Before that Zhao Qianyue to the blue disk, at least there are ten breathing time to breathe, but to the purple disk, even after five breaths are not.

No wonder Zhang Feng will die with so many reminders.

It seems that the next test is more cruel, and I don't know what kind of changes will happen when I step into the red disk.

"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, so it is..." Wang Xixue murmured to himself, as if he wanted to understand something.

"Yes, it turns out that the sequence of this disk is red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. We should have thought of it earlier, so that we won't lose so many lives in vain."

Cao Feiyu beat his chest a little. I just hate that he didn't think of this sequence.

"Well, you know the sequence now, so as long as you are more careful, there will be no risk. Go quickly, finish earlier, and you can leave earlier."

Seeing victory in sight, Wang Xixue also has some small expectations in her heart.

I'm looking forward to what I'll get after this break.

"I'll do it." Mo Shan stands out and walks into the array.

Although he knew that the sequence might be red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, Mo Shan did not dare to take the risk.

He followed the route of the previous few people, starting from orange. In a short time, he went through yellow, green, blue and purple. When he got to the purple disk, he didn't hesitate to breathe, and then he got to the red disk.

When his legs stepped on the red disk, the change suddenly appeared.

I can only see the light shining in this array.

After two or three breaths, a beam of light in the sky at the top of the array shines down.

All of a sudden, some virtual shadows appeared in a place illuminated by the array. These virtual shadows gradually became real objects until they were completely presented in the eyes of the public.

"It's the treasure of heaven and earth!"

They found that the place where the array light had been shining suddenly appeared a large area of Tiancai and Dibao.

Yes, it's a large area, not one or two.

But that's not the point.

The most important thing is that they found that every tree in it was no worse than the big flower they found before.

How many points can you accumulate with so many natural resources?

Thinking of this, people's eyes flashed a touch of heat. If it wasn't for this strange array, maybe everyone would rush up to fight at this time.

"It's true that there are good babies in this battle. It's not in vain. I've made a lot of efforts." Wang Xixue was also happy.

Now his points have reached 500.

Although she doesn't know what position 500 points occupy here, it's hard for other people to look at her except Li Zhuifeng.

If she gets the treasure in this array again, her points should be able to leave that guy behind.

In front of the light curtain outside the Taoist array, a group of people were stunned to see that there were so many Tiancai and Dibao inside.

"If you remember correctly, I'm afraid this is the first time in this trial that there are so many natural resources and land treasures at one time?"

"Don't remember, I can tell you for sure that this is the first time that the most natural materials and local treasures have appeared in this trial."

"It seems that the formation has not been thoroughly explored. If we continue to explore, there may be more."

"If Wang Xixue gets all the natural resources and land treasures in this big array, who else can catch up with her points?"

"It's not a good thing to get too many points. In the end, in order to compete for the position, the higher the points, I'm afraid the higher the points, the better they will be."

A group of people kept talking.

"It's a pity, if only Xia Gong could get this point." Thirteen long old noodles are bitter.

"Well, it's still a question whether Xiagong can survive. As for the genius treasure in it, I don't need to think about it." Elder five shook his head.

"Look, what's that?"

"It's like a road?"

Just when people outside the court were still talking, the array in the trial changed a little.

At the foot of namo mountain, a road paved with light appeared.

This road leads to the location of the natural resources.

"This..." Mo Shan can't make up his mind, he can only turn his head back to look at Wang Xixue.

"What are you hesitating about? Go and put away those treasures." Wang Xixue cried.

"All right."

Mo Shan first used his toes to point the light road to test whether there was any danger. When he tried to find out that there was no danger, he carefully stepped on the light road to the destination of the treasure.

However, it is only a few steps away, and Mo Shan has already reached the side of the natural resources and local treasures.

"So many points..."When Mo Shan picked up a treasure and put it into the storage bag, he was surprised to see the increase of points.

"Mo Daoyou, how many points have you accumulated?" It was Xia Jue who asked this all the time.

Originally, he planned to secretly observe and see what the situation is now. If it's really his turn and it's very risky, then he will immediately show his real strength and fight with Wang Xixue. If the strength of the other side is really too strong, then he will escape.

But now he's changed his mind.

Because the movement law of this formation has been basically explored by these people.

In other words, the risk is not great.

And now this large piece of natural resources and local treasures is really attractive.

If he doesn't go in, once the big array is broken, it's estimated that he can't rob Wang Xixue.

So he had to go in and grasp the opportunity. When the battle was broken, even if the enemy couldn't defeat Wang Xixue, he could still escape.

And these natural resources will be taken away by him.

"Eight points!" Mo Shan said a figure that made people panic.

The top of this treasure is a base building demon pill, and this large piece of genius treasure can accumulate at least 100 or 200 points. It doesn't count whether it will appear in the future. If it will appear in the future, how many points can it accumulate?

"Put it away!" Wang Xixue cried eagerly.

In fact, there is no need for Wang Xixue to shout. Mo Shan can't help it for a long time.

After half a column of incense.

All the natural materials and treasures in this area were received by him in the storage bag.

At this time, the score on his token actually came to nearly 200 points.

Two hundred cents.

It's estimated that there should be a good place in the current test of the dojo.

There was a ray of joy on Mo Shan's face.

"What are you doing? Go back to the red disk first."

Before Mo Shan was too happy, a clear voice came and let his heart fall back to the valley.

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