance in the city to fight against those arrogant people. I don't know if Xia can join in?"

Among these people, there are five or six foundation building experts, and more than ten experts who are at the peak of the later stage of Tianjie.

If Xia Jue wants to do something to them, it's a little difficult, and now he can only get the token and a small part of the natural materials and treasures, which is not cost-effective.

And just now when he saw that these people were going to form an alliance, Xia Jue had some ideas in his mind.

That is to join the alliance of this group of people first, hide one's strength and keep one's back for a while, wait until these people have collected enough talents and treasures for him, and then take the opportunity to destroy all these people.

How beautiful is it to collect the token and the treasures from him?

"Are you going to join our league?"

To tell you the truth, they are very welcome for this person to join their camp.

After all, this person does not belong to any forces. He is also a casual practitioner, and the other side has the strength to build a foundation, which is very helpful for their camp.

It can be said that as long as you let the other party join, then the strength of their alliance will be much stronger.

But what worries them is that this person is so strange that they don't know the details of each other.

Most of them are friends of the alliance initiator, friends of friends, people who know the root and the bottom, so when this powerful and strange person wants to join, they will be so tangled in their hearts.

"Xia thinks that he has some strength. It should be helpful to join your league. If you still don't welcome me, then you should think that I haven't been here, and I'll turn around and leave." After saying this, Xia Jue is about to leave.

"Xia Daoyou, wait a minute." Old slippery grass called Xia Jue, "please give me a moment, I'll discuss."

"Please." Xia Jue made a gesture.

Cao Feiyu's five foundation building masters quickly drew close to each other, and then several people whispered.

"Xia Jue seems to have no problem. He is really a casual practitioner. What do you think?"

"The breath of this man is stable. It's been a while since he broke through the foundation. If he joins our alliance, our alliance will be more powerful."

"Let him join us. Anyway, there are five of us. I don't think he can make any trouble."

It was only twenty breathing rooms, and five people had already come up with a result.

"Brother Xia, welcome to join our league." Cao Feiyu said to Xia Jue with a smile.

"Thanks for brother Cao's success, Xia will certainly contribute to our alliance."

Although he said so on the surface, he didn't think so in his heart.

Naturally, his idea is to wait until the time is right to start cutting these guys' leeks.

"Since brother Xia is a member of our league, please introduce yourself first."

"Xia Daoyou, my name is Zhao Qian, from Hanshan gate."

"Xia Daoyou, I'm Mo Shan, from Mo's family in Jinling."

"Brother Xia, I'm..."

the people in the field introduced their names and identities to Xia Jue.

"You are very friendly. Xia is new here. Please forgive me." Xia Jue arched his hands at the crowd.

"I don't dare to. Xia Daoyou has high strength. With Xia Daoyou here, we will be able to pass the test smoothly.""Well, we don't have much time. We have to search for Tiancai and Dibao as soon as possible. Let's, Zhao Daoyou, please go to the front first. Don't go too far. In case of emergency, remember to set the signal on."

Seeing that the time was almost over, Cao Feiyu called for action.

"I see!"

Next, Cao Feiyu commanded several orders. Three of the four base building experts were assigned out, while Cao Feiyu and another base building expert Mo Shan stayed in the camp.

For the intention of the grass flying rain, Xia Jue is not a fool. Naturally, he can see that the other party is just guarding himself.

But there's nothing wrong with that.

It is impossible for a stranger to expect the other party to trust him when he first arrives. Both sides must have an opportunity to integrate trust.

Xia Jue has made up his mind. If something happens later, he will try his best to win the trust of these guys, so as to implement his leek cultivation plan.

Cao Feiyu, Mo mountain, Xia Jue and five experts at the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage are exploring forward so unhappily.


All of a sudden, about two miles away from them, a brilliant light rose in the sky.

"It's Zhao Daoyou. Let's hurry up and see what's going on." After saying this, Cao Feiyu headed for the shining place.

I didn't expect that just when he wanted to perform well, this opportunity came.

Xia Jue's action is not slow, he also followed the grass flying rain behind.

However, in order to reflect his real strength, he did not directly use the yufengjue, but used the common evasion method of building foundation, so the speed of his body method was not much faster than that of Cao Feiyu.

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