Xia Jue followed Su Changming's eyes and saw a gold invitation on the table.

Xia Jue immediately reached out and took up the invitation.

It turned out to be the engagement ceremony between Su Junhao and Wang Lin.

"Who is Wang Lin?" Asked Xia Jue.

"It's said that she is the daughter of the king of Kyoto." Su Changming said with a frown.

"Do you want to go?" Xia Jue continued.

"The ownership of Zhonghai city has been invited. I heard president Wu say that the reason why the three northern groups of Longteng and Shangshui turned back this time was to curry favor with the Su family." Su added.

I see.

Now Xia Jue finally knows why the three rubbish turned back. It turned out that they were carrying the dog legs of the Su family.

"Go, how can we not go? Now that all the dignified people in China shipping have gone, we can't fall behind." Xia Jue made a decision for everyone.


the next morning.

Xia Jue sent Su Yihan to the company and then came to the boxing hall.

When Xia Jue came to the martial arts center, ah, dog had already taken a group of younger brothers to stand and wait for him.

After a night's rest, the younger brothers recovered a lot of energy and spirits. They held their heads up like soldiers waiting for the instructor to review.

"Here, start today's training."

Two hours later.

There's a group of people in the gym.

After a few words with some people who used to practice boxing here, they came to Xia Jue and others who were training.

Brother dog saw that the comer was not good, so he quickly stood up.

"What can I do for you?"

"Nothing's wrong. I heard that a master has come here. I want to challenge him." Said a very dark man in the crowd.

"Do you want to challenge Mr. Xia? Don't worry about our training Ah, said the dog rudely.


Ah, the dog just finished scolding. The dark man punched him in the stomach, and he fell to the ground in pain.

"Don't you dare to touch the dog brother, brothers, kill him together."

The gangsters saw that their boss had been beaten, and they immediately surrounded the dark man.

Xia Jue took a stool and sat aside. He wanted to see if these gangsters had any improvement after yesterday's training.

"Bang bang."

The dark man's fist is very fast, and often a thug falls down under one blow, while other thugs can't keep up with his rhythm at all, and can't cause him any harm.

"Ha ha, brother Chang has been in a professional boxing match. It's not enough for him to fight with only 30 gangsters."

"Yes, it's said that brother Chang is now playing black boxing in Qinglong club. He has been unbeaten in 23 matches. These little gangsters go up to give their heads away. In addition to the ugly eight, they may have the power to fight."

"That's right. This ugly monster is very powerful. Yesterday, he beat yuan Bing with one punch. You know, Yuan Bing is also a man who has played several black fists."

The onlookers were talking.

"Bang bang."

Two minutes later, seven or eight more gangsters fell down.

But Xia Jue was a little relieved that after a day's training, the dodging ability of these little gangsters was improved.

Three or four of them were able to dodge the dark man with a few punches.

It seems that let him train for a few days, not to mention with this dark man, but at least it won't be passive.

More than ten minutes later, all the gangsters fell to the ground.

This guy is worthy of black boxing.

Every punch goes to the bum's chin.

We should know that this is a vulnerable place for human beings. A boxer like them can make them faint and lose the ability to resist.

"Good skill, brother Chang."

"Great, brother Chang."

"It's an eye opener today!"

The crowd around praised.

Knocking down more than 20 gangsters in a row also consumes a lot of physical strength for the dark man. When Ko finishes all the gangsters, he gasps.

However, when he heard the praise from the public, his face suddenly showed a proud smile.

"Well, ugly, dare you fight with me, if you dare not, now kneel down to my grandfather and hit my friend three times, that's all." The dark man defiantly said to Xia Jue.

"You are not worthy of my hand. Come back tomorrow." The strength of Xia hunjue is not bad.

"You say it's rubbish. If you have the ability to challenge me, you're not my grandson!" The dark man turned to the challenge arena.

Xia Jue didn't pay attention to him, but woke up the thugs on the ground one by one.

When the dark man saw that Xia Jue had no birds, he seemed a little annoyed.But he thought about it.

Even yuan Bing, a professional boxer, was beaten by Xia Jue.

Then this ugly monster must have some strength.

Just now he knocked down these 20 gangsters alone. It really took a lot of physical strength. If this ugly monster came up at this time, he might not be able to eat him.

In case of being killed by him, 29 would be a big shame.

The thought of the dark man stopped shouting.

Directly from the stage down to Xiajue road.

"Well, I'll come back tomorrow. If you dare not fight me tomorrow, don't blame me for taking the initiative." The dark man left the sentence.

When ah Gou and others regain consciousness and stand up, their faces are a little embarrassed.

Yesterday, a group of their younger brothers were put down because there were many people on the other side.

But today, more than 20 of them were put down by this man, which made their faces a little uneasy.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog said to Xia Jue.

"It's nothing to be sorry for. Just now that is just rubbish that brother can't be any weaker. As long as you train according to my method, it's no problem to challenge him in a month."

Hearing this, the dog and others suddenly became excited and seemed to be full of motivation.

The training time passed quickly, and it was noon all of a sudden.

"Well, that's the end of today's training."

It's time for Xia Jue and Su Yihan to go to Sheraton to attend Su Junhao's engagement ceremony.

"How's the present for you?" Xia Jue said to the dog.

"All ready, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog replied.

"Hao, now pull me to Sheraton Hotel, I want to give this gift to others."

"Yes, Mr. Xia."


the Sheraton Hotel is very busy today.

The cars of the dignitaries filled the whole parking lot.

As today's main characters, Su Junhao and Su Changqing stood at the door early to greet the dignitaries.


A Maybach stopped at the door.

Xia Jue, Su Yihan and others walk down from the car.

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