Tens of millions of Yuanshi, even if the super clan like wanguzong is to be taken out at once, it will hurt a lot of vitality, not to mention Li HUFA.

Originally, he thought that Xia Jue had no chance to win the bet, but now the ranking of the scoreboard made his mind loose, which made him panic and tell Li HUFA about it.

"What's the matter?" Li HUFA frowned. It was obvious that he didn't like people talking to him in this way.

"The number one in the table has changed...

" Li Zhuifeng? "

It's impossible for anyone to keep the ranking. It's normal to change back and forth, so Li HUFA thinks that if there is no accident, it should be Li Zhuifeng who has reached the top.

"No, a man named Xia Jue?" The little fellow said with a stiff head.

"Xia Jue? Who is he? "

This made Li HUFA a little surprised.

In his impression, there is no one named Xia Jue, no matter the Tianjiao of the six major schools or the heroes of Lingnan.

"Xiajue, is that Xiajue from dilingzong?" Before the boy could answer, Chang HUFA was the first to open the door.

"That's right. You know him?" He was a little surprised that Chang HUFA knew Xia Jue.

Does Xia Jue have anything to do with Chang HUFA?

If so, it can also explain why the other side has the strength to be ranked first in the table. After all, Chang Fu FA may have given the other side some powerful magic weapons or treasures.

But in this way, Li HUFA was trapped. I just don't know what kind of expression Li HUFA will have when he learns about it.

"Yes, this boy has some skills. He can't even take a move if he doesn't have software to protect himself. He won't lose his life." Chang Dharma protector reminds me of something not long ago.


After hearing Chang HUFA's words, the boy was directly frightened and sat on the ground with his legs softened.

Although it was worrying at first, it was not at the worst.

After all, in addition to Li Zhui Fen and Wang Xixue, they are not vegetarians. Although the other side is in the top of the table now.

But as long as the luck is poor, there is still a great chance to be killed when meeting some ruthless characters.

One step further back, even if you are lucky enough to live to the end, but now the trial is less than a day away, according to the following points, you are likely to be squeezed out of the top 20.

But Chang's words greatly dispelled his illusion of the above two probabilities.

Who is Monday free?

His strength may not be the strongest in their opponents of the same level, but it is also relative to their wanguzong people.

If you put it outside, with all kinds of advanced skills and weapons he practiced in wanguzong, even some of the sect's masters can hardly be his opponents.

And such a character was almost killed by Xia Jue?

So what's the strength of this guy?

And then, with his terrible strength, he is likely to get a good place. His previous odds are still so high, so it's strange that the opening doesn't explode.

"What's the matter with you, what's the matter with you?" Li HUFA can't help it.

"Li HUFA, the Xia Jue, has been heavily bet on him, and his odds for trial have reached 300 or 500 before." The little boy said with a sad face.

"What do you mean, how many yuan of stone did he have on his body?"

If you haven't heard Chang HUFA's words before, it's OK. In this way, even if the other party gets the top of the list for the time being, it will probably be squeezed out later.

But since Chang HUFA said that, he already knew that Xia Jue's strength could not be underestimated. Such a person is not only at the top of the list, but also has this terrible strength. It's not too unexpected to win a good place.

"If he's in the top 20, we'll have to spend at least four million yuan. Once he's in the top five, we'll lose at least eight million yuan." Said the boy.

"What Little Si's words made Li HUFA retreat a few steps if he was hit hard.

"Few people should know his strength. Why do so many people pay attention to him?" One side of Chang HUFA asked.

"I'm not sure about the details, but I heard from those people that the man named Xia Jue was in a good mind, so they were ready to fight." The little fellow returned.

The Dharma protector can't say a word.

The opening is based on wanguzong's assessment of each contestant's potential.

As for that Xiajue, he was not well-known in Lingnan before, so no one thought that Xiajue would have such great potential.

And this has nothing to do with Chang HUFA. Li HUFA is responsible for it, so he forgot to talk about it, which leads to the present situation."Why, who asked you to make such a big bet?

Li HUFA, who had been stunned for a long time, finally came back to his senses. He rushed up and grabbed the boy's collar.

There is a grievance in my heart.

He is just an errand man. Now Li HUFA has put this big pot on him.

The key is that he doesn't dare to retort. If he dares to retort, Li HUFA may kill him on the spot.

"Li HUFA, so many people are watching here. Calm down first. After all, it's too early to make a conclusion so quickly."

Today is the test of the Taoist school. All the dignitaries in Lingnan are here, and Li HUFA represents the face of wanguzong. Such a gaffe in this place has a great influence on wanguzong, so Chang HUFA comes up to him to persuade him.

"Damn, such a big bet, if you really win in the end, it's over." Chang Dharma also realized that he had lost his manners, so he also relaxed him.

"Don't worry, Dharma protector Li. My apprentice has a grudge against this boy. This time, he will be destroyed inside. You can rest assured."

I was surprised by Yuan Shi's admiration before, so Chang Dharma protector thought of it now.

"Oh? How do you say that? " Li HUFA turned to look at him.

"The thing is like this..." Chang Dharma protector told the grudge between Xia Jue and Lin Kui.

"So good, so good." After hearing Chang HUFA's words, Li HUFA's face showed a look of salvation.

He was afraid that the boy's strength was good before. At the end of the trial, everyone would not fight with him.

But now he is relieved to hear that Lin Kui has such a deep hatred with this boy.

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